Choctaw 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just a slightly, better polished Obama. This time the cabal is running their agent on the "republican" side. Same mission, new packaging, software version 2.1 updated for even more double agent goodness, and has been patched to eliminate stuttering when lying or scrambling for an answer.

Choctaw 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wish people would stop listening to what these people say, and see the fruits of their actions. So many claim to have faith or have made a 180(x2), yet have they done anything at all that exemplifies not just a change in morals and behavior, but also a change in character. For example, how many would tout that Justin Bieber was a Christian....yet it's blaringly obvious the opposite is the correct answer.

Choctaw 3 points ago +3 / -0

An excellent discussion of various topics, UK immigration, the current Israel current Israel conflict, "indigenous people" and a few other things. For those with sensitive ears, there is one swear, but if you can get past that, the content is exceptional. Douglas Murray is a thinker who has the ability to convey his ideas in a well constructed, easy to understand manner, he is for all intents, a younger, whiter, British version of Thomas Sowell if you will.

Choctaw 3 points ago +3 / -0

I suspect there were documents in the OBL raid that could have implicated, hence the reason he was "found" all of the sudden. The longer that information was out there, the harder it would be to contain and control.

Choctaw 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's interesting to see how many "celebs" have a doppelganger decades past, almost uncannily eerie.

Choctaw 5 points ago +5 / -0

I posted part of this in another thread. Shawn Ryan interviewed Eric Hecker, a man who worked at the base in Antarctica. He talks about an underground DEW system deep in the ice . I suggest people listen to the whole thing, it is only 35 mins, which is vastly shorter than the typical interviews Shawn does.

Choctaw 4 points ago +4 / -0

Paul was chosen by Jesus, he was permanently changed in that moment. Interesting how people to claim Paul was "stealing" Jesus' message and changing it for himself, they look at his life as Pharisee as all he ever was, apparently no one is ever allowed to change.

Choctaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

The map should show the place that has NO taxes on it's citizens....ever. People have become used to the idea of taxes on everything, which they should not. Swap taxes with time and see how people will look at it differently.

Choctaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patsy convicted, case closed, nothing further to see here.....

Choctaw 2 points ago +3 / -1

No they do not.

They have much hatred for Messianic jews as well.

Choctaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have seen and listened to that interview, there was too much detail for kids that age to know. There is no reason for letting one group get away with it, and going strictly after another, and I would bet b/c they are primarily white. Bring them all down, not just the ones who don't fit the PC category.

Choctaw 3 points ago +3 / -0

If not for Vlad Țepeș, Romania would have been muslim.

Choctaw 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bill Cooper spoke about this very thing in his book.

Choctaw 12 points ago +13 / -1

It's good they put a stop to this, but on the other hand....where is the law enforcement dealing with the systematic muslim grooming and abuse in the UK? This looks like a cherry picked case on the part of law enforcement, 'we stop the really bad ones, but we don't interfere with the POC's b/s it's their culture'.

Choctaw 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't believe it means a dance, it's reference to pilots coming in to land on a carrier. Call the ball effectively means control has been temporarily transferred

Choctaw 4 points ago +4 / -0

@MAGA_Patriot_1776 I would add another class of people to your examples. The group that believes that they are simply too smart to be fooled by the lies, deceit, and trickery, because of their innate brilliance, they would have easily seen through it, had it been as we tell them. I know quite a few people that have such an overinflated opinion of their intellect, they are in their opinions "the smartest guys in the room", they truly believe that the conspiracy people are morons.

These same people for example will use 911 as the general formula for debunking..."why would our own government do that it's people?". The problem is that they always look through their own lens of perception, and think "why, I would never do that, therefore how could anyone else?", then the act gets categorized as general, unexplained "evil"(though it may be), and never, ever looked at from the standpoint of one who would do whatever it takes to gain or maintain power over others. This inability to step outside themselves also manifests the constant scenario of never being wrong, which consequentially implies they were incapable of being incorrect on anything fulfilling the "smartest guy in the room" lie they perpetuate on themselves.

Choctaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first two weeks were like that in scottsdale/ Mesa, been almost every day again now.

Choctaw 4 points ago +4 / -0

People should look at the HTML source as well, sometimes interesting things can be found...

Choctaw 34 points ago +34 / -0

Translation: The Rothschilds say they can send an agent to inspect a slave's domicile because they own you.

Choctaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

The bird is free, while the new icon is X. Something is meant to mislead I would say.

Choctaw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shawn Ryan interviewed Eric Hecker, a guy that was a maintenance person contracted to work at the Antarctica facility. I suggest listening to the entire interview, this is a short one, only 35 mins compared to the normal 4 hr episodes. The man he talks to mentions this EXACT tech, here is the link at the timestamp it starts.. I'm not saying this is 100%, but it syncs

Choctaw 4 points ago +5 / -1

There was no failure, it transpired as intended being one component of a series of events. This entire event is to coerce/force the US into being the cats paw for Israel to deal with its enemies.

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