Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, I was wondering why there were signup sheets appearing around my job a few weeks ago for N95 fittings.

Cowfarts 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was already gonna vote for him, you don't need to sell me.

Cowfarts 10 points ago +10 / -0

I did as well. I had to jump through all their hateful little hoops and do a song and dance for HR about my religious beliefs, but in the end, I managed to escape without being poisoned and tried to give coworkers pointers on how to do the same. Unfortunately, most decided to get the jab.

Cowfarts 13 points ago +13 / -0

They're sounding more and more like the Monty Python dead parrot routine

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's their favorite play - accuse the other side of what your side is doing.

I feel like Uno Reverse is the only move liberals know. I've watched people on the right get into arguments with people on the left on social media, pound them with the receipts of shit Biden has done to the country and embarrassing stuff he's said/done, and the leftist's only defense is "NO YOU"

Cowfarts 24 points ago +24 / -0

In the decade I worked for this company it never failed to amaze me how whenever they're given the opportunity to be evil, they'll eagerly take it.

When they were firing people left, right, and center for refusing the jab, they were very smug and almost gleeful about how they were punishing the people who refused to blindly go along with their demands. People who had a standing religious or medical exemption and hadn't had a vaccine of any sort in years were harassed endlessly with follow-up "questions" wherein they tried to find any reason at all to revoke your exemption and demand you take the poison.

I was a member of a telegram group where unvaxxed employees had grouped together to serve as moral support for one another and try to offer one another advice on writing their religious exemptions. Kaiser found and infiltrated the group with moles, reprimanding anyone they could identify and denying exemptions that used suggested language in the chat. They circulated a paranoid memo among management (one of my friends was a manager and showed it to me) where they bitched about the fact the employees were organizing in this chat and doubled down on telling managers to make sure all of their people were aware of the mandate/deadlines.

They absolutely deserve to go out of business for how they've treated their employees. I hope none of these doctors return and that they've warned others not to bother with these soul-sucking pieces of satanic filth.

Cowfarts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Can't believe they're trying this again after they had to shoo it out of headlines and memory hole it last time people figured out its spread primarily through gay sex and that children and animals in gay households were "mysteriously" getting infected

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

'Member when Ginsberg hadn't been seen in public in awhile and the media did the same song and dance publishing articles with no pictures or of a tinted car window as Ruth "laughed and drove away" before they were forced to admit she had assumed room temperature?

I 'member

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

"They ruined the name Brandon!"

Last I checked, we weren't out there aggressively labeling everyone who objects to us as "a Brandon" and trying to ruin their lives on social media like these fools did with the name Karen.

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool so they're telling us what they'll blame the next plandemic on ahead of time since they already blew through the bat soup excuse.

Empty out the sheep pens further and make another power-move toward making it illegal to eat meat

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

True. It may be what the elites want. Get them all in one place so they're easier to keep track of, register them to vote dem, supply them with fake documents and marching orders, and then quietly redistribute them throughout the US ahead of the election.

Cowfarts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Guarantee if Texas hadn't started shipping the illegals to this twat, his smug ass would be in front of every news camera he could find to insist Texas needs to just pull their weight and work harder to accomodate all these scholars and scientists.

Break this fucker.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. My job of ten years threatened us all with either getting the jab or being let go. Initially, they weren't going to provide any sort of exemption, but state law required them to grudgingly allow religious exemptions. However, they made it as difficult as possible to apply for one (horribly-made website that you had to get the location of word-of-mouth, you had a 15 minute time limit to fill everything out before it would all reset on you, and there was a strict deadline.)

We thought that was the worst of it after the waves of "your application has been received and provisionally approved" emails went out, but no. They then appointed a panel of outside people to review the exemptions and decide which were legit and which weren't. Most were rejected out of hand. Those that weren't were given follow-up form-letter questions to answer where they tried to nitpick you into admitting you were a liar or that your religion did not actually prevent you from getting jabbed. Some people received up to 5 follow-up rounds of questioning about their religious beliefs before they were ultimately denied their exemption and given a deadline to be jabbed or be fired.

All of my coworkers got the shot and kept bugging me to just get it. It's not that bad. It'll be okay. You're creating all this stress on yourself for no reason. By then, the propaganda push was in full-force and I was terrified of what was actually in those shots. I kept refusing, prayed for guidance, and begged my husband to refuse as well when he was considering getting it so life could be "normal" again. Thankfully, he remains unjabbed. I tried to reason with friends and family to not get it, or at least not get more of them if they'd already taken the first dose to varying degrees of success. Most ignored me but some were enlightened to the bullshit.

The militant push at work stopped immediately when people started to drop dead, and all the "Jab or job" propaganda disappeared overnight as they pretended it had always been a choice. As far as I know, I'm the only unjabbed person in the building.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Though people tried to organize in private channels to figure out if we could find lawyers willing to take our case, organize protests/walkouts, get our story pushed to the media, but Kaiser always found ways to infiltrate these channels and attack whoever they could identify in them and make an example of them. They basically operate in an environment of demoralization and learned helplessness.

Cowfarts 3 points ago +3 / -0

The workers at Kaiser actually really wanted to strike over the vaccine mandate, but the unions refused to support us in any way. They insisted it was within Kaiser's right to force an experimental jab on their employees and encouraged everyone to just hurry up and get it and stop bothering them.

Cowfarts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall during the height of the jab mandating/pushing, doctors were touting this to expecting and new mothers as a bonus of being jabbed. They take the jab and their newborn ingests the jab through their milk.

Sick fucks.

Cowfarts 9 points ago +9 / -0

all it's going to take is one ice cream truck driving by in the opposite direction, and he's gone

Cowfarts 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wouldn't establish any contact. When I got covid a few years ago, the CDC mailed me three letters asking me to call them. It creeped me the hell out and I tossed them.

by Ehjax78
Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

This looks to be a parody account, but I could easily see the real one saying the same

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a lot like your cousin. I never liked dresses, being a girly-girl, barbies or any of that stuff. My best friends were always guys, I was always outside getting my hands dirty hunting for bugs and digging for arrowheads. Even as an adult, I'm still a pretty masculine woman, but I have never once questioned the fact I am a woman. I've been married for 20-odd years now to the same man.

I thank god every day that I grew up in the 80s/90s before any of this trans stuff went mainstream because I have no doubt the rainbow mafia would have taken advantage of my awkward years to convince me I was actually a boy.

I sincerely hope that your cousin gets the support she needs before she does any irreversible damage to herself. Wishing you both the best, friend.

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