Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a visceral reaction to this cereal's name.

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same thing happened with Parkland. The Cowards of Broward sat outside and did nothing and when the Sheriff's Deputy was called out by citizens demanding answers, said "A lion doesn't care about the opinions of sheep"

Shameless evil on full display

Cowfarts 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was a bit concerned at how easily the smallpox talk got swept under the rug after a few news articles came out saying "Oh ho ho, those were just empty vials of smallpox at that lab that wasn't authorized to house it! We're making this statement in hopes you'll stop drawing attention to it. Nothing to worry about, citizen" so I followed my gut and bought a couple bottles as well.

Did the same thing with horse paste just before the MSM got its engines revved up to demonize ivermectin and I'm still grateful that we had it on-hand to get us through covid.

Unfortunately, the people i managed to bring around about ivermectin are now digging in their heels about pitcher plant extract saying they want to "wait and see" as if the news isn't going to tell them its deadly poison once they receive their marching orders to do so. Hopefully they'll come around before its too late, but just like with the ivermectin, it's not like I can force them

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got covid pretty severely last summer, treated myself and my husband with ivermectin/zinc/vit D. I have not been sick since despite working around ill/jabbed folks.

ALL of my coworkers are jabbed though I somehow managed to dodge the mandate hammer when exemptions were being revoked hand over fist last year. So far one coworker has been out longterm with breathing issues, and a supervisor in another department has dropped dead. A lot of people who didn't previously believe in calling out sick are out frequently now, along with people overwhelming the PTO requests asking for time to visit ailing family.

Its getting to the point having a full crew is a rare luxury and I wonder how long we can keep patching up the leaks til this whole boat sinks.

Cowfarts 5 points ago +5 / -0

♫ ♪Hello my libtard, hello my groomer, hello my reeee-time gal

Get ready to come undone

No one can stop what's comin'♫ ♪

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy who runs My Patriot Supply said he was approached by government officials just before the covid panic started with a similar offer which was also declined. He warned people back then to start stocking up because he didn't like the idea the government was trying to weasel a monopoly on survival food.

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I came down with covid in late August, was sick for about three weeks (I attribute this mostly to the fact I'd not been sick in a long time and my immune system needed a workout) and recovered with help from ivermectin and Vitamin C/D/Zinc. I experienced some hair loss months later (seems to have stopped now), and a weird phantom sweet/plastic scent that tinges certain odors, but I have otherwise not been sick since. My husband and friends who likewise refused to get jabbed have had similar experiences.

On the other hand, I now personally know four people who have either died due to stroke/thrombosis shortly after getting jabbed or who have been disabled by it.

Given the choices, I'd gladly deal with Covid again over taking that poison.

Cowfarts 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm a few months out from covid, and I had something similar going on. Wouldn't say perfume but a weird plastic/rotten meat/floral combo tainting everything I smelled.

I recovered normally (no jab, despite their best efforts) but now I'm smelling that same strange combo in my body's secretions. Not sure what's causing it. I tested my blood sugar after someone suggested it might be diabetes but it all came back normal and healthy.

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting. Meanwhile, before the vaccine requirement at my job, people were occasionally getting covid and no one was dead.

Afterward, three of my coworkers across the building are dead within six months and two are out on disability because of health complications shortly after being jabbed.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had and got over Covid. My smell/taste completely disappeared during the worst of it and it was nothing like having clogged sinuses where your smell/taste is muffled but you still have a vague awareness its there. This just deadass made eating unpleasant because it was just different tasteless textures. When my smell and taste returned, they were muted and scrambled. Everything had a weird sweet/rotting smell for a couple of weeks to the point I hated being around food.

It's all mostly gone back to normal now a few months later, though some smells still register with that rotting after-tone that didn't before.

Cowfarts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Our hospitals fill up this time every year with flu patients and homeless people faking ailments to get out of the cold for a few hours. When I used to work in Urgent Care, anyone needing a transfer to the hospital was in for a 5-6 hour wait minimum and sometimes didn't get there for a full day. People would get frustrated and leave to go to the hospital directly, thinking we were the ones holding things up only to come slinking back a few hours later to ask for their room and bed back. It's nothing new.

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would think it was funny if people weren't actually dying and we were reasonably confident there were ways to help them.

Not everyone who got the shot did it because they drank the political Kool Aid. Some did it to salvage their jobs after being denied a medical/religious accommodation, or because they were disowned by family until they did. Not everyone is in a position to defy this shit to the last, and I'm grateful to be among those that are.

We need to keep fighting for the people we've already lost and to save those that we still can.

Cowfarts 19 points ago +19 / -0

My job was one of the first to roll out a jab-or-job mandate, and set up a lot of obscure, strange hoops to obtain an exemption, which they stated they could then deny for any reason at any time even if you met their criteria.

I applied for one anyway and had it granted to me. A coworker of mine was too intimidated to even try, thinking she might lose her job in the process, and decided she'd just get the J&J shot instead. Three days out from getting it, she was in the ICU with difficulty breathing and the staff pushing remdesivir on her before her daughter could intervene and tell them to stop giving it to her.

They made sure to tell her once she'd recovered enough to go home (still on oxygen months later and can't work) that this had absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine she took. That the vaccine likely saved her life. We were talking over Facebook messenger a few weeks ago and she said that she had no other covid symptoms at all. She just went from feeling okay to having a hard time breathing, to not being able to breathe at all. She said the daughter of one of her friends who got jabbed around the same time she did went into the ICU a couple days after she did for similar difficulties and ended up dying.

I've been sharing the detox processes I've read here in hopes that it helps her. Hopefully she can undo enough of the damage that's been donethat she can return to some sort of normality in the future.

Cowfarts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Is...Winter Vagina the assumption your lower lips get chapped in the cold? Because I've got to say unless you're sitting outside spreadeagle in sub-20 winds, I'm not sure how that could happen.

Makes me wonder what vaccine side effects will amount to the symptoms they propose for this mysterious "Solstice Snatch" condition.

Cowfarts 6 points ago +6 / -0

I love how you can just see the smug "I'm a strong woman, you MAGA bullies don't scare me!" smile slipping away by the second as it goes on

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I spent a lot of my young adult life willfully ignorant of politics. What was going on in the world didn't interest me. I knew nothing about the candidates running for office. I didn't vote. I didn't participate in the goings-on of the country because "I don't like all that drama".

When the news took a hard turn toward being a propaganda machine, and all my friends became self-proclaimed political scholars, I was hassled a lot more to get involved and take an interest. So I finally decided I would try. My introduction to politics while looking for facts was to be brainwashed by leftist bullshit from all the so-called "unbiased" sources I could find, Everything was racist. Everything was sexist. Everything was homophobic. For about two years I was an angry, ignorant lefty constantly nitpicking and harassing the people around me for daring to be the slightest bit right-leaning.

Then 2016 happened. Trump won. And I was stunned. I had no idea how this could happen when all the numbers and people I'd trusted had said Hillary was a sure win. It made me start to question what had gone wrong and, instead of joining the angry sobbing circlejerk my friends were all taking part in, I began to look into things more deeply. I read about the fraud that had been on flagrant display, I read about pizzagate, I read about all the mysterious "suicides" surrounding the clintons. I read about Agenda 21. I was absolutely horrified at how much I'd been kept in the dark and lied to while the world was falling apart around me.

Since then, I can't unsee a lot of things. I always notice the fresh black eyes on figureheads, I see the predictive programming when they're gearing up for more bullshit. I watch the way our law circles the wagons to protect the worst people.

At this point, until a lot of people are found guilty of treason and executed, the American people see a return to a better quality of life, and humanity turns back toward God, I don't think I could ever go back to sleep.

Cowfarts 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've believed for a long time Michael Jackson was innocent, purely because I compare the way the media dogpiled him with slander and accusations of child molestation to the way they downplay, spin, and lie their asses off to cover for the real pedophiles and child molesters when they get exposed.

The man's been dead for years and it still seems like they love to dig up his corpse and kick it around on occasion as a token way of saying "See? We hate dem kiddie diddlers too!"

He really did seem like he knew they were going to kill him for refusing to play ball with the cabal anymore, and he was trying to spoonfeed information to the public through his music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8rw0i7oVAE this one, especially, seemed like a big middle finger to the deep state. He even says "I'm dead to remind you" at about 3:55 like he knew by the time people would hear it, he'd be gone.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first time I tried to order some HDQ from alldaychemist, got to the part where you needed a prescription and thought "Ah, nevermind" and closed the site. Someone called me the next day to ask if I planned to complete my order, I said I didn't have a prescription, and they assured me I didn't need one for a medication that's over-the-counter in some countries, and that I could go ahead and order if I wanted to and ignore the prescription box.

It arrived in about three weeks.

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

My husband pulled out an early 90's comedy he wanted to revisit (PCU) because he remembered it being a hilarious over-the-top parody of liberal college campuses. We turned it off about halfway in because it was so close to current reality, it really wasn't as funny anymore.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

It generally takes them a couple days to validate your payment and then another few days to get it shipped out. After it's out of their facility, about 3 weeks to arrive.

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