Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, this is why you need to read the Bible. You would then know the Old Testament did exist before Christ. The same Old Testament in the Bible today. The New Testament, is the teachings of Christ. And those who continued the mission after His death. Think Paul. Again, without the Bible’s teachings, you would have zero knowledge of Christ. That cannot be debated. No one is born with knowledge of God.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh shoot. I got a family member who works for the SS. If they lose their job, that’s a major life change for them. I’ve been telling them tho. Stuff is gonna change. I got the whole “we ain’t worried”. What about now I wonder?

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well it was said in the video from today till September. 4billion a day is like less than 750billion. So he musta said 1 trillion as you said, and Peter misheard him.

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel like we’ve gotten spoiled around here, lol. We’ve gotten A LOT over these past few weeks. Bout a years worth in four weeks maybe. And we want MORE, lol. I’ve even noticed my wife saying this. She’s like “ok, we need some arrest now! It’s been a few weeks, what holes to say one!” I’m like, calm down honey, lol. Lets have patience. “Aww screw that”. LoL. She’s spicy!

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Bible is THE only instruction manual we have. It’s God’s Word. Those who wrote the words, didn’t come up with them. They were chosen to write down what Jesus said. And those before, what God said. Talking directly to them. If we didn’t have Christ word written down, we wouldn’t know the only way, the one single way, to get into Heaven with the Father, is through Jesus. Without the Bible you wouldn’t even know Christ. You’d be out there worshipping trees and the sun, truly lost. Knowing there is something greater. We know this. But our hearts are inherently evil. And we have ZERO chance of making it to heaven without understanding what Jesus has told us. And by what He did for us. Those words exist in one document. The Bible. When you chose not to believe this chapter or that chapter. Or that verse or this one. Then your not where you need to be. It’s faith. Faith in God protecting His Word. Against all odds. Our Father won’t mislead us. Christ’s apostles wrote the word. We as disciples learn that word and spread the message. That has been the mission Jesus commands of us. To chose against that, well….you, and me need to keep learning how to be better. And that starts with trusting our savior. Trust in God. Easy to say. Sometimes hard to follow. We can do better.

Cyberhawk 26 points ago +26 / -0

There was nothing “contaminated” about those death jabs. It was a bio weapon. Designed perfectly. And continues to do it’s job, perfectly. Death or injured. Very few have had no effects. That they know of. Of course we “non vaccinated” aren’t safe from harm. We eat and drink their food. We take the same otc meds. And many of us are on daily prescription. We avoided the obvious. But the rest is still going on. And all of us are suffering from that.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s Bible verse comprehension. We read a verse, and if we don’t fully understand, we research said verse. It’s common sense. It’s what a sermon means. According to you, every preacher and disciple is talking jibberish. We didn’t “have to be there”, it’s in the Bible. It was written down. You either believe what the Bible says or you don’t. Would you even consider yourself a Christian? How do you not know these things? Basic understanding. You’re confused by what Jesus meant, look it up instead of trying to win an argument.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Stephen Miller breaks it down well for those confused who votes for who and who hires who.

Starts at 1:00 min in.


Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting angle. Maybe she wants some fellow congress men and woman out of the way. And she suspects them on that list. It’s in the category of rats jumping ship. Except give her ammo against some of those who wanted to deport her. Maybe.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what other meaning do you think it means? Child rape? Clearly you’ve never looked it up. There are many verses that can mean one thing one day and another on another day, to that individual person. But this isn’t one of those verses. This was a direct statement from Jesus. And it refers to exactly what I have mentioned. Look it up. Teach me something new? And no one is “not being calm” here. It was a fyi. I’m sure a Christian would like to understand statements from Christ as He said them. Not just make stuff up and misquote Him.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

What are the words or letters saying in this design? Is it a bunch of just random letters or does it make words? First word looks like “A Kncenstry”?? It’s like scrambled words.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just a fyi, the millstone comment Jesus was referring to isn’t children as in little kids. It’s children of new faith. Christians. A new Christian has a “childlike faith”. And those who mislead them and go of their way to hurt their new faith..that’s who the millstone comment is for.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully it does get ended tho, eventually. Shall we set a goalpost? Say like two years from now. If it ain’t gone by then, we start hitting up Elon in X. Makes some noise and it’ll get to the ears that need to hear the people’s concerns. And then will either be told why or why not. I feel that’s doable.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m kinda wondering what version of “rare Earth” stuff Trump is talking about. Could be anything really. It’s supposed to benefit Americans. As something we would purchase with our dollars.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shocker! I said what I said about when I saw her standing next to Comer. iVEstIgAtE!! They can say over and over. Results have been ZERO for four years. I’m giving Luna a chance…March 26th. After that. Feet to the fire people.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn’t the place where 70 Christians were just butchered? And they blamed ISIS?

by Chukna
Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s a post from bubble_burst he helped me with.

Before you dismiss the misery and tragedy suffered by people without voices for more than 8 years now, it would be a good idea to at least listen to the other side of this narrative, the one you are not allowed to hear. Since you are so invested in this conflict, it really makes sense to listen to all sides, and even if you believe they are all lying, if it at least makes you question whether the main stream has been hiding even a little bit from you, it would be worth it.

Distinguished Professor explaining the Ukraine conflict

Message from the mass grave in Donbass

Well sourced account of the Nazis in Ukraine

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told - from 2014

Interview with people from Mariupol about being attacked by Ukrainians

Journalist Vladimir Pozner about Putin

And if these sources make you uncomfortable, you can start here, straight from your "Trusted Sources"




CityNews Canada


If you have even the smallest seed of doubt that what you see and hear all around you might be hiding something important, and would like to add additional sources for information regarding the war, I would suggest these:



https://t.me/s/rybar (needs translation)

Whatever you believe in, this post makes it clear that from this point onwards, ignorance is no longer an excuse for being unable to discern who is the real evil.

Cyberhawk 11 points ago +11 / -0

Don’t let this distract you from the FACT that Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk high school panthers in the 1966 City championship game versus Andrew Johnson high school, including the game winning touchdown in the final seconds.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

All together maybe. But from America, no such thing has been mentioned. Unless we haven’t been told the truth. You say Z lies often. So whose telling the truth? Of this is true, Congress has some explaining to do.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good reminder. Been way to many, spontaneous, reports that seemingly aren’t true or, aren’t researched enough to post as truth. It’s sad when the left wing media pops off as “finding the truth” amongst such postings.

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