DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for a re-post (This is actually a short video ALREADY included in THIS LINK HERE that I posted previously.


But if you just want this short video..then here it is. In the other link its down in the article a bit.


DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just another mental sickness. And what will the media say about this one??? Hey, everyone, it's ok to chop off your perfectly good limbs to garner attention and govt money..cuz you know...science!

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just don't think Trump should give ANY credence to the FAKE NEWS, as he calls it.

Just ignore CNN like the plague that it is. Every time he goes on these FAKE enemy channels, it gives them..not only ratings..but credence as well..as if they're still relevant. IMO I wouldn't ever go on them ever again.

Maybe Trump has a 5D chess plan, who knows. I'm just saying, I wouldn't.

DJT4MoreYears 0 points ago +1 / -1

Absolutely zero reason to go on CNN.

They'll try to bash him and lie to their audience about him..and try to get him in a bunch of "gotcha" questions.

He'll just be boosting CNN's failing ratings. Let the propaganda network go under...the faster, the better.

DJT4MoreYears 19 points ago +19 / -0

The entire jury selection is bullshit.

It's a game the lawyers play to see who can stack the jurors in their favor the best. That's all it is.

If you've been robbed before then the defense (defending the robber) will get rid of you. Even though YOU as someone who's been robbed multiple times has ten times more experience about robberies than someone who's never experienced it in their lives.

It's all horseshit profiling IMO.

These lawyers shouldn't know ANYTHING about you as a juror. In fact, you should have complete anonymity..just like a voter does with who they voted for. They shouldn't even know your name..should be given a number only.

It should be completely random..no one gets thrown out because some dip-shit lawyer simply doesn't like a person's face..or a person's experience, etc.

The only thing there should be is a simple cognitive test just to make sure you're not completely stupid or brain dead. Other then that, these juries should just fill the next available juror seat with whoever is next on a random list. That's simple.

Think of all the wasted time these lawyers spend and how all the courts are all backed up because of this.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

GM: What should we do with all of our contaminated flower?

Glowie:(clears throat) Um, we'll dispose of all of it for you.

GM: Um...okay???

Glowie takes it all to their DUMBs.

DJT4MoreYears 6 points ago +6 / -0


It was all a BIG FAT LIE.

Pump up flu numbers and call them all 'covid'. That's all it was. Plaster it all over the MSM screen 24/7 with tickers constantly showing the "sick" and the "dead" from covid.

Make frightened masses beg for a "cure" but then stab them all with a death jab instead.

DJT4MoreYears 8 points ago +8 / -0

AND if you're not OPEN BORDER..you're the enemy.

These idiots are traitors plain and simple. Gitmo for all of them.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmmm...let's see...459 times 20 years each......carry the 1.....

..that's 9000 years prison time. That should cover the entire Biden crime family for all of their lives.

DJT4MoreYears 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now they'll say the El Ninos are caused by our emissions. LOl Clown-World

DJT4MoreYears 6 points ago +6 / -0

228 Up votes now.. I think Obama and Big Mike finally chimed in.

This is hilarious. This is Joe Biden's REAL YOUTUBE channel. ..only 355k views..99.99% of them making fun of him.

This is why I petitioned to bring back the down vote numbers. Let everyone see what the people think. YT really doesn't want people to know what everyone thinks..that's why they removed it. It shows when they put out bad or untruthful content the people will disagree with it and vote it down.

DJT4MoreYears 3 points ago +3 / -0

Murder for Money. Plain and simple.

I would sue the F outta that hospital.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

These sickos can simply change their pronouns and escape punishment now?

This is truly Clown-World.

Next, all the criminals will need to do is change their pronouns to Dindo/Nuffin and they'll simply be let free.

DJT4MoreYears 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was probably the true numbers at the end of June 2021.

I don't believe a word of this shit chart.

DJT4MoreYears 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pfizer's copyrighted "f' transposed with the newly catch phrase of FAFO (Fuck Around, Find Out)

Like if you take the vaxx (fucking around)..you'll regret it (finding out)...so just say no to the vaxx.

I would go into more detail but I can't find my slide-rule at the moment.

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