I apologize for the vagueness of this question, but I have too much on my plate these days to sort it out.

Background: I try to monitor the Intel_Slava Telegram channel for news on Ukraine, but they often post items on political unrest elsewhere in the world. Lately, they have had occasional posts about a kind of internal political unrest happening in central Asian nations, like Armenia (I think) and maybe Azerbaijan. (I am almost certainly getting this awry, so don't shoot me yet.)

The nature of the unrest is a controversy over laws that have recently been passed by the legislatures of these countries which require Non-Governmental Organizations to register as "foreign agents" if their funding is (say) 30% or greater from foreign sources. I read this and shrug. So what? What is the controversy? Seems entirely reasonable. What's the problem? The NGO could still do legitimate business, right?

But there is vehement outrage over this, which seems to be boiling on the edge of civil war. And outside nations seem to be taking this as a literal hostile act, and there are murmurings of inciting political coups to overturn the governments. This reaction seems far beyond a normal political disagreement, and I don't understand it. Obviously, this would be an obstacle to the corrupt NGOs, but it should be a minor obstacle. Why is it a casus belli? What is the connection to the larger picture?

It is that last question that I think bears research. The western press seems to be ignoring these developments, which is usually an indicator that they are selecting silence deliberately to keep it out of the light. So, if anyone can elucidate what is really going on, I would be all eyes and ears. Thank you.



I've had several exchanges recently with frens who are under the impression that NASA has been starving the objective of space exploration, and otherwise preventing any national trend in that direction. I have been trying to provide information to support a more objective, factual view.

This is a recent address by Mike Griffin in which he has very insightful observations from his experience in the field and with NASA in particular. Some of the interesting points are:

  • If you do an inflation-compensated comparison of time frames between the Apollo program and now, you find that NASA is spending more money than ever before.

  • And that it seems to be of poor effect, because it took far longer to design and develop the Space Launch System than the Saturn V.

  • A big part of the problem is the idea that such space development can all be hired out to "commercial" entities---yet be managed by NASA personnel who no longer have any experience in doing this work themselves.

  • On the one hand, NASA is a "national security agency," insofar as it is a way of demonstrating capability supremacy to the world. On the other hand, it is a servant of political direction, beyond the power of the Administrator to alter.

His remarks are 25 minutes long, with some question answering for another 8 minutes. He tends to stand back from his microphone, so his voice will sound soft for most of the time.


In pursuit of my continued unpopularity, I offer this interesting fact-checking article that appears to kill off the "Blue Roof" theory pretty conclusively: blue-roofed houses did in fact burn down, and at least one red-roofed house survived. No conspiracy based on roof color. I should think we would all just say "Okay, whatever," and go on to more productive pursuits. Somehow, I don't think so... https://www.newsweek.com/maui-theory-blue-objects-saved-wildfires-baseless-1821849

Fruit of the Gloom


Why we need to be wary of crazy fringe conspiracies, as they are psyops designed to destroy the credibility of the dissident movement. (Moon Hoaxers, take note.)



Here is Gonzalo Lira's take on whether Jack Teixeira is a for-real culprit in the leaked CIA papers. (Answer: Nope.)



This Sunday, my church ended its services with the hymn "This Joyful Eastertide." The last stanza was:

"My flesh in hope shall rest, and for a season slumber, till trump from east to west shall wake the dead in number."

It's only a coincidence, but I would say a hopeful (if not prescient) omen.


Maybe it's just me, but here's my problem: I have so far obtained much insight into the Ukraine war from "Intel Slava Z" on Telegram. I used to have no problem calling it up, even though I was not "in" Telegram. Mostly, I could do this from both my cellphone (isp = AT&T) and my computer (isp = CenturyLink). Lately, I could not call it up; it showed as a title page with the legend "open in Telegram." I was offered to download the Telegram app. I did. It didn't enable me to open the page. I downloaded it again. And again. Same results. I now also find I cannot open the page on my computer. I am a little more reluctant to download the Telegram app to my computer because I can't afford any malware intrusion. So, I am stuck...and I find the lack of access to be bothersome and disturbing. This is like having duct tape pasted over my eyes.

Here is my open question: Have we come to the point in the swiftly deteriorating Ukraine war where the Powers That Be have decided to cut off access to Telegram information? And this cutoff is being implemented by internet service providers?

If there is a prosaic explanation for this, I am all ears.

...does George Soros resemble a wolf eel? (Clue: see him with that smile that is not quite a smile.) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wolf+eel&t=newext&atb=v259-1&iax=images&ia=images

For those who believe in "chemtrails," here are some videos of fuel leaks, unplanned events from faults in the fuel containment or the fuel jettison systems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1v4w9LIQzY




I recommend this video by Sabine Hossenfelder, who gives a short tutorial on why the particle physicists of the past 50 years have been riding a hobby horse all the while, to no productive end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu4mH3Hmw2o You will probably come away amazed that so much time, effort, and money is spent on vain and idle fancies. And, thus, learn why the people at CERN are more to be disdained or pitied, than feared.


Here is an admittedly long interview (2 hours) with Col. Douglas MacGregor with an interviewer who is a military studies academic. The headline of this interview is never actually mentioned in the discussion (not MacGregor's choice) and the interviewer has a terrible problem with being concise---but if you can push all that aside, it is a good opportunity to listen to MacGregor's assessment of the current situation in Ukraine, along with his thought on the delusionary thinking that brought it about, and what would be required to restore a rational defense strategy when the current paradigm basically crashes and burns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIIM043x_FI

I watched it because I was down and out with illness, but it is a refreshing example of how someone can think clearly about a major existential problem.


Not to overdo the subject, but this 40+ minute interview is a very engrossing overview of the entire Ukraine situation, up to the present date, with extra observations on the coming future of the conflict and of the alliance between the U.S. and Europe. Many of which are in tune with the general feeling of this board. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/c/ColonelDouglasMacgregor


Pardon me for mentioning what may already be looming in everyone's minds, but I haven't seen it discussed yet and thought I would throw a seed crystal into the supercooled medium of this page.

I am not a Q fanatic, so I take no arrows for being imprecise in my reference, but I seem to recall that Q placed a specific emphasis on how the "First Arrest" would have galvanizing significance.

In light of recent events, I would float the speculation that the First Arrest will be of President Trump.

It has some interesting explanatory power. First of all, if Trump is in a state of "devolved" authority, being arrested by an occupying foreign power is probably a "red line" that would finally trigger military countermeasures. Secondly, it would fit exactly well with the entire document scenario (a tar-baby trap with the documents as bait) and Trump's seemingly strange ebullience over the whole subject, as though he is itching for the trap to spring. The "trap" in this case being his arrest and getting the Deep State to cross the Rubicon that his Presidential Executive Orders anticipated.

There may be more along the same theme, but I think fellow anons can grab this bone and chew on it. Please do so. I would love to see if I am on the right beam.

I've seen a lot of these photos appear on.gaw to excite controversy and discussion. They are simply bunk and here is a page that provides the receipts. https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/01/fact-check-these-photos-are-not-associated-with-chemtrails.html This doesn't dispose of the other claptrap, but I think we will all have to agree that these photos are fake and not invoke them in future disputation. (It is also a comment on the gullibility and lack of discernment in those who have brought them forward as "proof.")

For all the flat-earthers who complain they can't see non-CGI images of the curvature of the Earth, here is a recorded live video feed from a recent launch (May 19th) of an Atlas V carrying the Boeing CST-100 "Starliner" space capsule to orbit. The curvature is very evident at the higher altitudes. The video clip transitions from live photo to animation at about the 4:30 point, so don't be misled. They just didn't have a camera on the second stage. This was not meant to fool anyone (except maybe a child). The clip runs out a little beyond 8 minutes and will transition to other space videos, so that is only at your discretion. https://www.space.com/nasa-boeing-hail-starliner-launch-success-despite-glitch

If you look for other launch videos, you will see the same thing. It's not CGI folks; it's the real thing. (If anyone wants to claim it is CGI, then provide evidence. Ignorance and delusion are not proof. People and cargo are going to and from the International Space Station. It can be seen going overhead at night. Don't bury your head.)


Here is the sauce from "Intel Slava Z" : https://t.me/intelslava/29194 The short-range (5 km) tactical laser is being used to engage drones and possibly artillery shells. We tinker with these things and the Russians deploy them to combat. Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.


Frens, I don't generally like to recommend videos, but this is an exception. It is Gonzalo Lira explaining the history and context of the situation in Ukraine, to reveal that Victoria Nuland is behind the scenario, driving the Ukraine government, and heading toward a false flag event of potentially terrible proportions. This is 2 hours long, so you have to be patient, and I had to break it into two sittings just to keep my attention clear. But this is engrossing. Lira is on the scene, in Kharkov, and he is well-versed, articulate, and candid. He has other Youtube videos that are worth digesting, but this is a keeper and most current. Have at it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzR---YDDIQ


Let's go, Brandon, when you ring the bell. Let's go, Brandon, all the way to Hell. Like Midas had his touch of gold, you turn most things to shit. But now your mandates are so bold, we think you've had a fit. Let's go, Brandon, I think you've made a smell.


On 12 August, the people of Zambia rejected a 3rd term for President Edgar Lungu, and replaced him with Hakainde Hichelema, who has just today been announced the winner of the election, under the UPND banner (United Party for National Development). Why is this good news? President Lungu and his Patriot Front party, simply put, has been like a pirate chieftain in his term of office. Corruption has been rampant. Goon squads patrolled the streets. The national coffers have been pillaged to pay for mansions, luxury automobiles, and spoils distribution. Political opponents have been arrested and imprisoned for no legitimate charges. Unlettered cronies have been appointed to high office. Sweetheart deals have been made with foreign "investors" like China. National resources have been sold off for kickbacks. The previous election was widely understood to be stolen by the PF. The national economy had collapsed. Police, doctors, educators have not been paid their salaries for years. Medical supplies have been bootlegged for personal profit. The value of the kwacha steadily dropped. The best and the brightest fled the country for better prospects elsewhere---anywhere. The populace had nearly been beaten into dispirited apathy...but they finally had enough, rose up in opposition, and trooped to the polls to vote so heavily for HH that his victory prevailed against the cheating and illegal practices. Zambia now breathes freely. The armed marauder gangs have disappeared. Peace prevails.

If it can happen for humble, out-of-the-way Zambia, it can happen for us, God willing.


It is now starting to affect our family livelihood. My wife works in the health care industry, and they widely are averse to the vaccine, but the employers are insisting on it "because the clients are asking for it." There is no way to prove that the clients are asking in violation of HIPAA; it is just an excuse. The unvaccinated have become the Jews of 1930s Germany---locked out of work and associations. This system of coercion is directly in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Aren't there any civil rights lawyers who understand this and are willing to fight it?


In Easter service today, this was the last stanza of "This Joyful Eastertide" by George Ratcliffe Woodward (1984):

"My flesh in hope shall rest, and for a season slumber, till trump from east to west shall wake the dead in number."


Think rationally. Who reads our posts? Us...and Them. What do they get from our speculations and estimates of key dates for future events? They get a heads-up to prepare for. Does the Military need the element of surprise in order for their move to be successful? Of course, and they will never be able to catch the Deep State unawares, so long as the DS is going on alert based on the dates we dream up.

What is the Military waiting for? They are waiting for us to figure this out and finally SHUT UP about date forecasting, and go silent on the topic, and deny the DS these clues. I mean, if it helps you visualize the situation, imagine Nancy Pelosi sitting down with her coffee each evening and going trough all our traffic. "Oh, March 4th? How interesting. We will have to be ready."

I'm not thrilled by this realization, but if you step back and think like Q, what other conclusion can you draw? We are just being our own worst enemy, particularly because date-dreaming is empty and futile. We have our marching orders, and they do not require us to stop at any particular date. We will be informed when we can stand down.