Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're missing the point. That means this is a double win.

  1. We're now rid of the Mossad controlled op because he's been taken off the air.
  2. The way in which he was taken off the air actually now protects trump.

You don't understand how this is a massive win?

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

This makes a lot more sense. Also for other kinds of biometrics, if he ever went to a dentist then his dental records would be on file too.

Death_Metal_Patriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Basically, if any media outlet claims that the shooting was fake, Trump will use the full weight of his assets to partner with the victims to destroy that media outlet in a lawsuit, using the Alex Jones case as legal precedent. Either they'll have to throw out the entire precedent to not let Trump get a win, or they'll have to put blatant hypocrisy on display and lose all credibility, or they'll have to burn a media asset to the ground.

Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Relying on divine intervention to deflect the path of bullets is absolutely not an acceptable plan of engagement. I've always been a firm believer that God helps those who help themselves, and so relying on him for miracles when you can implement solutions yourself is always a path to failure. The way I see it, God gives you the tools to succeed, but he doesn't do things for you.

Normally I don't have an issue with religious people but this kind of mystical thinking is just plain brain rot and not helpful to the discussion in any way shape or form. There is zero chance that the white hat plan was to let a sniper get a clear snot at Trump and simply bank on him screwing up and missing his brain case. Miracles are the things that happens when all of your plans fail. You should not plan for miracles.

Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

"POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false."

  • Q drop #6.

Not only was he not in danger, he was not even a target!

The number one thing that drives me completely bonkers about religious people is they're so quick to jump to mystical conclusions when there are far more practical and worldly answers that are easy to implement.

The only logical scenario is that white hats rigged the game so that there was no possible way that assassin could actually shoot Trump with a bullet, even if there was a security lapse and this dweeb somehow got to a perfect vantage point with a clear line of sight without being caught by security first.

The whole game is to entrap the deep state plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate. This was the plan from the start.

There is absolutely no chance the white hats, if they really are in control of everything and POTUS really is insulated, would bank on dumb luck or spontaneous divine intervention hoping a sniper would miss a shot, barely clipping his ear. The margin of error there is absolutely not acceptable to be staking the outcome of the entire country on the result. No way. Nuh uh. Not buying it.

by BQnita
Death_Metal_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I imagine what would happen is there would end up being only one major contractor who works with the government that ends up being completely under cabal control. They would aim to control the committee that has power over such investigations in order to protect the corrupt ones they want to keep in power, and the ones they want to drag through bureaucratic hell.

Death_Metal_Patriot 13 points ago +15 / -2

I certainly hope so. A lot of very corrupt people have been doing a lot of shady stuff in my people's name and I'm pretty fed up with it.

Fun fact, did you know most of the anti-Zionist Jews who believed that returning to Israel before the coming of the Messiah was a grave sin and an insult to God himself were conveniently purged off during the Holocaust?

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +4 / -1

Color me shocked: Majority of people who follow guy on Twitter and see their Twitter poll have same opinion as guy who posted poll.

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course that's how it works. They bust the small rings to make it look like they're actually doing a public service.

What they're really doing is using the intelligence agencies as a mechanism to snuff out their competition and maintain public image whilst giving cover to what they're really doing.

The spooks do the same thing with the drug war. They lock up people dealing crack on the street corner left and right. Meanwhile they're flooding the city with crack at the highest levels of the chain.

That's their whole M.O.

Death_Metal_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

And you can be damn sure they wouldn't loudly announce their presence when doing so lmao.

Death_Metal_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

FDA is banning the ineffective replacement that they rolled out to replace pseudoephedrine which is naturally occurring and far more effective, but was banned under the pretext of being a precursor for meth, which is just another reason why I have major issues with the drug war.

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think what the real operation warspeed was, was to produce a massive amount of placebo vials to dilute the death shots. We know almost all the deaths came from a very small percentage of batches. That could be why.

Death_Metal_Patriot 8 points ago +10 / -2

Don't project your expectations onto the kid. He already has enough stress.

Death_Metal_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a long-time player of MMORPGs and someone who loves to play the main tank, I agree 100%.

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +5 / -2

Epinephrine grows naturally in the ephedra plant. They could easily harvest / grow lots of ephedra plant, extract the epinephrine from it, oxidize the epinephrine in a lab, and then ingest it.

People act like traumatized babies are the only source of adrenochrome and that's just blatantly not factually correct.

There are common street drugs that are harder to make than that.

Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we actually lived in a free country this would be about as much of a scandal as finding a six pack of beer in the white house.

Prove me wrong.

Death_Metal_Patriot 22 points ago +22 / -0

Notice how this "fact check" doesn't mention in any way shape or form how said children which are trafficked across international borders are snatched up in the first place.

Could they have been, oh, I don't know, snatched by a stranger off the street? I mean that's certainly one way that happens.

Death_Metal_Patriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fake news. AliExpress has it set up so that basically anything you type will get filled into the blank, and present you with a webpage with the headline "Buy X with free shipping on AliExpress".

To prove the point, I just typed into google "buy great awakening with free shipping on AliExpress" into Google, and lo and behold I got an AliExpress link pop up on Google with that exact title.

You can do it with basically anything. This is a nothingburger.

Death_Metal_Patriot 57 points ago +57 / -0

We had this in the Bay Area of California during the BLM riots.

They don't take up the entire city. Large portions of the city are still business as usual.

There could be a riot going on at the other side of the city and you wouldn't see it in that video.

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