Mine just showwd up, and it just sayd economic impact. so no joe/potus either.
and you have americans in my neck of the woods that have never shut down and business is as usual, 5 deaths to covid woohoo. How long do you think it will take for the economics to hit me. fuel is still below 2.70 and life is normal for past 5 years.
shhh im sleepibg
see the maga
I did mine before paperwork was required. sukers and f
sorry fuker kan suck my
I thought it died by now
they farked animals
and at the center is a sphere. take a string and spin around in any orbit it follows least resistant, fill a bucket with water and sling over your head you dont get wet.
now try spinning and orbiting over your head, the torq will force you to let go of bucket.
he corrupted centruies old data translating it to his language, and had churchs backing.
he also brought back gonerehhea, which was only present in llamas
not harping,
try sinning a ball, try spinning a disk
try spinning a gyro and making it fall.
or science was created by religious to explain how the world works.
high tier scientist are believers lower tier are athiest lowest tier are questioning believers
I would second this thought,
Ghost is posing questions and submitting his theories, A large portion of his chat support a flat earth and their evidence, while biblical, is mistranslated. a large portion of the chatters, not meaning him alone, anons, support.
point out where ezera is making outside comms,
most of what I have seen is conjecture based on evidence seen elsewhere.
most is true to a degree, true to the conjecture gained elsewhere along similar thought paths.
I am not saying he is or isnt something or the other, but I highly doubt they have insider info without also sowing disinfo.
We will be suprised about what we find in antartica,
We will be suprised about what we know about soace, I believe we use gps sats
we will be suprised about the education of the world as founding fathers wanted us educated enough to understand the BIBLE without someone teaching us the bible.
I know of people that can only math by common core, and they have kids in high school.
we will be suprised about world leaders and the corruption they have caused.
and fark you too
steps incomming, all scholls will be ground level.
who is this "trump"
so easy a cavema. . .
like holt, he is smiling his spouse can tell.
One of those is faucci and the spanish flu.
ehh off by about half foot. I recalled hearing that about 25 years ago and nothing else correlated it. moved 3-4 times since then.
goliath was 6,4 if i reme correctly
look up water bridges and aquaducts.
it is water displacment.
I am tired of these mother bjf djcndjc ships on my mother ciuebcmicd plain.
reggie I got my physical stimmi, no joe/ no potus. just economic impact.