by skytlrh
DextertheCat 5 points ago +5 / -0

With cash money in your pocket, nothing can be done to stop you from spending your money the way you see fit. Does this have any real value, yes and no. If someone accepts it as a unit of barter, then it has value. If you walk into a store and refused your form of payment, then no. When you walk into a store and they say that they do not accept cash, they are in violation of the law. Our money is imprinted with a statement, "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" when I find a store that does not accept cash, I refuse their business. I will now publicize their refusal of legal tender. I am fairly certain that a legal case could also be made against them. The adoption of Apple Pay, Google Pay and credit card transactions opens up a door to your service denying you a transaction. This was the case when credit card companies were stealth denying firearm related purchases. Imagine what misuse that these digital transactions can be manipulated to deny. Sometimes, having an option is all that prevents abuse Keeping hard currency is an obvious solution to prevent abuse. Any removal of choice is bound to be an argument worth hearing and considered. This isn't just about denying you access, it is also about building a profile of you. This allows habits and personality to be analyzed and utilized to manipulate your decisions and persuade you to make subconscious decisions. It can also be used to mark you for reprogramming or label you as a non-conformist or even as a threat. Minimize your digital exposure and protect your identity and habits. It isn't quite a threat to your life, but it has the potential to.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

A trip down memory lane. We have all discussed and seen the testimony of fearless experts that were deplatformed, canceled, derided and openly mocked. Some have even paid with their lives. Professor Bhakdi has stood fast and sounded the alarm from the beginning. His status as a world renowned microbiology professor, PHD, and leader of his discipline make it far more difficult to dismiss him.

A bio for him illustrates the highlights of his life and accomplishments

And the inevitable smear campaign:

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything needed for a peace loving life is inside you. Worrying about the things you have no power over is a despair so deep that it dims your eyes to the beauty and wonderment that is this life. This life is wonderful and a blessing among all blessings. The hardship, pain and suffering is far better than to feel nothing at all. Without the depths of despair, you could never experience the heights of joy. Regardless of what this life brings you, the way that you respond to it is what is important. If we all died tomorrow, it is not an end, it is simply a new beginning. What we do in the here and now will affect what happens next. Follow what is right in your heart and do what is best to bring you to peace and contentment. There is good and evil in the world, seek the good and rebuff the evil. It is the easiest path to happiness. The path is not the same for everyone, so do not follow another's path, find your own. My path may be very different from yours, but in the end we are simply seeking to find peace, each of us in our own way and in our own understanding of what peace is. We all have a finite amount of time to live this life, relish the experience of it and find peace while you are still alive. There is no need to wait until death for peace, it can be found even in life because it is inside you.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had another one, but I didn't archive it. It has been 404'd out of existence. Some of the leading professors and top biologists were extremely cautious about this modified RNA business, but they were deplatformed and suppressed. We had to search for their testimonies and expert opinions. They paraded out middle of the road "experts" to tout the safety and efficacy. I guess the giants of the field could not be bought or threatened.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was around for the Anthrax Vax. Wasn't falling for it then and definitely not falling for it now. They can keep their medicine and sell it to the uninformed. After all this has been coming out, anyone that continues to patronize western medicine has got it coming. Go back to the medicine with thousands of years of proven efficacy, not evening commercials sponsored by corporate businesses.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Burning the elites at the stake would contribute to "Global Warming", I must insist we tie them to chairs and see if they float in water. It is the only climate conscious decision that is acceptable.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since the beginning, Dr. Bhakdi has been sounding the alarm. He is one of the world leading microbiologists for decades. He cannot be easily dismissed by the brainwashed.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a better idea. All the honest, hard-working, family and God oriented illegal aliens get 7 year probation cards. They pay taxes and get work visas. After 7 years without criminal incident, they are granted green cards and allowed to remain in the US to work toward citizenship. Instead, we deport all the purple haired socialists and communists to a country that conforms to their belief system. They are stripped of citizenship and passports etc and turned over to their new socialist or communist country. I will take people from other countries who aspire to the American Dream of Freedom and meritocracy any day with an exchange program for our indoctrinated window lickers.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lovely story behind Canola oil. Canola oil was derived from rapeseed. In its original form, rapeseed is toxic. Two Canadian scientists figure out how to remove the toxins and created Rape oil. Needless to say, the marketing for rape oil would not appeal to the mass consumer market, so they named it Canola for Canadian Oil. Rape oil, not a very appealing marketing name 🤣

DextertheCat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Leasing any material property means that you do not own it. This opens up a large array of tools to circumvent personal Rights. Need to unlock a cell phone? Just contact the owners. Need to search a property? Just ask the owners. Need to deny someone access to something? Just ask the owners. The prices can be raised or lowered as needed to provide access to some and deny access to others. The problem is accentuated when you start the conversation with durable goods. Housing is one of the most dramatic of these. You can buy a house today and know how much you will be paying a year from now, five years from now, 20 years from now. The payment does not change (unless you fall for an ARM). You can pay off a home and have only maintenance and tax costs for a fraction of what all these things cost when you have all three. Having a paid off mortgage is one of the most liberating and joyous of milestones. This allows you to build up greater wealth and provide tremendous security and freedom. When you rent or lease, none of this is possible. Don't fall for the interest deduction tax farce. Sit down and do the math. Pay off your home and you have a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that you have never experienced before. Do it while you have plenty of work life ahead of you and you will not believe how much money you generate without this millstone around your neck.

DextertheCat 5 points ago +5 / -0

That area actually covers the Luhansk and Donetsk regions that voted to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia. They are indeed ethnic Russians and not Ukrainians. This is a large part of this whole exercise. The biolabs and the exposure of the weakness of Nato. The draining of weapons and exposing the array of high tech weaponry is just another bonus for the Anti-cabal conglomerate.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whatever we think we know about ancient history is, at the very least incomplete, at the worst is completely wrong. We may never know the true details of our ancient history. We cannot even nail down how long modern humans have been on this earth. How much evidence was hidden from us? How much true history has been suppressed? Why would historical evidence be suppressed? It is quite revealing when discoveries like Goebekli Tepe are revealed. It conclusively throws out the accepted theories of our past. How much more is hidden?

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe that many organizations may have started with good intentions and have been corrupted over time. The corruption of organizations via infiltration and insidious manipulation is their specialty. I was once a Boy Scout, but today I would be very hesitant to place my kids in their hands.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

A majority of these people require direct pain to make them wake up. The deeper the sleep, the more personal pain they have to feel before they wake up. The folks that were half awake are now fully awake. The napping folks are awake now. The deep sleepers are starting to rouse, but those 4-6% that are in a coma can not even awaken with any amount of pain. It has to get worse before it gets better. It is going to have to reach everyone before it goes critical. The 4-6% are going to be a danger, because they will go full retard when all the rest go against them. If you know any of them, keep tabs on them. When this is all said and done, they will likely become extremists and possibly venture into terrorism.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Government end all contracts with Elon? 🤣 Starshield is being so rapidly installed on military ships, it is incredible. The pace at which they are pushing this out is unprecedented for any system fielding. Normally it takes years to even begin putting new equipment on any military contract to the point where actual physical installation is occurring. This is happening at a pace that is stunning. The people installing this simple system are running from ship to ship and putting this on two platforms a week. We are talking about one single installation crew. I have no idea how many crews they have out there. At this pace, all the Navy and Coast Guard ships will be done in 8-12 months. This system fielding is seen as a super high priority.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The pill cam is another fantastic option, although there is a lot of push back here in the US on getting it instead of a colonoscopy. It not only video records the entire digestive tract, but is almost completely risk free and completely transparent to the patient. The only argument is that they can remove any polyps they find it the same time as a colonoscopy. This is a weak argument because they can not only perforate your bowel, but they can also give you a bacterial infection from inadequately sanitized scopes.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Precedent? Since the inception of this country, every single citizen has the right to manufacture firearms for personal use. Only via individual due process can a right of this magnitude be separated from any individual. This should be a worldwide human right that is inalienable from any law abiding citizen. No human being should be deprived of their right of self defense, unless adjudicated in a court of law. This is what we need to strive for after we take back our country and our Rights.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

This reminds me of the Cherokee quote about two wolves inside each of us. One is filled with evil based on sins, the other is all that is good based on noble traits. The one that gains control is the one we feed. The beasts are inside every one of us. Feed the one that you wish to be and starve the other. Association with others, without identifying which beast they are feeding can lead you along the same path. This particular young woman has willingly been led down the wrong path and gorged the evil within her, she is now dominated. It is by no means a completed battle, she can always starve this wolf and feed the other, but only if she realizes what she has done and determines to change. It is difficult, but not impossible.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The over prescribing of anti-biotics and the misuse of them are the issue. As in most things, proper use is beneficial and improper use is detrimental. Bacteria can be killed a number of ways, however if you weaken, but do not wipe out the entire infestation, they can build a tolerance. Total annihilation is the only guarantee. People that discontinue their course of treatment prior to total eradication is why bacteria has gained resistance to antibiotics. Chemicals can also be used, however they all have restrictions on use. Honey creates hydrogen peroxide when left on wounds, this kills bacteria chemically. Unfortunately, honey does not work well internally. Antibiotics are derived from naturally created substances from other microbes, aka bacteria. This is also a naturally derived chemical weapon created by one bacteria that is hostile to another. It is entirely natural and should be counted as a blessing. Pharma makes you believe that it has created something, however they have actually just harvested something from nature. Very few drugs are created entirely artificially. Almost all are synthesized, based upon naturally occurring compounds. It is part of the scam.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know there is a correlation between mental illness and narcotics use, however I think it is still debated whether there is causation or a likelihood of self-medication. It may simply be a chicken before the egg argument. It is harder to be certain because there may be examples of both cases of one preceding the other. Either way, I think narcotic abuse is simply dumb.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

all I see is an alternate energy source in the form of biodiesel.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Free is one of those common misconceptions. You always get out of any endeavor what you have put into it. This will remove the barrier of money for those that have a desire to get a good education without strapping the monkey on your back of a lifetime of debt. There are students that go to college that have a desire for understanding and knowledge, the rest go for many reasons; few of those reasons are any good. There are quite a few people that have the capability to educate themselves with desire and dedication, unfortunately it requires time and substantial energy. Focused courses provide a gateway to the basics of any subject and provide the framework to continue self education. The courses themselves are basic introduction to the topic and do not provide mastery. Information has been free since the proliferation of the internet. Some have used it to gain an education that is unparalleled at any university. Simply think of the breath and span of information we have all learned here. This forum has been pretty much a university of a huge array of topics and have spawned individual research and discovery that is staggering. The most important aspect is to dig and do your own research to follow where the information leads you, but to use your own logic and reason to find what it means. When this is all done, we are going to need diplomas or something from Q University 😁

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think the concept of parasites causing homosexuality is taken very seriously by anyone. I'm not sure how or why homosexuality happens, it just does. There are probably a lot of factors and not just one. The promiscuity issue is odd, it has never really suited me and I have not had any comfort with people that sleep around with strangers. Frankly, it seems mastubatory but with far more risk.

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