DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is used in electronics.

It is still a store of value. Just not legal tender.

DickAllcocks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Military doesn’t run elections per se. States are in charge of election. Military removes corrupt officials and oversee a clean process. But the state governments will be left intact and will manage everything. That is why Trump is getting MAGA people in the local and state positions all over.

DickAllcocks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Congress is suspended under martial law dude. It will be FEMA and military running COG for basic Federal needs, and state governments will be left intact. Literally the only thing the Federal government was meant to be day to day was military, treaties and trade anyways.

They will suspend the whole federal shebang until elections are held. There is no constitutional plus military governance. Our system was originally designed for the states to manage most affairs anyways.

Half of Congress is likely under arrest anyways. The states will continue to take over from the Feds after elections anyways.

DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Repeating yourself doesn’t make it so.

It’s not IF they want him dead. It is HOW they want him dead and how difficult that is to pull off.

You clearly do not understand Russians.

DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah he has also been in Germany, Slovakia, France, Switzerland and def not in Kiev until the Russians pulled way out and Americans were there. When he is in Ukraine he is in a fucking bunker awaiting his orders while the real leaders run the war. He is a puppet. Like the mayor of Kiev who was taken out by the people who run Zelensky.

Russia does NOT want NATO directly involved. They will not missile a possible position and hope for the best. They will kill him 100% confirmed, take the body and lie about it. This is how Russia fights dude.

DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Russia ain’t launching a missile into Poland dude. And not launching a missile at an unconfirmed target. That’s how you get tricked into making good propaganda and doing something really fucked up unintentionally.

Russia tried to kill him. Ukraine even said they have stopped three assassination attempts on him. You don’t even know what you’re saying except what you would like to believe.

You don’t missile a leader like that for serious political reasons. The US didn’t even do that to Saddam. A covert assassination is far more legit and less likely to receive hard responses from other countries.

This is a complicated war.

DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah dude. They would kill him if they could. He isn’t even in Ukraine. Dude was in Poland while putting out old photos and clips for propaganda. He doesn’t know shit. He is a puppet actor playing a part while bigger kikes run the real show. He is an errand boy. Not a mastermind. If you think he has any real power besides doing what he is told you are fucking dumb. He won’t be allowed to be taken alive anyways. He will have handlers who also do not know shit except the orders passed around him whose job is to kill him and hide him before capture. Russians want him dead to expose he is a nobody and NATO runs the country. It’s George Soros’ nephew. Dude is a face for Khzar Mafia by blood. Not any real merit. Russians have had spies in Europe in case he ducks to Germany or other weaker countries. He was in Poland because the US in in there very heavy and Russia won’t fuck around there much like other countries.

DickAllcocks 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Russians already have been trying to assassinate him and do not deny it

DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m in NY which is cuckservative heaven. Republicans here are Kosher as fuck. Ron Paul was mainly only popular with young people who also ironically swung to Bernie half the time bc they’re just radical edgelords. My family lives in Idaho and from my experience out visiting there it wasn’t just Utah going for him. Colorado, Arizona and Nevada had huge support for him from what I could tell talking to people.

DickAllcocks 2 points ago +2 / -0

How the fuck are we going to pull it off before the Russians? They had snipers in Ukraine 2 years before they invaded.

DickAllcocks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah. Powell does not actually run the Fed. It’s an advisory role and says so on paper. The Fed is really run in secret behind closed doors by the people who really run the NY Fed.

DickAllcocks 9 points ago +9 / -0

Cuckervatives loved Romney and cannot even understand Ron Paul’s message. Seriously. The standard neocon cuckservative worships everything Romney stood for. The mainstream Republican is a different flavor of moron just playing the rile the electric Jew assigned to them.

DickAllcocks 13 points ago +13 / -0

The media is owned by the people who own the government

DickAllcocks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hang him in front of a firing squad over a woodchipper with a tire around him so he doesn’t move too much when set on fire and is easy to shoot until the rope fails.

DickAllcocks 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a demon with the rights and privileges of a woman. Dont have to chase furry vote if furry is being pandered to as a woman.

The real question is how do we get all of them on helicopters. Especially when the second half gets suspicious.

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