Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't been sick a single day since they first started this mess. I'm sure I owe it to NOT getting the poison jab.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see him as insensitive. He helps a lot of people without tooting his own horn. I think he has an "entertainment persona," but I think behind closed doors, like with his family and closest friends, he is a different person.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they had found anything very negative, they would have released it already. I'm thinking they did not. They keep thinking Trump will be corrupt like them. I don't think they understand how a moral person thinks.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently, Walz honeymooned in China and traveled there numerous times over 10 years. Perhaps he did hear about a ritual? https://x.com/Bogey182299079/status/1822098663998390410

I'm actually wondering now if there might be more to it than a rumor: "In modern times, the idea of ingesting semen can hardly be discussed outside of a sexual context. However, in ancient cultures, semen was often associated with one’s life force, spiritual essence, or masculinity. We aim to provide an overview of several contexts in which semen ingestion was purportedly utilized as more than a simple sexual act." https://www.auajournals.org/doi/10.1097/JU.0000000000000850.018

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes me think of Marina Abramovic. Remember the breast milk and semen cocktail? LOL!

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there a ritual involved with it? It mentions an 8th century Chinese ritual. It says it cropped up again in New Zealand... https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/tim-walz-horse-semen/"

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wouldn't be the first time. Isn't Justice Roberts in the same situation?

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if he did the horse thing, but it isn't as unusual as people think. What concerns me about this guy, too, is his removal of parental rights, adding pedophilia to the LGBTQ alphabet people, which has not made some of them very happy. To the point they started Gays Against Groomers. The guy supports perverts! Child molesters! There's a moral line that's being crossed by the far left. And I think it's because that's where the most cabal control is. You have to cross a moral line to be a part of that, too.

Doobiedoo2 7 points ago +7 / -0

Going to stop right now and pray. I'm really sorry for your mom. Is it diabetes? Because I will pray for a cure for that, too.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for all that research! By the way, years ago I worked in the medical field. People wouldn't believe what kinds of cases come into the ER. Getting sick on semen isn't that unusual. But usually, it's a prostitute hired by a bunch of guys, or some guy coming in from an orgy. LOL! That and things stuck in the rectum, from flashlights (that would blink periodically from muscle contractions in the rectum), to billiard balls stuck in a drunk woman's vagina (she bragged about how many she could stuff in there--LOL!), to a giant stick of salami. I was glad I didn't work in ER. LOL!

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on what kind of "paper." When Obama first stepped out to run for POTUS, I did local research on him, too. Locals know a lot more that never makes it into national news. I think the name of the blog I found all the info about Obama and Emanuel was a gay blog called Hillbuzz or something like that. The guy that ran it at the time was gay and he told journalists where to go and who to talk to in Chicago to confirm what he was saying. Apparently, they were regulars at a bath house in Chicago called Man's Country. It was both Obama and Emanuel. The guy had all the dirt about Rev. Wright's church, the music director and another black man who were "executed" when Obama declared his candidacy. And there were interviews of the music director's mother who claimed her gay son had an affair with Obama and that's why he was murdered. Turns out he was telling the truth. I am seeing stuff pop up for Walz, but it is being scrubbed very quickly. Walz, like Kamala and many of them are not what they pretend to be. Same with Pelosi and her husband, and many others these days. I'm just trying to find as much as possible before everything is scrubbed.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've heard recently. LOL!

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems too weird. But the guy is weird. Also, looking into local posts from his state, they're saying he has another life--like Obama. That wouldn't surprise me. He's pretty messed up in his thinking. Reminds me of some of off-kilter thinking of the cabal. And many of them are into weird sexuality--like bestiality, among other things. Reminds me of something Tucker Carlson said recently, In DC, a lot of people are into weird sexual practices. I hope one day he'll elaborate and name names.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe he's looking to turn that old ball & chain in. And I mean OLD...

Doobiedoo2 11 points ago +11 / -0

I heard something that stuck with me the other day. A guy was saying a little old woman came up to him and said, "Son, if the mountain was smooth, you wouldn't be able to climb it."

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for sharing this. I hope it gives others hope. Keep trusting Him, son. This is just the beginning. It is tough times for everyone right now. But no matter what, God takes care of the people who turn to Him. It sounds like He's been dealing with your wife's heart, too. I'll pray she keeps listening to Him.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they scrubbed things from Google, try Russia's version in English. It's called yandex.com, and I can often find links on there that have been scrubbed from US search engines.

Doobiedoo2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd like to know more about what's going on in Kingman, Arizona, too. The population is only 35,000. But I'm wondering if it's another Broward County kind of set-up with connections that go back to Timothy McVeigh and the OKC bombing. Especially with the discovery of the Yearick Armory.

Doobiedoo2 6 points ago +6 / -0

I recommend the movie they made about her. I came away thinking she was a neurodivergent genius! I have been worried over the years about the growing number of babies being born with autism. But I also have to remind myself that God can take anything, even something that might seem a negative to many people, and He can make something awesome and awe-inspiring from it. Grandin is an example of that. And yeah, Q did see something special in a small group of people who can think outside of the box. A group of people who look into things and decide for themselves. Who aren't swayed by lying pols and media, no matter what kind of labels they try to give us. Ask yourself why people did not run and stampede the day Trump was shot. That is not "normal" behavior for a turn of events like that. (Look at events like the Vegas massacre.) But it is the behavior of brave people who think for themselves. Who put the welfare of others before their own. These people will not back down when things get tough.

I had a dream recently that may not mean anything to anyone else, but it has really stuck with me. In the dream, God was telling me to trust Him. To not be upset when I see things fall, as that is going to happen. That not everything would come back to the way it used to be, like I was hoping. But that was because He had something better planned for those who trust Him. Something better than we could even imagine at this time. So don't be dismayed at what it looks like we lose for a time. God has good plans for us, like His word says. Plans to prosper and not harm us. It's given me hope. Don't be upset when the banking system fails, for example. It needs to. God has something better for us, if we'll just trust Him. Don't be afraid of what is coming, no matter how it looks for a short while. Evil will not win. God has an awesome plan for all of us and some of it will be a wonderful and unexpected blessing, far beyond anything we can even imagine.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure about this guy. Might be a set up. So, keep your eyes open.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't believe it was staged. Today I've seen people talking about the bullet's trajectory first rising and then falling to hit Trump. Some think it was fired from the building (where the 3 snipers were inside), rather than the roof. It will take time to digest all of the information and work through the science of it all. But I don't believe the kid took what would have been the kill shot if Trump hadn't turned his head. He'd been shooting at a gun club for what, a year?

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