Doobiedoo2 4 points ago +4 / -0

This happened to my spouse before we met. Unfaithful, emotionally abusive ex with hidden drug problems. She called it a "backwards blessing." Seems like the end of the world at the time. But it ends up being for the best if you trust God through it. We've been married over 31 years now and we're both still very happy. I promise, life can be better than it's ever been with the right person in your life.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll be praying for you, son. And don't let anyone make you feel awkward or embarrassed for reaching out. Everyone will need that at some point in their lives. Pain is part of this human experience. I'm sorry about your wife. We can't control others. But we can control how we respond to them. And different responses can change outcomes. Your kids will need you more than ever right now. Do you have a church or support group nearby you can call on? I'm a big believer in support groups, like grief recovery groups, etc. It's very helpful when you can share these things with those who have already experienced them. And a lot of times they have great advice. It helps to not feel so alone. And it can even be helpful for your kids. Getting them involved in a youth group can help, too.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would also add "God" to the right.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praying for your son and family.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hollywood is the dark side. Also, the dumb side.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does seem to be a lot of what we're seeing take place right now, however, whomever came up with this plan. It seems to be spot on with regard to recent developments.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look into the Tavistock Institute, as well. It's about social engineering.

Doobiedoo2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sharyl Attkisson talked about that in her book, "Stonewalled," after being harassed for asking too many Benghazi questions. (I highly recommend reading it.) Their family laptops would turn on by themselves at night and thankfully, she had experts look at them beforehand, because someone tried to download child porn on her husband's laptop. The experts told her it was a sophisticated enough attack that it was probably a government entity. At one point, she called her cable company to check a cable on her house that they suddenly noticed. When they got there the next day, it had already been removed and she found out it wasn't the cable company that had installed it.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Left fakebook several years ago over their war on conservatives and censorship. I didn't want them to make a dime on advertising off the time I might spend there. Experienced all kinds of shenanigans, disappearing posts, shadow-banning, censorship, etc. Also had many friends who experienced the same things. They once banned a friend for 3 months for a joke he posted five years before that nobody ever complained about. So, they were going through old posts from years back just looking for liberal ammo. I would challenge them on it immediately. I don't put anything past Suckerberg & Company.

Doobiedoo2 5 points ago +6 / -1

Old person here. I've seen numerous solar and lunar eclipses. They last just a few minutes and they're over. No big deal to me anymore. We've been about psyoped to death the past number of years by various "authorities" and "experts." And I think this hype is just more of the same. I expect if anything happens out of the ordinary, it will be human made to continue to frighten the masses. Just like the numerous UFO sightings of late. I don't think they're "extraterrestrials." Not that hard to psyop someone anymore. I took the dog out in the middle of the night a few months ago and saw a silent spherical thing with lights on it, just looking out from my back porch about roof height. I will admit, for a few seconds my first thought was "UFO" because it was so unexpected. But that quickly faded as logic kicked in. Then I got a grip and did an internet search. It's an industrial drone. Basically, a quadcopter protected by a plastic or acrylic cage. I live in the rural PNW in an area the military uses for electronic warfare training. I don't know if it was a military training op or law enforcement, or just someone screwing around, but I haven't seen it since. I actually saw more growing up and living in Cali with a dad in the Air Force and then working in aviation. A frightened people will give up freedom for security, and I think they're banking on that. Look at the hype over COVID. It was just to get people so fearful of death that they would not question an experimental treatment and prepare them to do what they were told by the "authorities." Whatever happens, God is in control. I read Psalms 91 every single day. God just wants us to trust Him, because their plans don't matter. He is fully aware of them. I think we just need to pray that they will continue to be exposed, that we will see justice soon, and declare nothing they do can hurt you or your family, because God is in control. And don't forget one of Q's favorite phrases: "You're watching a movie."

Doobiedoo2 17 points ago +17 / -0

God bless you! My daughter started me down this journey long before Q. In fact, some of the stuff we're just now seeing more of, like the Netflix documentary about Danny Casolaro, the dark hip hop world, etc., she talked to me about years ago when she was still in high school. I didn't believe it at first until I read Cheri Seymour's book The Last Circle. Now, we share what we find with each other every day. Today she sent me a meme that said it all. It's basically, "Me trying to make small talk...Do you know they're poisoning our food?" LOL! We've been at it so long we pretty much talk in a code no normie can understand. I do wish more people would wake up to many of these things. It would make communication so much easier because there's too much info to start at the beginning with people to get them caught up to our level of understanding. And I don't mean that in a smug way. But we've spent years sifting through details on all of these things that have, sadly, turned out to be true. It's just the reality of it. It can't be condensed into a 5-minute explanation. Sometimes I miss being naive and not knowing so much. But then I realize it probably saved our lives. We knew enough about people like Bill Gates and Big Pharma to not get the clot shot, for example. I wish you the best going forward and totally understand what you mean. If I want real news in real time, I always start here. We have great researchers from all over the world and things get shared a long time before they're seen anywhere else.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can feel justice coming right around the corner. It's true that nothing can stop it. And it's true it'll be "biblical." It's taken longer than I expected, but I'm grateful to be here to see it. I'm grateful to see so many waking up. And I'm grateful seeing so many younger kids loving this country like we did, rejecting globalism and wanting to keep America on the right track. Been praying for this for decades.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except you've been forced into it, even though many government workers had "something better," according to the shill from Social Security who tried to talk us out of opting out of Social Security. Years ago, a non-profit I worked for used a loophole to opt out of Social Security. It was awesome, until they closed that loophole a couple of years later. If we had been able to keep doing it, I would now have 4 times the money in the bank every month compared to Social Security. And I wouldn't have had to touch the balance. My kids could inherit it.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe in the gated community where Geraldo lives. But out here with the other 99.9% of us, all you have to do is open your eyes. I have no problem with legal immigration and green card holders, visa holders, etc. They're vetted. But let me tell you something about the lies the media tells. I was born and raised in Cali. It was a very diverse state and wonderful in most places until about 25-30 years ago. When they started allowing uncontrolled illegal immigration, it began to change drastically and accelerated over time. Cartels moved in and took over. Once gangs reached 60% illegal alien membership, the cartels took over the gangs and built a trafficking corridor from the southern through the northern border of the state. From there, they trafficked illegal substances, weapons, humans--including children, etc., out to the rest of the country. They're lying when they say if we don't allow illegals here our produce won't get picked. In Cali's own state stats I found that half of all field workers were already citizens. About 1/4 had green cards to work legally, and the rest did not. All we really needed was to beef up the programs for green cards. If they can't work without them, they will get them. Trump is also right about the crime. It skyrocketed. The last straw for my wife was hearing two young men get shot to death about a block from our home by two illegals who had been driving around drinking all day and fired at a number of other people. We lived in a nice, quiet neighborhood. But it doesn't matter when you've been invaded. No place is safe. We had signs in our national parks warning people not to go off trail because cartels had set up growing operations in the forests. A number of years ago, I had a friend who went hunting somewhere in Kern County who came across a cartel growing operation. He was shot at. Thankfully, he wasn't hit and took a sheriff back to bust them. Anyway, glad to be out of there. I have so many stories from watching the decline there and the years I spent working at a border hospital. Don't listen to a-holes like Rivera.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget the "Resources" section on the right-side margin over there. There is a lot of great information for newcomers to be found there.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just came across this, but you have several praying for your friend here in the PNW.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

We used to love living there, but it's the unreal liberal policies that ruined it. And people are dying because of it now. When we still lived there, my parents, who had moved to Idaho about a decade before came back to visit. My mother cried, seeing what had happened to it. Glad you don't have to go back anymore. Alaska is beautiful!

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like my post back got dropped from days ago, but we have been having wifi issues out here in the mountains for some time. (Sometimes I wonder if it's the electronic warfare training the military does out here. They fly over often.) I hope everything is okay. We recently went through cancer surgery and treatment for a close family member, too. She is doing well. And thankfully, she didn't get the vax. But I do worry for all who did. We'll just keep praying for everyone. God bless you, too!

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