Obviously. Who do you think peddled the "no capital punishment human rights" bullshit?
The biggest criminals in the world did, so they could act with impunity.
The second anyone discards the human rights of others they automatically forfeit theirs in any rational and empathic society.
In the case of genocidal maniacs, either turn them into test subjects for medical advancement in order to decrease the time necessary to eradicate all diseases and aging, or hang them.
Some people believe aliens, or hidden government tech, create crop circles. Allegedly there are some that are so much better made that normalfags wouldn't be capable of creating them, which is sometimes taken as evidence of advanced technologies.
Never really looked into them myself, so that's about as much as I've picked up.
Quite a few of those are verifiable.
#FreeBritney... very public case now.
Soros leaving a never ending trail.
Covid made in lab is confirmed.
I don't know anyone who believes anything in the pink segment.
Antivax is about to be confirmed.
Would have to double check, but iirc jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel.
On the moon & moon landing fake, oh ok.
And for fun: Dinosaurs didn't exist:
Well duh, because clearly reality is a simulation that started 6000 years ago and the fossils were part of the design. (inb4 this gets quoted by mentally inept and humorless sheep).
Interesting. So apparently people believe that the moon landing was a hoax and the Nazis have a base on the moon.
Still less retarded than believing that big pharma is out to help people, despite its well documented criminal convictions for bribery and data manipulation.
No, they are not (necessarily) God's chosen ones.
The Abrahamic covenant grants blessings to all those that bless the Abrahamic seed (Jesus), which in turn is granted to all descendants of Abraham and "all the families of the world".
Those that do not bless it are instead cursed.
We know what they did to Jesus and how they think of him now thanks to the Talmud, as well as their own well documented opinions.
It's no coincidence that Israel has some of the highest Covid-19 infections, deaths and vaccine complications.
Also, even if one is to be chosen then one would still become cursed by rejecting God and worshipping Satan in any of his forms instead.
There is no such thing as "upside down" without a frame of reference.
You can also get insects to walk on balls large enough that they would appear flat to them, even "upside down".
I don't think the earth is flat. But the globe model is quite a wild ride that only the dumbest pretend to be obvious and given.
If you study some higher mathematics it makes much more sense, especially if you take what you learn and look at nature. Nature seems to prefer spheres, and in mathematics those appear as optimal virtually everywhere.
Given that God appears to love copy/pasting with reskins it's not a far jump from there to see why the globe model isn't as insane as it seems at first glance.
Nice rabbit hole to go down on, even if you don't really care or will be convinced by it.
That had me wondering about the vaccination rates by demographic in Israel for a while now.
They are at something around 80~90%. The "real" Israeli Jews were around 30% of the 60% Jewish population. So somewhere around 20% of the population, which is remarkably close to the unvaccinated population.
The rest of the Israeli Jews are converts from elsewhere and as such can not be classified as "God's chosen people".
Very curious to see how this plays out for them.
Happened two or three days ago.
Haven't paid attention to street numbers in decades. This time I did for no apparent reason and the first number I noticed was a 17. A few minutes later I forgot and randomly checked another, 17 again.
I had no way of knowing that those two would be 17, because I've never seen them before.
Thought it was funny the first time it happened. The second time was.. you know the thing.
Wild guess, maybe because it repeatedly happened.
I invite you to heed your own advise. Although I don't think it's particularly good as general guidance.
The only thing I know is that there is a collection of posts that seems to show a significant amount of statistical anomalies that suggest that whoever this Q is has access to the higher echelons of society.
What none of us know for certain is whether we're talking about someone acting in good faith or a malicious player.