by Evspra
Eagle39 16 points ago +17 / -1

Must be fixed immediately

Eagle39 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not to mention people who are awake and don't follow Q. Also there are plenty of patriots around the world who are on the brink of waking up and just need that last shove.

Eagle39 16 points ago +16 / -0

I'm an offender. Telling people "stop datefagging!!" and then 30 minutes later I'm saying "omg!! it's tomorrow!!" I need help hahaha!

by robbo
Eagle39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with this - less than 10 people actually know what's going on, so to expect comms from official US Twitter accounts or something like that dilutes and jeopardizes the plan.

I will say however, that maybe these Twitter accounts are being controlled by the <10 people who know what's going on, and are communicating this way (rather than through 8kun) to confuse the enemy... that's a hard maybe though, but we all know that the enemy reads Q.

by robbo
Eagle39 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not true, people have looked at other hotels in DC and in the DMV area and no other hotels have jacked-up prices for those days, only Trump International.

Eagle39 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly what I'm starting to realize... the enemy is here too, they're researching just like us. They're putting a shitton of resources into it as well, because their entire temple is at risk of collapsing. If we datefag, we're also giving the enemy date projections. This isn't going to happen on our timetable, and it can't be predicted by anybody - remember, there are <10 people who actually know what's going on.

Also I guess another way the datefagging is working in our favor is that the enemy expends ammunition every time a date/event comes and goes when we think something was going to happen. Let them exhaust themselves and their resources and then pounce.

Eagle39 4 points ago +4 / -0

"and conspiracy theory of everything" stuck out to me. Everything, huh?

Eagle39 19 points ago +20 / -1

My parents and I went to a restaurant like a month ago and I asked for some aluminum foil to wrap up some steak and they gave me 2 pieces (I only needed one). I proceeded to wear my "tin foil hat" and started making cliche statements like "the government is after us man!" and "the Earth is flat!!" My mother was mortified... kept saying "take that off!! stop it! take it off!" It was a good time hahaha

Eagle39 2 points ago +2 / -0


Eagle39 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wish I was in the area... I would come to your restaurant every week to support you!! Won't ask you to dox yourself though (don't dox yourself lol)!

Eagle39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Incredible - I have Corinthians 16:13 as my lock screen for The Plan. Gotta remind myself everyday to stay strong in my faith.

Very good analysis of suicide weekend... could be related to the comms blackout as well to keep us from comforting those in need, and to kill off as many of us as possible as a way the DS will try to take us down with them.

I trust The Plan so much... a buddy of mine always says "we haven't come this far just to come this far." Trump's radio silence and his final words in his farewell have no finality to them (i.e. "we will be back in some form", "the best is yet to come", 17 flags behind him at Joint AF Base Andrews).

Eagle39 8 points ago +8 / -0

Y'all see at 0:48 when Leo puts his hand over his butt after Peck's fondling?

Eagle39 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're also not taught at length about it happening here, or they're told a different story of how it happened here so that it doesn't seem like it's a realistic possibility. I know for me in my early 20s now, I can't imagine this plan being carried out the way people are speculating, and I blame the public school system for that... like the military performing mass arrests and taking our country back is unfathomable to me.

Eagle39 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know you're not trying to convince me, no worries there... I also have A LOT of faith in our military. No doom and gloom from me, but my guard is up for my mental health's sake at this point. That to say, I'm especially vulnerable to hopium right now, so I'm taking EXTRA precautions for myself to verify what I'm seeing is legit (i.e. Tweets from Pompeo, his son, comms from Space Force, 17 Flags behind Trump in his departure, Lindell's documentary coming out).

Eagle39 3 points ago +3 / -0

Source? The speech software being used to read whatever information was given is choppy as hell. I'm done with getting my hopes up only to be let down time and time again... if this is true, link to an official military comms channel that verifies this information. If we're not supposed to know this information, then who the hell is posting this video on YouTube saying that this is direct from the military? This seems like another "China is preparing to invade the mainland United States and Canada is helping them stage their troops along our northern border".

Eagle39 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you brother - I've been following everything since maybe mid-2018, and I'm going crazy (I can't imagine 10 years worth). Luckily I have family who have been following this as well, so I also can't imagine what it's like not even having family to lean on and decompress with ranting (having to come to GAW to rant to people who know as well). It would be great if we could all get an online chat going with people from GAW so that we can decompress like this with others (kind of like a woke support network). I understand how it is being in the deep with the normie NPCs (I live right next to the Swamp), and I can't find anybody or wake anybody up around me. I've only ever woken up 1 or 2 friends who are Trump supporters and they're starting to follow Q now. There are others though that just see politics as usual despite the overwhelming proofs of Q's legitimacy and everything I share with them, they don't believe in the plan.

I would definitely suggest trying to find peace in the Lord... He knows what we know and He is Almighty and I truly believe that when righteous people pray, it has an incredible impact. I've been praying for this to happen already, but He has His timing for everything.

Try your hardest to stop drinking and smoking pot... like some others have said, meditate and listen to some good music (maybe worship music if you're into that). If you want as well, it might help both of us if we chat - I'm a part of a Discord channel that branched from the game Clash Royale and we've become a friend group discussing a lot of Q related stuff, and there's a guy on there who is a lot like you in that he's followed it for years and is like an encyclopedia for Q stuff (it might be a nice place for you to hangout if you want... I can send you a link to join).

Anyways, thanks for sharing your rant, and I hope you're able to find peace somehow, and soon! Don't hesitate to reach out to some people on here (me included!) to pull your attention away from alcohol and pot. We're all Patriots and we take care of our own... we want the best for each other and understand that this is a really tough time for all of us.

Eagle39 4 points ago +4 / -0

The first week into Biden's "presidency" it felt like an entire month. It's exhausting for me waiting for something to happen and fearing that nothing will.

Eagle39 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would it actually be . . _ . (F)? Two quick smacks, long "we haven't finished yet" then another quick smack? Then I'm thinking either way, it works, because F is opposite of Q in morse code (same sequence)... think mirror.

Eagle39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Listen, you can hear one more hit after he says "we haven't finished yet", which has the same sound as the first 2 hits.

Eagle39 1 point ago +1 / -0

One can infer it was him hitting his leg by the sound of it, same noise as the first 2 hits.

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