The amount of BS in these posts is laughable. We are Russians, we are people ready to go off killing people....I don’t know i just see myself as someone who doesn’t believe propaganda and tries to do my own research....sigh
Yes, this is very sad the state of SA and what happened in Zimbabwe. Discrimination is never okay. This is what they want for here. My half Indian children will be okay but not my full white child. I am concerned for her this will happen here.
?They are begging for money saying they have spent their reserves. The issue was that there was a theory around that they arrested the Pope and confiscated their money due to the child trafficking, so I find this headliner stating they have spent their reserves and need money from the faithful very interesting in relation to the earlier theories.
I had my hubby and daughter get the virus, no one wore a mask or took care. I am supposedly high risk, I didn’t get it. I may have had it the year prior and did have breathing problems, but then that would mean my immunity lasted more than a year...
She met liberal voters not Independent voters like myself. My vote was undermined by their fraud.