EndTheFedReserve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's quite funny to hear that honestly, I've never taken any specific date that anyone set forth, I have felt this way since the very beginning with Q. If something happens, great, our world really fucking needs it right about now. I just don't understand why people have the logic of, 'well if we just believe', as if our beliefs dictate whether something will actually come or not.

EndTheFedReserve 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it didn't drive us into an ice age the sun was fairly dormant through the last grand solar minimum, the Maunder minimum and was definitely a contributing factor to us being in a mini ice age at that period of time. Calls for the sun to be extremely dormant through this minimum that we are now in and we just happen to be seeing record setting cold in areas we shouldn't be seeing it. No correlation in your eyes, it appears.

EndTheFedReserve 0 points ago +2 / -2

The famed Stalin quote always pops into my mind when dealing with Q. I've followed myself for years and have always prayed for it to be true. However, at the end of the day whether we believe or not is not going to determine whether things happen or not. "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourselves". Obviously there are certain things with Q that are true. However, when Q says there is disinformation made to mislead, how can we know any single thing we try to make something out of is not misleading? In my opinion it's all up to us now and no one else. People need to realize that 'the Establishment' IS all politicans (99% if not all) that operate on the behalf of the Federal Reserve. THAT is the Establishment. Republicans and Democrats alike only oppose eachother in rhetoric when being filmed. Behind closed doors they work together to continue fucking the American people. Look at any single congress since the inception of the Fed and it is clear as day. They never opposed eachother, it is an illusion. Standing by in our homes is no solution. Violence is not a solution. We need intelligent minds to band together and figure out the best way to end this bullshit!

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you're pretty spot on

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the while whether we react the way they want or not it is still going to happen. So let's just not be proactive, right? No, calling senators or representatives is not proactive. They both work together to continue fucking the American people. Their rhetoric is nothing but for show, a grand illusion. Behind closed doors they work hand in hand, to protect the Establishment (which consists of themselves and the central bank) at the cost of us. Look at any congress since the inception of the fed. The true Americans in Congress throughout history are far and few between.

EndTheFedReserve 9 points ago +9 / -0

My sister came over yesterday and wanted me to give her the rundown on all the bullshit. She's always thought herself to be left leaning, even though she isn't, but she's reached her breaking point with the left and is starting to grasp the brainswashing tactics emplored by msm/big tech & the left. There is lots of people just reaching this point.

EndTheFedReserve 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've never been religious, at least most my life. The last few years everything I've witnessed, in not just our Country but the world, has brought me to faith. I understand that, religious or not, when people try to fuck up the natural order in things that there is only one way it can end - and it will not be pretty.

EndTheFedReserve 5 points ago +5 / -0

At this rate Kentucky is not far behind y'all...

EndTheFedReserve 5 points ago +5 / -0


Masks were the real killer in 1918 Spanish Flu... According to Fauci 2000 fucking 8! Please spread.

EndTheFedReserve 3 points ago +3 / -0


Fauci in 2008 stating that bacterial pneumonia was the real killer during the 1918 Spanish Flu... i.e. masks

EndTheFedReserve 12 points ago +15 / -3

Just a question, how many years are you willing to wait before we actually become proactive?

EndTheFedReserve 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah NASA been lobbied to not make a connection between the GSM/Sun going dormant and our weather... Ironic though since events such as the Maunder Minimum drove us into an ice age... For freeee$

EndTheFedReserve 10 points ago +13 / -3

Thanks. Please stay weary. Everyone's chilling doing research while the establishment continues to fuck us harder.

EndTheFedReserve 4 points ago +6 / -2

Don't mind what other people are saying. Until we have absolute undeniable evidence that it isn't happening is fabricated, it definitely has real world effects. Just wait. Gas will be what it was in early Obama days soon.. Only the rich can afford is the plan.

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand that, and I've never credited RT with being a great news outlet, simply Putin's words speak for themself. That bring said, RT is a million times more reliable than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Vox type news outlets that brainwash the American people.

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Both. The politicans, 99% of them atleast, all operate on the feds behalf. Their rhetoric when being filmed is all for show, while they, both repub. and democrat work behind closed doors to continue fucking the American people. Them 'opposing' each other is nothing more than an illusion. That is the establishment. Hand in hand with military industrial complex.

EndTheFedReserve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't be naive their media is a million times better than ours, or do you think they selectively edited Putins interview here to create their own narrative?

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah he kinda was the catalyst for waking me up, I don't understand how myself. The establishment (the Federal Reserve and all the politicans, 99% of them ateast, work on the behalf of the fed) always needs an enemy.

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I found thus around the time it first hit the 'news' and that's where I started doing my own research, which has essentially all led back to my name.

EndTheFedReserve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish it was the men in black. Consider the timing. He made these statements when they kicked the central banking scam. Then see my name.

EndTheFedReserve 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've thought to myself before, is there more than 2,400 posts? I.e. any minute of the day something is posted it could 'match' with a Q drop. It is interesting to say the least.

EndTheFedReserve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kentucky has quite a bit in common with y'all ?

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