EricTheSmart -6 points ago +1 / -7

Nah, my goal is to keep you morons writing. Keeps you from stirring up trouble elsewhere. If your hands are on the keyboard you can’t be carrying weapons around the Walmart.

EricTheSmart -14 points ago +1 / -15

Actually, quite a few gay couples adopt or create and raise new taxpayers through surrogacy.

And since abortion has been restricted, there will be a lot of unwanted new babies to either be raised by gay couples, or supported by taxpayers for life.

Not quite sure why banning abortion is such a Republican talking point. More unwanted babies either increase the taxpayer’s burden or puts more kids into the hands of the homosexuals they seem to despise.

EricTheSmart -7 points ago +1 / -8

My kids are grown and make their own decisions about life. Their politics aren’t any of my business. Nor mine theirs.

Strange how you care about other people’s opinions on comparative economic systems.

EricTheSmart -10 points ago +1 / -11

You sa that like it’s a bad thing. (But I’m not, and if I was, I wouldn’t consider you my enemy. I wouldn’t think about you at all).

EricTheSmart -8 points ago +1 / -9

Muslims are just people with a bit more melanin in their skin who believe in exactly the same Abrahamic diety you do. Their book was just written a bit later by people…a lot like you who liked to shove their mythology and moral standards down other people’s throats. They had swords, you luvs yer guns. You believe exactly the same thing. Gays bad, have lots of babies, impose your mythology on others…

Life is a contest against time.

Don’t waste yours by hating other people.

You, and the Muslims and the gays all go to exactly the same place when you die: your body to dust and absolute nothingness in your consciousness. The afterlife is exactly like the before life: nothingness.

Hell is other people. Particularly people like you. Be nice. Stop bothering other people. You are annoying.

EricTheSmart -6 points ago +4 / -10

Actually I’m 60 years old, and have perfectly grown kids. I am a Veteran and so is my eldest son. Some of my cousins and theirs are gay. We didn’t have to go through that. We love them.

EricTheSmart -2 points ago +1 / -3

Actually, I just went to university and learned how to craft a thesis in English class.

Like any normally educated person.

EricTheSmart -1 points ago +1 / -2

What a strange way to understand what is happening to us. What I think needs to be done about anything is of no consequence.

We are wiping ourselves out. We fucked up. We shat where we eat, or more accurately, we farted up millions of years of carbon in 150 years into the place where we breath.

If you are shilling for oil companies profits and tax breaks, we know whose brainwash you fell for.

EricTheSmart -7 points ago +4 / -11

What? You make two erroneous assumptions here:

  1. That homosexuality hasn’t been existant since the beginning of time. It has.

  2. That I am gay, just because I defend the right of gays to be free to live their own lives in the pursuit of happiness.

You are wrong on both parts. I am straight, and 5% of your family and your ancestors are and were gay, statistically.

EricTheSmart -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nobody said CO2 is a toxin. It traps heat in the atmosphere. Hence, the rising temperatures.

More plants would be great, but what we actually do is wipe out large areas of the Amazonian basin for strip mining.

So, less plants every day. Your source is called “Sciencing”? Adorable.

EricTheSmart -8 points ago +3 / -11

None of what you said is true, and you brought no sources.

Attempting to prove a negative is irrational. Or did you skip that course in college?

Show us the demon drag queens. I didn’t see any. Where’s the news story about what? Guy’s in dresses in ladies room raping people? Show us.

Sodom and Gomorrah was about Lot telling the mob that wanted to fuck the angels “please, don’t fuck those angels, fuck my children”.

So in Genesis 18 and 19, God SAVED Lot because he offered his children up for a gang bang.

You people believe (and often misunderstand) some weird shit.

I’ve read thousands of books. Only one book had horse cum in it. Ezekiel 23:20.

You people are weird.

EricTheSmart -19 points ago +4 / -23

You are not a compass. You are a busybody. Stay the fuck out of other people’s business. Nobody voted for you.

EricTheSmart -13 points ago +1 / -14

Nobody cares about “your beliefs”. You believe in weird shit. Even the guys on Patriot.win mock the “beliefs” here.

Find any satanic cabals in non existent pizza parlor basements lately, you freak show?

Nobody voted for YOU to police the world. Leave other people alone. You just try not to fuck kids yourself. THAT is the limit of your jurisdiction.

EricTheSmart -9 points ago +1 / -10

I support personal freedom. If you want to run the country, run for office first and we’ll decide if we want you running things or not. I will vote for the other guy in any race you are in.

EricTheSmart -11 points ago +1 / -12

Parents have the choice to bring the kids there or not. Don’t bring your kids. Again, fuck right off out of other people’s lives. You only see what you look at.

EricTheSmart -11 points ago +2 / -13

What business of yours is it what “some freak” wants to do to some mythical “little kids” (that none of you religious jack asses ever seem to be able to show us as evidence).

Funny thing is, the only time we actually have testimony from “diddled little kids”, it always turns out the perps were priests and ministers.

Show me one news item about a little kid diddled by a drag queen and I’ll show you thousands of pages of court documents and testimony of little kids diddled by religious “leaders”.

I think you are projecting.

EricTheSmart -8 points ago +3 / -11

Minding other people’s business is the line nobody should cross.

I give no fucks what anyone else does in their own bedroom, and if you can’t protect your family from active predators, you are the problem. Not the 5% of the population that you irrationally hate.

I further give no fucks about anyone’s children but my own. Not my business,.

EricTheSmart -9 points ago +9 / -18

This is why the normies call us bigots.

How about minding your own fucking business OP?

5% of the world is gay. Including in your family.

EricTheSmart -6 points ago +1 / -7

Diesel isn’t the “source” of energy either. Much like a battery, all hydrocarbon products are simply the storage medium for the source energy—the environmental hydrogen and carbon sequestered in the soil millions of years ago.

The very real, very physical and obvious problem, devoid of politics, is that millions of years worth of carbon safely sequestered underground has been re-released into the atmosphere in just 150 years since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Enjoy your 100 degree days. This is the new reality. Even God’s own sunshine and wind stored in a battery is not going to save mankind now. We fucked up.

The earth will be fine, and mining scars like that alleged lithium mine in the illustration will heal over the next millions of years. Humans will be replaced by something else.

Environmentalists want to save humanity. The earth always has and always will take care of itself. It’s humans that are fucked.

EricTheSmart 0 points ago +1 / -1

He’s crying all the way to the bank, if you understand how music royalties work. You are making him richer and richer with every play.

EricTheSmart -1 points ago +3 / -4

Does the computer you use to post this run on diesel too? Your phone?

EricTheSmart 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well, she has accomplished exactly fuck all for her constituants back home.


Basically she successfully named two buildings. I wonder how long her district is going to fall for this. She does nothing for her district, nothing for the country. She has been sidelined and is shunned.

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