McCarthy is already trying to talk Dems into not voting. How much easier do you think that would be, if Trump joined the MAGA squad and was outspokenly against him? Hell, if Trump spoke out against McCarthy, Dems might even voted FOR him just to spite Trump. Use your brains, doomers.

If several Dems do decide to abstain from voting to let McCarthy win, who do you think Trump will publicly thank for the victory? Whose constituents will be furious that their own Representatives helped seat Trump’s Speaker?


What makes you doomers think he can’t get the election rigging stopped in the next two years with a MAGA-filled Republican-majority House of Representatives?

Kari Lake isn’t going away. Nancy is fired. Watch what happens next. Oh and watch the election cases coming up in the SCOTUS dockets.

And for God’s sake, if you aren’t gonna enjoy the show, shut up and let us enjoy it.


God has shown me over and over how He turns our enemy’s weapons against them and I believe our Heavenly Father can and WILL turn this weapon of covid against them. God can even use these deadly jabs to strengthen the faith of his children who took it—facing death will soon put a lot of people on their knees.

I have believed we are in a Moses paradigm since Trump came down the golden escalator, but I’ve been waiting for the “Red Sea” moment. And totally unsure what that would look like. Now we have it.

We all have loved ones—Children of God—who took the jab. As we’ve discovered how poisonous the jabs were, I’ve realized this must be the same “we’re doomed” feeling that the ancient Israelites felt as Pharaoh’s death squad was closing in and they were up against the edge with death seeming inevitable.

Praise God for giving us His holy scripture to show us how this paradigm ends—with God splitting the sea and rescuing His children from certain death. We are going to witness a miracle, folks.

Watch the water.