Anyone catch whenever Brandon Aubrey was attempting a FG, the stadium broke out in Let’s Go Brandon chants?
Doubt there is a connection, but the guy who killed Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield also has the last name Routh…anyone done any digging to see if they are related?
On rotation and was flying out of PBI where trumps plane is at and a C17 getting ready to depart with him. Question would be, is this normal for a “Ex” President to be accompanied by a military transport plane?
What’s your thoughts on this site? Legit or no?
Anyone else noticing ridiculous jumps in gas prices again? Arizona it’s 5.49 for 91 octane
That can give numbers on how many properties companies like blackrock have purchased over the last several months? I am trying to wrap my head around this whole “housing market shortage” that we have in the US and never have I ever heard or thought this could be an issue
Any sites putting this up to watch or is this in theaters only?
Anyone else use TS on the iPad and if so, can so,some explain to my smooth brain on where/how I can see posts that people I follow put up? I will get alerts and when I click on it, nothing seems to be there.
Saw a bill was passed a little over an hour ago to end Daylight Savings Time…now, if I wanted to describe the pros and cons to crayon eater, what would said pros and cons be?
Dropped 10.00 immediately
Anyone else get a text about his running for US Congress? I only ask because the link takes you to and don’t want to provide a dime to a pool where every RINO can drink from