deleted 1 point ago +2 / -1
FeinsteinsNipple 2 points ago +2 / -0

Um, this info has been pretty widely known for a loooonnnnggggg time, and the folks who need to hear the message aren’t watching Fox sadly.

My dad, who flipped from Trump voter to calling him the friggin Devil incarnate and swore off Fox and cites ABC as the only credible source of trustworthy news, probably needs to hear this…

But folks like him ain’t watching Maria and probably has no idea who Ratcliffe is…

It’s maddening.

This crap ain’t gonna stop until there are consequences for the actions.

Would you stop robbing a bank if they told you they wouldn’t arrest your or press charges for stealing from them?

Probably not if your being truthful.

by PepeSee
FeinsteinsNipple 1 point ago +2 / -1

Another ”Captain Obvious” take from Cates.

FeinsteinsNipple 3 points ago +3 / -0

What are these posts about? Seems like a whole bunch TLDR

FeinsteinsNipple 5 points ago +5 / -0

This ought to do wonders to convince normies “Qanon” isn’t a cult…pffft…

Sorry, but this is kinda dumb.

FeinsteinsNipple 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hence I carry .45ACP or .357…9mm great for hole punchin’ not so much for coked out zombie meth heads…

FeinsteinsNipple 5 points ago +5 / -0

At his point in time, if you put any stock in any date fagging from some rando person on the interwebs (including the Paytriots claiming to have inside sources) then you my friend might be special needs.

No outside comms.

No effing way a military backed plan to take back America is gonna be crackable by dipsticks in their parents basement…

I mean really, how good of a plan could it be if it was?

Please exercise a little discernment and common sense folks.

FeinsteinsNipple 23 points ago +24 / -1

Yeah, well my mothers sisters brothers uncle said 2 Moar weeks 2 weeks ago….

FeinsteinsNipple 4 points ago +5 / -1

This does beg the question 🤔

Think mirror.

FeinsteinsNipple 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks a-fucking-lot!

Now I’ll be up all night jumping at every little creak and squeak thinking it’s one of those J6ers breaking into my house like they did in the video!

Hope you feel better now. Jerk.

FeinsteinsNipple 2 points ago +2 / -0


The “What” I am referring to is election rigging.

Why would they stop?

Would you stop robbing a bank if you knew no one was gonna arrest you and let you get away with it?

FeinsteinsNipple 4 points ago +4 / -0

Think about how much worse it could’ve been if he wasn’t vaxxed!

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