FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Core rotation wouldn’t have any impact.

The only way to change our current view of the moon’s orbit is to either change the moon’s orbit or alter how the earth’s surface spins. Both of which would have catastrophic side effects immediately apparent to anyone on the globe. Anyone with a telescope and a cursory understanding of the night sky would be able to detect either occurrence in a matter of minutes even without the associated apocalypse.

The simplest explanation is that OP did not factor in every aspect of the moon’s orbit in conjunction with the earth’s rotation. Orbital mechanics is sometimes tricky to visualize in 3D.

FlySciFiGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Removing 10 days from a calendar isn’t going to affect the moon’s position.

What does affect the position of each moon rise is the moon’s orbital eccentricity, orbital tilt, and the earth’s rotation relative to the moon.



FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +2 / -1

GeNeTiC dIsEaSeS dOn’T eXiST!!!

Seriously, how retarded are you? This is like saying that viruses and bacteria don’t exist.

FlySciFiGuy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Combine that with historically low support for the Uniparty, and historically high support for Trump, and it will be virtually impossible for 2024 to be stolen. This time everyone will see the steal and cry out for justice.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, I do not.

Attempting to save the life of both the child and the mother is neither an abortion nor murder, even if the child has to be prematurely removed from the mother.

That is why I said that abortion is more than just terminating a pregnancy. That deceptive use of language is how the Left disguises what abortion actually is. Abortion is murdering a child by chopping up their limbs and/or sucking the brain out through the back of the skull with a syringe.

Go watch some videos showing what abortions actually look like. You will rapidly find that there is nothing life-saving or "healthcare"-ish about them at all. It is a gruesome sacrifice laid on the altar of convenience and fornication. Moloch is alive and well to this day.

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where has child killing been promoted in the Bible as a universal rule?

The whole reason God had the Israelites wipe out the Canaanites is because the latter practiced child sacrifice. Wherever child killing is found in scripture, God and His servants intervene with overwhelming lethal force to end it.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The concept of the Constitution being a living document is the exact idea that the Uniparty has used for a century to get us to our current position.

The question “what if someone has a different interpretation” presupposes relativism; that there can be “your” truth that is just as valid as anyone else’s.

The reality is that there is only one interpretation; the one that the author intended and that the words actually convey.

For the Constitution, its meaning can be easily derived by actually reading it, and reading the FF’s other writings can help provide context.

For the Bible, its meaning can also be derived from just reading it and letting it speak for itself. Believers have the extra advantage of having the Holy Spirit to help explain things.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Still not an excuse to murder the child.

Abortion is not just “terminating a pregnancy”. That white washed, clinical jargon is part of the problem.

If there is a situation whereby a baby has to be prematurely removed to save the mother’s life, then by all means do so as long as every attempt is made to also save the baby’s life. If those attempts fail, that is not murder.

What is murder is saying “the mom’s life might be in danger; time to chop up the baby’s limbs and suck its brain out with a syringe!”

And yes, that’s how abortions are actually done, and it is utterly barbaric. Future civilizations will think of abortion the same way we think of slavery and human sacrifice.

Ditto for incest and rape. Why butcher the baby for the sins of its parents? Since when has that ever been fair or just?

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any TV has an IR sensor to see the IR signal from the remote.

If said tv also has an IR emitter (like a led), then it can send out a ping that the sensor can detect the reflection of. Kinda like sonar and radar.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

So pointing out uncomfortable truths about third rate countries is cabalistic thinking. Cool.

They’re not going to save us. At least one of them is actively orchestrating and funding our destruction.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

The disciples, the very people who walked with Christ, never once admonished Paul, much less accused him of heresy. Quite the opposite; they embraced him wholeheartedly. Peter himself accepted correction from Paul. If Paul taught anything contrary to Christ, the disciples and first century church fathers would have dismissed him as a heretic.

Paul’s teachings are perfectly congruent with Christ’s. I challenge you to find any contradiction.

FlySciFiGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

We’re going to be saved by China, India, and Saudi Arabia? Seriously?

China is tyrannical and doomed to economic/demographic collapse, India has some of the most backwards cultural and hygienic values in the world, and so does Saudi Arabia. All three have no concept of freedom or Christian values whatsoever.

Anything produced by those three countries is doomed to fail. The only reason they aren’t third world countries is because the western world can’t stop themselves from dumping their money on said third world countries.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

People should start asking what these “immigrants” are fleeing from. And why they don’t stay to fix their country.

The majority of the invaders crossing the US border are men. Maybe we should start calling them misogynist and cowardly for leaving their women behind.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe that's why he compared the defective engine to Joe Biden.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

There’s plenty of evidence, both from religious and secular writers of the first and second centuries, that Jesus was a real person.


This alone is more evidence than the evidence for a great many other historical figures and events.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the fact that half the people here don’t understand how projections work is sad.

Half the people here think “I don’t understand why a flat map can’t accurately portray the globe, therefore maps and globes are all lies”.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because the distortion induced at a particular latitude applies to everything at that latitude simultaneously. Showing the distortion only on the sea and not the land would make the map even more inaccurate and out of wack.

Every method of projection from 3D to 2D involves compromise. Different projections compromise in different aspects; each having their own strengths and weaknesses.

by KittyQ
FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

God first instituted marriage in Eden, millennia before any government or church institution. If you have a church family, having them participate can be a wonderful thing, and getting legally married isn’t wrong either (the tax break can work in your favor). but biblically speaking neither the church and certainly not the government have to get involved, and neither of them define what marriage is.

Part of the reason for wedding ceremonies is for public accountability: everyone knows you’re making a lifelong commitment. Plus it’s a nice excuse for family and friends to get together and celebrate.

Marriage is a permanent commitment to an exclusive relationship with one other person of the opposite sex. Anything involving same sex or more than two partners is a violation of God’s design.

If you lived with your SO before you got married, but are together now, don’t sweat it. Yes, it isn’t a good or biblical thing to do (acting like you’re married before actually being married), but if you’ve committed to each other, stick with it no matter what.

As for God being mad at you, this is a common misconception. Is the Holy Spirit grieved by our sin? Yes, and that is what brings conviction. At the same time, that is a good thing; conviction of sin is confirmation that you are saved.

But this is not the same thing as God being mad at you. His love is unbreakable and unchanging; nothing can separate a believer from God’s love. Even if God chastens you for sin (or just lets the natural consequences of your decisions play out), that is not anger on His part. He’s not “getting even with you”. Chastening and consequences are so that you can learn and grow to be more like Christ.

If you are a believer, God does not punish you for sin. Christ already paid all of your punishment for all of your sins forever. You are God’s child, and there is nothing in heaven or earth that can change that.

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