Forbidden_outcast 0 points ago +3 / -3

Same, fren, same.

Forbidden_outcast 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a girl at work talking about that one time she had a girlfriend. A black girl asked, you mean a friend girl, right? She answered no- a real girlfriend…. I mean isn’t every girl kind of curious? Im not afraid to admit it, so I went with it.”

Black girl proceeded to not-so-slightly (or nicely) inform her that no, not every girl is curious and how disgusting and gross it was. They went at it for a while. I was thoroughly amused.

Sometimes real life is better than fiction. I felt like I was watching some tawdry tv show that I didn’t know I needed.

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

You seeing what’s happening in the world right now with with people openly expressing their inner sexual desire- that’s you learning what you didn’t know that you didn’t know.

And yet you seem to be utterly shocked and disgusted by it, and laying the blame at the feet of checks notes….. females🧐.

That’s absolute brilliance!

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahahaha. You said it, not me.

Thanks for admitting that women and children are/were man’s defense system for millennia.

Now that your hole might be violated, it’s suddenly against God himself.

Do you even hear yourself?

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fucking hell you people believe anything that gives you the ultimate dominance.

Once you comprehend it with your ego in check- then you’ll finally get it.

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Men are just pissed because trannies have social status above them, and now they and their kids are gonna be subject to the same sexual laws they previously placed on women and children when they declared “what a man does is his own business and ordained by God, himself.”

You fixen to learn.

Didn’t want see that half naked person? Didn’t wanna have those images in your mind? Didn’t wanna know people could be so depraved?

Awwww…. you’re not woman enough to get it, but also, damn (my) bitch…. why don’t YOU look and act like that…. it’s for me, after all….. the true alpha male?

Need to lose that fat, learn what pleases me, and perform for me with enthusiam.

Get ready to wiggle your ass for shekels, bc YOU allowed and cheered on all the naked women and degeneracy when it was only YOUR vice that held any sway.

Now globohomo is taking over, and it ain’t the wife the rapist is looking at😂.

would hate to be you right about now

Also, cute * ass

Edit: *tight

Forbidden_outcast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yahweh[a] is a deity that was the national god of ancient Israel and Judah.

Where did Jesus come in?

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did not mention Jesus Christ.

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yahweh wasn’t a Jew, but it is the story of the Jews.

Forbidden_outcast 2 points ago +2 / -0

What makes it cut off the screen like that? Not fussing- I’ve just always wondered why some posts do that. Is there anything I can do on my end to fix? Is it because I’m on a mobile at this moment?

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve seen it happen on every social media I’ve ever been on. No one knows a soul that is in jail because of j6, but inevitably- there is always someone with some degree of connection to any other mass event that has ever happened.

I first sensed it with 9/11.

Then the earliest Trump rallies- when people falsely said what happened to them.

By the summer of love I noticed how they actually acted in swarms to perpetuate a narrative- almost like Pavlovian behaviors.

By j6- it made zero sense that no one knows anything about anyone sitting in jail, even someone from their hometown or state, except as told by a very few rogue news outlets, who almost always have a givesendgo attached in telling the story.

(Not saying they do not exist not- but the psyop is exaggerated beyond belief)

It honestly reminds me of the Truman show and reality tv

Forbidden_outcast 7 points ago +7 / -0


I don’t know where this guy got his information, but this is the timeline he published. A lot of the points do match up with what’s known

Forbidden_outcast 2 points ago +2 / -0

I kind of agree, or at least I get what you’re saying.

I don’t think it makes it any less damming, though, simply because he’s at the top of medical research food chain, so he has as much knowledge as even the manufacturers of the shot, and would naturally be in constant contact with his colleagues.

Forbidden_outcast 4 points ago +4 / -0

The latest of these to be charged is the President of PharmaMar José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, an IBEX 35 company, and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Spain. The company is dedicated to researching drugs including cancer, Alzheimer’s and yes, Covid-19.

Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Red state, very little formula. Mostly only soy milk left, or toddler milk. Very limited infant milk, no special formulas left for sensitive babies besides the soy.

We’ve had sparse shelves for months in the formula section, , but still had some. Now it’s practically nothing.

Picture from two days ago, was there today, no change. (I’m there most everyday.) People are genuinely getting nervous.

2/3 customers that approached me today were asking for formula.


I’ve not checked online- but like you- I’ve heard you can still get online, and I hope that’s true. But I know firsthand our local grocery has little-no formula, depending on what kind your baby uses. But this has been our last few months, not weeks- it has just gotten even worse than it was previously.

Forbidden_outcast 3 points ago +3 / -0

And then she deleted it

by BQnita
Forbidden_outcast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree!

It gives me hope of something to fight with- maybe no guarantee that they won’t fight back…but I least I have a starting point

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