No sauce except for her obituary but this doctor was 55 years old. Makes me wonder how many of these doctors will follow suit?! What are they seeing with cancers and their treatments all of a sudden? Just makes me wonder. I’m sure there is a high rate of depression in this field, but I can’t help but think she’s not the first and will not be the last.


Folks this is one time where you should look at the news postings locally. I stumbled on this and instantly applied! It’s for the primary May 3rd here in Indiana, I’m doing this and coming out of my comfort zone but that’s how important this is to me right now. Fixing 2020 starts with putting ourselves in these positions to make sure that theft never happens again!!!


I ask because I work for a large global corporation. Thankfully I haven’t had to succumb to the jab but we are running very low on tests. What happens when no tests are available for those who use these in lieu of the vax? Just didn’t know if anyone has thought of this. 85% of my office isn’t vaxd and we will all refuse..


The phones work fine and they're paid off! No all of a sudden I have to purchase new? What a scam!


Once a week Covid tests where they do the swabbing... Is this as bad as the vax or just as invasive my health... What the concensus?


On August 1st I felt tired, achy and blah all day at work. I went home to a 102 fever. By the next morning it all hurt - scalp to toenails. Couldn't breath, cough, etc. I knew. I tested positive (?) within 24 hours. My local doc gave me azithromycin and a steroid after I had specifically asked for HCQ or Ivermectin. They "aren't prescribing those things - they don't work", they said... After the 5 day of this nonsense I found a doc in KY who shut down his entire office to care for COVID patients virtually. He didn't charge me for the visit and instead asked for prayers. He told me he would have to send the prescriptions to a small mom and pop pharmacy because CVS, Walgreens and Walmart would not fill these prescriptions. Other doctors in the community have given him backlash. This nurse personally called me at 8:30 at night to discuss my condition and to check and see if I needed emergency care. The following morning the doctor himself called me to let me know what he was prescribing. There are good docs, they need our support and our prayers. BTW, within 24 hours I was fever free and started feeling normal again. May God Bless this precious, real physician in Kentucky. There aren't many...


My sweet, dear neighbor passed away exactly a week ago today. It wasn’t the lung cancer that killed him. It wasn’t the fact his wife had been living in an Alzheimer’s unit for the past year completely unaware of who he was. Our last conversation 2 weeks ago was the state of our country. The decisions of our lousy president. How he missed Trump and how great of a job he had done. He was an Army veteran with an extreme pride for this country. He was deeply saddened about the state of the world. That’s what killed him. Everything he fought for his whole life was for nothing in his eyes. Hopefully he can look down from heaven and see his beautiful country redeemed one day ❤️


America had a horrific day on 9/11. I remember leaving work to grab my kids from school early as they were 8 and 9 and terrified. Ultimately to learn that nearly 3,000 Americans perished that day. Right now, my heart sinks again - there are at least 10,000 American citizens trapped in Afghanistan like sitting ducks. That is 4x that horrible tragedy 20 years ago. I'm reliving this nightmare it seems and I'm just as pissed!!! Lord hear our prayers for those inside of Afghanistan right now - protect them and comfort them till help comes! Once again, our government is using its citizens as pawns... This wrath will not end well for these evil doers....


My sweet, dear neighbor passed away exactly a week ago today. It wasn’t the lung cancer that killed him. It wasn’t the fact his wife had been living in an Alzheimer’s unit for the past year completely unaware of who he was. Our last conversation 2 weeks ago was the state of our country. The decisions of our lousy president. How he missed Trump and how great of a job he had done. He was an Army veteran with an extreme pride for this country. Hopefully he can look down from heaven and see his beautiful country redeemed one day ❤️

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