GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for explaining this. I was sitting here looking at that thinking “I have a hard time believing there are that many undecided voters”. But what you just explained now makes complete sense.

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

I became anti fox after the 2020 election when they called AZ early. I knew then they were part the other side. My husband, however, who is semi-awake still watches religiously and gets his news there. I tell him repeatedly to stop watching that FAUX news but he seems to think certain shows are fine and that there are 'many Christians' on the show. I'm going to need more 'in the face' evidence to wake my sleepy husband from the truth of fox news.

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would encourage you to keep reading that bible and check out this online church https://lohchurch.org/ if you don’t have one already. I fellow fren turned me onto this one a couple of years back when I got discouraged with my own church for going through the motions as if nothing was happening around us. Pastor Hank is the real deal and doesn’t hold back on calling out the evil while encouraging you to trust the Lord in the transition we are all witnessing in real time. He speaks truth and has been anointed by God to deliver it. God bless you in your journey of faith!

GODisinc0ntr0l 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’d love to see that if you could find it again!

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

Any idea why he would join TikTok after telling us to stay away from it?

GODisinc0ntr0l 18 points ago +18 / -0

It is not just a good story but a true story. If you’re ever interested in exploring the truth of Christianity I’d recommend reading “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. He was an atheist who set out to scientifically disprove Christianity… but couldn’t. I share this with you in love, fren. And yes, great example of David being Trump! Love it!

GODisinc0ntr0l 4 points ago +4 / -0

Watch the movie Fireproof with Kirk Cameron. Worth a shot. Do “The Love Dare.” I’d be curious if it makes a difference. If nothing else, the best advise I received when going through something similar was to work on myself and not try to change my spouse. Helped a lot. I pursued God in all abandon and low and behold we’re still together 28 years later and doing well. Sometimes love is a choice. Maybe you’ll choose each other again but it might take some work. My husband and I were separated for 6 months and it was a true eye opener and good for our marriage. I’ll be praying for you!

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

(Re:Biden) “This is not our president”.

GODisinc0ntr0l 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wisconsin is red. We just haven’t secured our elections well enough here yet and likely won’t get it done by November.

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried to get two rescue kitties and was denied for that reason... I had no history of vaccinations on my previous pets.., so OF COURSE they think I won't be a good kitty mom.

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a huge pet peeve of mine… I see it all the time even in our local newspaper. People who should know better, like editors and such, misspell words.

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big difference between the voice of the people and the illegally installed governor... Wisconsin is a red state.. not even purple... just completely stolen by Zucker and company.

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