IMHO, since I've been banned from Twitter and Facebook for at least 4 years now, with no positive response from either in my appeals, I feel that if you could talk the masses into quiting these social media platforms, they could never have taken hold of the power they now possess. Not having those influences kept me from believing the propaganda they peddled about the election, the virus, the vax, etc. I was forced to do my own research and make informed decisions from that research. Social media outlets were where all the sheep got their information I was not privy to. I believe the push should be to cancel these accounts and put these companies out of business. Financially speaking, and as a result, propaganda would not be as easily accessible. Most people never watch MSM anyway. Even the sheep.
I guess my story was exactly opposite of yours. I did not go back to college after high school until I was ~36yo. By this time, I was wise enough not to fall for the BS being peddled by the teachers. Had a college professor ask me to state in front of the class "what the scariest thing was about going back to college after so long?". My reply left our class laughing out loud, uncontrollably. I replied, "becoming an educated dumbass like you"!
Hope he and you gets better soon. Prayers from the South for sure. My Dixie Lee(11yo Rat Terrier) was diagnosed with an enlarged heart two weeks ago. She's on heart meds and fluid pill to clear her lungs. She's doing better on meds. Acting like a puppy again. But she only has short bursts on puppies, then She's gotta rest a while. Hoping she will hang in there for a while longer. I love her so much
Considering most vehicle today are made of aluminum, it isn't that far fetched that newer vehicles would melt down like that. It like driving the beer can you drank last week. Simple fuel leak on my old Ranger burn a hole straight through the aluminum hood before I could get an extinguisher on it.
What if???? Taking the devils kool-aid, aka: the jab, allows the devil to swoop in and grab the soul of an individual? Would this be what it looks like? Hearing and seeing a demonic entity fly in, and take the soul as these people trying slapping at it. Just a crazy thought I had.
Came here to say exactly that! Had to be some party hardy drunk hit a pole!