God_Bless_America1 7 points ago +7 / -0

we prob know each other if you are a friend of Teds, if you get any flack on here for being a hand shake account let me know.

God_Bless_America1 4 points ago +5 / -1

That’s cause he’s still the commander in chief no one else that’s not the potus would be able to do that without backlash

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frens how many of you have already or do plan to take precaution if so what do you have or have already ? How bad do you think it’ll get ?? Sure sounds like DS is ready to go completely off the deep end and the take down is going to happen which will require it all shut down in the meantime

God_Bless_America1 2 points ago +2 / -0

this NEEDS to keep happening EVERYWHERE !!!!!

God_Bless_America1 4 points ago +4 / -0

i am believing more n more Pence did the right thing and that was all part of the plan , let the scum show its true colors, by him doing what he did, ONLY the true patriots stepped forward in opposition which is only a few and by doing so we more clearly see why the scum in DC is now

by skanon
God_Bless_America1 11 points ago +11 / -0

fauci is shaking and trembling he cant even talk

God_Bless_America1 13 points ago +13 / -0

And Wayyyyyy too many ppl think that’s great ...... I’m old enough to remember when debit cards came on the scene. I was always a cash man and though to myself look at these idiots with these cards not even carrying $5 in their pocket ... W T F !! .... that was 20+ years ago .. if we look back when did that become popular and common place ...... 98-99-2000 ish .... just in time for the patriot act to be rolled out and kick in in 2001 tighter clamping down on our cash limits and so on..... right now it’s so obvious is sick and ppl still can’t see what’s going on

God_Bless_America1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Simply another example why big biz and big box stores have ruined this country .... this example would NEVER have happened at a local mom/pop hardware store that does biz with a local bank..... these big places deposit every penny and rely on cash deliver of $$ for operating cash ... that’s totally insane and putting all control in the hands of those delivering your cash, in this case Loomis who is DS controlled or owned

God_Bless_America1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Oh something is brewing no doubt about that and it’s prob gonna be worse than last year

God_Bless_America1 13 points ago +13 / -0

My point is this. If Lowe’s truly isn’t in on the bs then they should find a diff coin supplier or some how someway not make it inconvenient for the customer and not push the digital bs..... if they believe in what we are here in the USA they wouldn’t allow this bs in their stores. OR they would round down.... we are talking pennies on every sale for stuff that is already way over priced imported junk. I have no prob leaving there without buying anything. I’ll go to the local plumbing supply place tomorrow morning and. Buy my imported fittings from him but at least hand my CASH to a patriot biz owner ...

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like a DEW did that Sending a message to the Dems

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +2 / -1

I cant get gettr to work, I never get the confirmation email with the passcode, tried a few times a few diff days, check all inboxes WTF

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +2 / -1

I cant get gettr to work, I never get the confirmation email with the passcode, tried a few times a few diff days, check all inboxes WTF

God_Bless_America1 2 points ago +2 / -0

this shit is getting so ridiculous it is absolutely amazing

God_Bless_America1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bottom line is this when you have uncivalized scum with no respect for their neighborhood this is what you get..... years ago ppl shot fireworks on the 4th only and from dark till about 12a, now it’s all the time everyday it’s nice out day time nighttime 3 am they don’t give a shit and they leave the garbage in the streets ..... this is why we need a wall

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny thing is DC is and has been a ghost town for weeks except the residents

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +1 / -0

here is an few collected thoughts,

1.AZ audit results come out while potato is still outa town (any day now) 2. MIL says "hey it's now all in question you may not have won we need to dig deeper. (from that point forward foreign actors not allowed in DC) 3. potato comes back to a locked empty WH and cant get in 4. DC is locked up and shut down for when this happens, cause shit will hit at that point I.m sure

God_Bless_America1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe it was tactical for pence to do what he did and how, Trump said it would take more courage to do the right thing than the wrong thing ..... what he did was right to expose the swamp.... doing what he did made every American pissed at him, how ever doing the wrong thing he would appear to be a hero but we wouldn’t be where we are right now ..... who knows I hope it’s revealed but it makes more sense now than it did then

God_Bless_America1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Friend of mine is a doc ....3 things he told me to take it exposed and or infected

Zinc Vitamin D3 And Pepcid AC

The Pepcid creates some kind of barrier around your cells like the zinc and speeds up the recover time

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