Godisgloryy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much, I know God has plans for me. I really love him, he gave me an angel named Ani and gave me a lot of friends here and many many other things like life. God loves us very much. Grace of God be with you always.

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know how much Vitamin A I am taking. I do not measure the food. Sounds like you know a lot. Last night I was really congested because I think I ate potatoes chips and peach juice. Also, the day prior I drank 2% milk which make me real sick. I love milk but I know can’t drink it. Can you help me?

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe doctors hospitals and pharmaceutical industry will go broke because everybody knows when you go to the doctors they do not do anything for you. They use machines like the Covid-19 test to see if you are sick. How do they know if the machine is telling them that we are sick? IT IS A MACHINE. I went today to my pulmonologist and guess what they told me lies. They provided me with a ridiculous test to see if I was sick with my lungs and the results it is outside of my lungs because I have a Rod in my spine. Not inside. I feel very sick every day can’t breath have congestion specially when I walk fast inside of the house. I can’t exercise anymore due to my condition, but I am taking a lot of vitamin CD Zinc Quercitin and multivitamins. They are not going to cure me,

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you know how is it treated? The same way practically they did Covid. This is too much to bear.

Godisgloryy 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is sad what is happening in the world. I have never got married and I wish I had a family of my own. But Instead God gave me a baby girl(companion dog) which I loved her with all my heart and still do and gave me a lot of happiness unfortunately she died last October. Since then I have not been the same, but I bet she will be a real girl in heaven waiting for Mami to meet her. The thing is all should be grateful for what God is giving us. Thank you Lord for giving me so much. Amen.

Godisgloryy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do not have food like you, but I congratulate you for that. I would like to be like you right now. Your friend is not real friend. How sad he behaves like a little child.

Godisgloryy 3 points ago +3 / -0

If I knew about this I would have given this to my doggy Ani 😔 now she is dead since last October I have it but I have used it for Covid. So I take it when I do not feel well. I am glad your mom is doing much better. I will pray for your mom to keep her in good health. Also, pray continuously to our Lord all the time specially for this gift he just gave u. God bless you.

Godisgloryy 5 points ago +5 / -0

NO ONE, all are in cahoots and I do not want to think our President DJT is too. It gives me the creeps just to think about it. I had had my doubts sometimes, but Hopefully Jesus Christ our Lord get us out of this mess.

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +2 / -1

It will work very well for me though while I had Covid but also Nquil severe and Vics in my chest back and neck

Godisgloryy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bidan besides trying to destroy America, he is so old he doesn’t care what happens here or the world he knows he will die soon plus he will be forcing us to buy electric cars due to lack of gas. Probably they did before with the transition of horses and gas cars and so on, the cabal continues with their evil activities.

Godisgloryy 2 points ago +2 / -0

And on top of that You are very humble. Thank you again.

Godisgloryy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish I can have 0.001% of the wisdom God gave you. I am glad we have people like you. God bless you.

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are so smart. That is right. If you see truth social there are a lot of people meme President Trump as a king. I wonder if those people know what’s really going on.

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The federal employees think they can smarter the system, what they don’t know, the system will catch up with them.

Godisgloryy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, they know. When we had an earthquake in Napa CA in 2014 days previous that day we had several small tremors and they barked before. They knew. By the way, thanks God I do not live there anymore.

by BQnita
Godisgloryy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did you see how that Oboso put his nasty foot on top of a desk in the White House? That is the class of men he is, a junky.

Godisgloryy 3 points ago +4 / -1

You are correct. The other day I said in Truth social someone was trying to promote AJ there and I asked who bring AJ to Truth? And I said He is paid by the Cabal. I haven’t seen anything about him anymore.

Godisgloryy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good morning to all! How can I get 2000 mules without registering? Please can someone send me a link to send it to my family? Thank you in Advance and God bless you.

by BQnita
Godisgloryy 2 points ago +2 / -0

They (evils) have an answer for everything, but not for long. Our Lord Jesus Christ is going to take care of them. Soon or late they have to face him.

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