HelloDolly 8 points ago +8 / -0

This. If people understand they’ll start challenging things they normally wouldn’t question. Every finer connected to a federal regulation, etc.

HelloDolly 10 points ago +10 / -0

It’s bigger than we can even imagine. The second of the one two punch may be in the 2025 thing everyone is so wound up about. Fell asleep listening to defected last night but they were talking about how Project 25 is aimed at the deep state bureaucrats and appears almost to have been written in anticipation of a Chevron reversal. If I can stay awake tonight long enough to get through it I’ll come back with more detail.

HelloDolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'd do it though in a heartbeat. Look at how they treat Clarence Thomas.

HelloDolly 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's such a mixed bag. What you missed is YOUR innocence. At least that's how it is for me. At first I was angry that they stole my memories - I loved old film reels (Super 8 for boomers) of Betty Boop and Mickey Mouse, etc. I was blessed to grow up in a house where my parents were firm but loving and it was such a great childhood. Now I just accept that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I saw those things as innocent because I was innocent. And that's enough for me.

HelloDolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gives a whole new meaning to living in the moment HAHA! For so long I wanted things to be "over." It's so obvious to me that outcome truly is predetermined that it's kind of fun to watch and make predictions like in a whodunnit. "He's going to stay in and steal it!" "No, they're going to substitute him with HRC and she will be arrested on October 31!" "Bannon's a black hat!" "Pence is a white hat!" What a wild ride.

HelloDolly 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is exactly what I am thinking. I think the press is arleady totally under patriot control and they are doing what they are doing as a set up for a cartoonish stolen election. The more they keep admitting there's no way he can win, the more people will accept that our elections are totally rigged.

I half expect the vote tallies for Trump on FOX news to be spinning in reverse like someone taking miles off a car (I don't even know if that works. It didn't for Cameron in Ferris Bueller but you get the point).

HelloDolly 7 points ago +7 / -0

This. Look at how almost indifferent we were when Q did come back briefly. It was a "wow" at first kind of, but nothing like the desperate waiting for drops in the beginning. The relationship has matured. No one needs proofs anymore and for most of us there is complete trust and we're comfy. We have gone from being panicked over things like the Mueller investigation to laughing at a multiple felony conviction.

As mad as people were getting at Trump about touting the vaccine, I think he was in part testing whether we are truly independent thinkers. He wanted to see if we would say "HELL NO" to it regardless of what even the person we jokingly call GEOTUS said. We did. Mission accomplished. Someone said here a long time ago, they're not going to really change normies. They are just going to reprogram them to accept the truth and that's what they are doing now. Of necessity, sadly, it will almost certainly be a trauma based operation.

But, even after they are "awakened", a certain percentage of the population will probably forever be reprogrammable. The population will always need the independent thinkers if people at large are going to be free.

HelloDolly 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is the best show on Badlands and my new favorite. I like Devolution Power Hour with these two and Herold as well. The other Devolution Power Hour is good, but not as good.

Cultural Heretics and Baseless Conspiracies up there too. Everything with Burning Bright is really good IMO. He has such an interesting perspective.

HelloDolly 8 points ago +8 / -0

Great post and comment. I remember when the Mueller investigation had me beyond stressed. My response to the "felony conviction" an a bazillion counts was "Oh, did they finally get around to that? What do you guys want for dinner?"

HelloDolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

The DRIVING! I totally agree. I surmise it is just fallout from a culture of total lawlessness. The violent crime is obviously terrible, but in terms of sheer numbers the reckless driving has to be costing at least as many and probably more lives.

HelloDolly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Excellent point. "Balancing" is a bit of overused sometimes, but applies here. The power grab is the target and concern. I do believe that the important things you mention run the risk of being neglected due to the sheer volume of nonsense regulations.

HelloDolly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Power grabs are like rust on a car to me. You gotta be diligent in maintaining but over time almost doesn't matter what you do. Going to have to rebuild.

HelloDolly 7 points ago +7 / -0

Prayers for you and your family. God Bless.

HelloDolly 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just pulled up an email I sent to Senator Vitter's Chief of staff back in 2013 on Chevron and the bullshit attempt by the "administrative agency" to interpret Obamacare as not being applicable to Congress members. If it rings a bell it involved the "Grassley Amendment" to Obamacare that required the law to apply to Congress and their staffers, etc.

I have been praying for Chevron to be reversed ever since. That decision was literally the reason that Nancy Pelosi wasn't kidding when she said "We have to pass it to see what's in it!" Our elected officials just punt their exclusive law making obligation to a bunch of deep state unelected bureaucrats.

They did end up calling me and I drafted a legal memo for them. Senator Johnson ended up filing suit on the research I provided but it was later dropped because if I recall correctly I think they amended the rule.

HelloDolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

He probably spoke to people and told them they were on the list of finalists if they confirm they were interested or would serve if chosen.

HelloDolly 5 points ago +5 / -0

From what I understand the J&J is not an MRNA vaccine. They have had some heart issues but I think those are usually more immediate. I am by no means an expert but I think the long term autoimmune concerns are connected to the MRNA vax's.

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