I hope, in the midst of All of this festivity. Wise folks are going around asking for these truckers to voluntarily open their doors and let us take a peak inside....
My biggest fear is one of those trucks going boom. 50k trucks? No vetting?
It’s a real concern. Patriots need to straddle some kind of line between “accepting all fellow Patriots” and self-governance that protects the cause.
This keeps me up nights...the biggest weakness to a Liberty Movement, is the infringement of Liberty required to keep it pure.
Any one of those trucks could be filled with Anhidrous fertilizer ala Oklahoma City.
If one of those trucks goes boom? The CBC would kill this overnight.
So essentially, we are relying on Devine Intervention for this whole thing to work.
I have faith, and am prayerfully and dutifully believing for a positive outcome.
35% yes 65% no
Total: 1580
Oh no! Ottawa will be gridlocked by disabled trucks! That would be awful!
Russia is on Russia’s side. Period. That’s a good thing in an age of globalist infiltration. Under Trump, America was on America’s side.
In order for people to be free, we need Nationalist leaders governing sovereign nations. Not “central planning” equally distributing misery globally.
I grew up in the shadow of the the threat of the Soviet Union, I was in high-school when the Berlin Wall fell. I read every Cold-War Tom Clancy novel and vividly recall the existential threat they posed to the free-world. When I was in the Marines (pre-9/11) I trained for the threat of a Russian advance into Western Europe because those crafty commies weren’t really dead, they were merely playing possum, I was deployed to the 38th parallel in the 90’s to bolster my fellow Marine’s forces during a saber-rattling season with the last crazy dictator there.
It’s just really fucking weird to find myself at middle age, musing about how based Putin is, and, for all of his faults and treachery, he seems to be a nationalist leader, leading an ever-Christianizing country, that values strength, and competency and willing to cut the dicks off child diddlers.
I’m kinda liking the guy. Especially since our country has apparently “fallen to the communists” and I never got to fire a shot in the defense of my way-of-life.
We just got fat, and self-satisfied, and fell victim to Breznenov’s promised ideological subversion so fully, that the communists never had to invade.
They just fueled our own decadence till we rotted from the inside like a dying tree.
Crazy time-line my dudes. Steel your body, minds, and souls for hardships. Week men have brought hard-times and we are now in them.
(Not dooming...just musing)
I’ve spent a lot of time in Canada. 70% of of Canadians are Americans by temperament.
They are probably better Americans (by our own standard). They live hard and rewarding lives. And they don’t like being fucked with.
This whole nonsense that is unfolding boils down to “city folk” who live in the matrix, and the rest of the world.
There’s probably more self-reliant, rugged individuals living in Canada than here in the states.
I mean, their climate demands it if them.
It’s NOT THEIR FAULT, they didn’t resist harder or sooner. They’ve never had to, nor was their resolve ever previously called upon to oppose a historically benevolent government.
It just took one pretty, globalist, entitled fucknut stooge to reveal their peril, and they have finally activated their survival/resistance impulses.
That whole “polite Canadian” trope we kid them for?
It should be the STANDARD of polite society.
The world would be bette of more American citizens exhibited Canadian grace to others.
But the world hasn’t seen the fruits of people who live hard lives voluntarily saying “no.”
Trudeau, has very few cards left to play, he’s got to the bottom of Canadian politeness (the world he knows) And he will soon see the “”will of the people” who just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
So thousands of truckers are driving thousands of miles through all of Canada voluntarily and at their own expense....in winter.....to protest unsafe winter driving conditions Man they just slap you across the face with how stupid they think we are.
Such a good point.
Remember, as the awakening unfolds we will gather newcomers who haven’t “lived” down in our well-traveled rabbit holes.
Doomers are crucibles upon which we sharpen our arguments, and force us to elucidate our perspective, but they also give newcomers a “tether” to their previous reality.
They do serve a purpose. They “soften” the blow of awakening by straddling the zone between blue and red-pill worlds.
Also, doomer voices muddy the waters for our opposition.
It’s harder to calibrate the depth and breadth of the awakening when the vocal doomers signal the resignation and despair “they” wish to see in “their sheep.”
Canada gooses takin’ Canada deuces all up in 24 Sussex Drive. Go Leeeeefs!!!
Why the fuck would they transport infected monkeys? Seriously. They would be incinerated in a level 4 bio-facility after whatever they learned from them learned.
I’m afraid they’re going to make it a trilogy😉
I am rubber you are glue...whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Some patriotic ranchers simply need to brush-hog a road parallel to the port of entry. Throw some logs over the Rio Grande, and they can cross vax and test free along with the 1.5 million other non-jabbed or tested border-crossers.
Two Hi-Points, a filthy Shield, a way out-of-cert soft vest, and 2 gas-station face-masks.
At worst a strip-mall liquor store will be out $38.57. Which, incidentally should cover the entire cost of this set-up.
Really it’s a break-even investment.
Except for the ammo. That shit is expensive, he really can’t afford to use it.
I go back and forth with Dave,
Sometimes I feel like he is “Operation Trust.” And his purpose is to keep the unruly masses pacified just enough,
But then I consider, perhaps that’s a valuable role for a White Hat to play.
To be honest, his certain and unwavering optimism has been a real comfort for a lot of people wavering on the precipice of despair or unwise action.
Only time will tell.
I think we all understand that a mob action by righteously motivated patriots could be catastrophic, and would play right into the enemy’s hand, but inaction now is not an option. Fortunately (false flags and eff bee eye operations notwithstanding) True Americans have threaded the needle of appropriate action.
We have made great strides in legally effecting necessary change at the appropriate level of resolution, school board, city council, city, state. Enough of us were awake enough at the critical hour to remain vax-free so as to provide the control group for this diabolical experiment being waged against us.
I read a comment on here several months ago, and it stuck with me, “When we look back upon this time, we will marvel at our tremendous patience.”
I think this patience has been appropriately maintained while we have been educating ourselves. Precipitous action at any (justifiable) point along the way could easily have been catastrophic. I came here as refugee from Reddit after one of their Great Purges, and thought my years of lurking r/conspiracy made me a competent and discerning truth-seeker. But the longer I’ve been here the more I realize that I was merely a decent checkers player when so many are playing grand-master chess. Same board, way different game.
But back to Dave, good/bad, Paytriot, shill, mis-info, or Q himself, doesn’t really matter. He has given me just enough sustaining hopium at just the right moments that he has been helpful in getting me through some dark days. Sometimes, in the midst of excruciating chaos and confusion, the belief that this season is serving a higher purpose, and that The Patriots Are In Control, provides just enough solace for me to swing my legs out of bed, lace up my boots, and do my daily work for my daily bread.
And frens, that ain’t nothin’.
Defensive line held. Now it’s time for offense.
Feels like comms.
No way there would be a “chem trail” switch. Guaranteed.
I’m not saying they aren’t real, I’m saying they wouldn’t label the switch with that vernacular.
I fly airplanes for a living, knowing that there are a lot of amateur radio folks listening in, we sometimes play this game on “Guard” (emergency) frequency.
Some yahoo will say “Chem Trails on in 3...2...1....Deploy,” and then a bunch of other yahoo’s will come on and say “deploying” “payload out” “switches on” or some such nonsense. I heard a guy say “I missed the brief, are we doing population or mind control today?”
I laugh, the other guys laugh, ATC laughs, the CIA laughs.
Good times.
The important fact in this article, that everyone seems to forget, is Pelosi attempted to conspire with the military to usurp military control from a sitting President. This is textbook “attempted coup.”
Assuming we are playing chess... what chess piece is Gates? Is he a Knight that “jumps one over two?”
That’s where I would put him.
Important tactically...disposable strategically.
Plagiarize away fren. And navigate and disseminate nimbly.
I just submitted the following to their feedback website. Please consider doing the same:
A quote from your spokesperson Amy Hellebuyck.
“Carhartt fully understands and respects the varying opinions on this topic, and we are aware some of our associates do not support this policy. However, we stand behind our decision because we believe vaccines are necessary to protect our workforce.”
The degree to which you are betraying your target demographic cannot be over-stated.
The people who grow your food, maintain your roads, and keep your lights on take extreme risk every-day.
Your unwillingness to accept a tiny risk, in the face of a growing, totalitarian, medical tyranny will not soon be forgotten.
I will not purchase another Carhartt product until you reverse this asinine decision to enforce a wholly unconstitutional and immoral requirement that your employees inject themselves with a gene therapeutic completely devoid of liability protection and long-term safety data.
Put a big Red X on all truckers who refuse to show their Cargo, video document any driver or truck who will not swing their doors open.