Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't help myself from going tangential.

When I lived in Austin, TX- there was a morning DJ that was hilarious. During the whole Jeffrey Dahmer incident, he managed to call the HR department of Froneri, which owns the Eskimo Pie brand. This was where Dahmer worked, prior to being arrested.

While asking general "reporter questions" he managed to sneak in "exactly how many Eskimos are in an Eskimo pie?"

Not a surprise, they hung up on him .... but that was funny.

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you can reverse or nullify it, then it seems you could amplify it. That would be a messy bomb.

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Generally, most Federal Workers fall under a General Scale (GS) pay rate. It's not luxury living, but it's a stable income.

And as an individual that has seen RIFs, offshoring, companies dissolved or acquired - without stability, you have nothing.

Hodar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm ok with Costco keeping DEI. Let them get sued for discrimination, they are wasting THEIR money, not mine.

We have both Sam's (2 miles) and Costco (18 miles) locally, we have both cards. We buy about 90% of what we need from Sam's Club, and rarely go to Costco. Sometimes, just a change in scenery is nice .... jury is out as to whether we renew.

Hodar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Quite possibly, the intent was a One and Done approach. To extend the department without a termination date, would be simply empowering a predatory department, without limits on expansion.

This agency gave itself a shelf-life, identify waste and go away.

Doesn't mean it won't be re-instituted from time to time.

Hodar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Given that this career will terminate on July 4, 2026 - It's a temporary situation.

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cooler head than I have I would have found a local industrial shredder and just started pitching them in

Smarter to have them forensically examined. Then the shredder. Oops

Hodar 2 points ago +3 / -1

Pension for Federal Workers, really isn't anything to crow about. 1.1% of your top 3 years average, for each year worked.

So, if you worked for 15 years and were making $80k, that's 16.5% of your top 3 years, or $13,200 /year. It's nothing like it use to be, where people were looking at 80% for life. So, while it's not insignificant, it's not where may people think it is.

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Add to that a rash of illegal aliens that are getting the boot ....

I predict housing market to collapse, used AND new car prices to collapse ....

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, INDIRECTLY the broadcasters will need to improve their programming; so people will be willing to watch the shows.

I hope. Bring back ORIGINAL family friendly shows like Bonanza, Twilight Show, Star Trek, Gilligan's Island, etc.

Tyler Sheridan has shown that there are excellent stories to be told, may I offer Yellowstone and Landman as some prime examples. I pay for Paramount+ to watch these shows.

Hodar 11 points ago +11 / -0

I predict that this will be the Forward Operations Base (FOB) for missions exterminating the Mexican Cartels

Then, I predict another Mexican Civil War. People have lived in fear from both the drug cartels, as well as corrupt officials. When the cartels are eliminated, and the fear is gone - there will be some pretty pissed off Mexicans seeking revenge. Revenge is a pretty big deal in their culture.

This is something that NEEDS to happen, the pendulum needs to swing back.

Hodar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Commercial property prices have plummeted. When companies realized they could send workers home, and have the worker maintain internet, heating, cooling, janitorial, parking, and still be productive - many commercial buildings emptied - and remain empty.

I still see jobs advertised where people are herded into a Hotel conference room for interviews, are hired on a probationary period, are issued a laptop and sent to work from home. I see this in the hotel and travel industry, warranty call centers, and tech support.

Not sure that commercial buildings will ever recover to pre-covid times.

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am a big fan of JD, enjoyed the movie made about his life - and find him absolutely intriguing to listen to.

I wonder if he can play poker?

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife and I WERE watching Pres. Trumps Inauguration on FoxNews (yeah, stupid move). Then when Pres. Trump started signing EO's and explaining what each one was ...

Brett - in his infinite wisdom decided to cut from the EO's being commented on, and signed; and went on a diatribe about his impressions.

We immediately went to Right Side Broadcasting.

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

When attacked, you have no clue as to their goals. So, assume that their goal is to kill you, and everyone behind you.

Respond to the attack, every time, with lethal force. Treat an attack, as an attack.

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

But there's no political mechanism for removing a Chicago mayor from office. The City Council can’t impeach, and the voters can’t recall. In this town, only a felony conviction can force a mayor from office. (To be fair, felony convictions are pretty common among Chicago politicians.)


Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time cards have a charge code for Telework vs Regular Time cards are filled by the employee, and then approved by the Supervisor / Manager / Director

Time card fraud is one offense that can get you fired on-the-spot. Any one can whistleblow on this, and it's easily verifiable. It's something I would heartily discourage..

Hodar 10 points ago +10 / -0

(a) Within 30 days of the signing of this memorandum, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), shall issue SES Performance Plans that agencies must adopt;

(b) Agency heads, who along with their senior staff manage career SES officials as one of their core functions, shall use all available authorities to reinvigorate the SES system and prioritize accountability;

This will impact everyone from SES Grade, down through the entire system.

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like an act of war

Maybe not sink the ship; but it seems like the crew ought to swim to shore and let God sort them out

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