Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is this guy president of? I like Ray but it's unclear who he is talking to and as soon as the guy said buffer zone I knew it was a waste of breath.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Candace is amazing! She's a bulldog and will not let go. At first when she started this campaign, I just thought, so what, why does she keep on about this. But now I'm getting it - she just cannot abide barefaced lies.

I am a little bit afraid of her truth campaigns now, to be honest, I want her to be safe to take care of her own kids. May angels watch over her!

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Benjamin Fulford said there are at least 3 Trumps, the real one is in Cheyenne Mtn, then there is a black hat one and a white hat one.

So whenever I hear him saying how great israhell is and how all students who are for the Palestinians should be deported, I just say to myself, that's the black hat trump.

This may or may not be true but it's the only way I could vote for him after he says shit like this.

And really, to outright admit that his vote can be bought is showing where the problem lies - we need to get the money out of politics.

Hope4Gaiarestored 4 points ago +4 / -0

OMG! I keep thinking we have seen the worst of the zionists - but NO! They come up with more atrocities all the time.

Anyone who settles on the blood and pain in the soil of Gaza will never sleep in peace.

Hope4Gaiarestored 14 points ago +14 / -0

Barron looks all grown up suddenly - handsome kid!

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +3 / -1

I would love for what you say to be true but I've seen no evidence yet. How could Trump have let Ivanka marry Evil Jared?? And I heard that he studied to become Jewish himself after that.

Hope4Gaiarestored 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does anyone give this retard, coke-addicted nitwit the time of day? He's killed 90% of ukrainian men already and he wants mooore stuff.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's time we all cancelled this little worm.

I can't stand to listen to him or bear to look at him.

Disappear, toadface!

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard that the lithium batteries were painted with explosives, then the pager was triggered to heat the batteries, then they exploded.

Some people were quick enough to toss them as soon as they warmed up so they were not hurt.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought she was a do-nothing DEI vice president! Now she is becoming the mastermind? I'm not sure about that - I agree she might be malicious but she would still need the mind part.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think you have raised a kid to college age recently.

My grandkids were all brought up to think that college was the only option to make as much money as dad and they chose the one they wanted to attend - after checking half a dozen out.

Hope4Gaiarestored 6 points ago +6 / -0

You don't have to be smart to run a cell phone! You have to be REALLY dumb.

Having a phone on your body for 30 mins a day is enough to change your brain - do the research.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me too, but I have to say that phones have a lot to do with the choice not to have a child. Kids raised with phones don't need children - they have all their imaginary friends to talk to all day and can watch funny tiktoks about kids without all the bother.

Hope4Gaiarestored 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree and congrats for your unflappable presence. I couldn't watch it at all ;)

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

I followed Mercola from the beginning but I have reservations now because he was in at the beginning of the supplement swindle. When companies saw what he was making on more and more supplements they were encouraged to join the parade.

Now I know that most supplements are not necessary and most come from India and China and are never inspected, I think it would be better if we hadn't gone down that road.

Hope4Gaiarestored 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even small town local government is all woke and DEI and keep voting more taxes to cover their raises every year. In mine the city council gets 80,000 for a part time job.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think that's the real Trump.

Benjamin Fulford has said for a long time that the real Trump is in Cheyenne Mountain. In his last newsletter he said the real Trump comes out for special reasons, he just doesn't do the rallies.

The Trump copy is shorter and heavier.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry about this. I have a suspicion that NY may be the FAFU example to show us the error of our ways.

Hope4Gaiarestored 6 points ago +6 / -0

He's giving up on waiting for a pardon - considering that his dad is dead.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bless you for this. Onward and upward!

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