the Air Force 1 Jet with tail number 92-9000 has no information on movement according to since 11/30/2020
Trump's "Trump force one" never shows on these public tracking sites per his request.
I wonder if Trump has been using this AF1 since Biden took office, the latest news report said 1 of 4 engines failed, and TF1 only has 2 engines, but this AF1 has 4
edit: it appears to have been used at least 10+ times a month for the entirety of 2020
What is Putins threat against Finland about? Why is he going to threaten military action if Finland joins NATO?
To the true President of these United States of America , President Trump!!
Can’t wait to make it through the waiting list on Truth Social so I can join his beautiful platform
2 “executive” planes and a 3rd Plane in convoy from Germany,ae11fa,ae503d
Edit: new link (below) to add Canadian Jet potentially heading for same destination, thanks u/Scorpion76,c2b373,ae11fa,adfeb9
edit: on 2/18 the 3 American Jets left DC for Munich on 2/17 that same canadian Jet in the link above looks like it wend Ottowa to Winnipeg to Colorado Springs, to Winnipeg,ae0945,adfeba
3 SAM flights from Ireland, looking like DC as end point. What was going on in Ireland today
But can somebody fill me in on what this means
Is it good or bad for the company, is it good or bad for stakeholders

I wonder how many medical professionals can recite the hippocratic oath, and then how many actually try to abide by it
In conference call, they are saying vax/testing is going live Jan 4th. They say the gov is mandating it, and it has not been blocked by courts.
Also says the federal gov trumps the state laws, which I’m in Tennessee and they have blocked this
3weeks old but thought it was interesting.
My horse has a fever, sore throat, and very achy back (I assume). I was going to give him some ivermectin paste, but I’m a little nervous, I’ve never dosed him before. I know COVID alpha was recommended .2g/kg body weight, but I’ve heard delta variant may want .4g/kg.
Do you know which protocol is best?
Also has anybodys horse suffered side effects from this?
I wanted to take a moment and encourage fellow anons, who have not already done so, to spend some time studying your local government. The best impact we can have is on a local level, the federal level is too corrupt, and far too deep in the grasp of the D party (and RINO party) for us to have any meaningful action take place.
I went through my local states senators and representatives, looked up bills that have been passed, and those that are being proposed, I wanted to encourage my District's senator and representative to fill any gaps that there were. I was actually happy with what I saw in my states recent history(bills since Biden took office), and how early the bills were introduced. I learned that they have a special session coming up on the 27th of this month to fight against the federal government's overreach on vaccine mandates.
Just wanted to share some local actions that can be taken, and to say that TN isn't very public with their actions, making headlines or anything, but they seem to be working in the background to curb these regulations for the citizens of TN
"We need to ensure that no stone has been unturned in our legislature in fighting back against such action, while continuing to utilize our legal options to challenge it in the courts." - Art Swann (Republican State Senator)
During the phone call, Swann reiterated that the goal of the special session would be to try and push the vaccine mandate to the courts, where a judge would then rule whether or not Tennessee has to comply.
“It’s more of a dig your heels in the ground moment,” Swann said. “It’s somewhat defiant. We need to stand up to them on these mandates and say ‘we have rights on this issue.’ And then we’ll go from there.”
From CodeMonkey Z
Japanese Covid Cases surged after the Tokyo Olympics.
In the third week of August the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association recommended doctors to prescribe Ivermectin to covid patients.
Immediately you can see the graph dropped to very few new cases within a month.
What do you pedes know about this?