This right here triggers tf out of me. Not in a negative way necessarily. But it’s my go to hook line and sinker. After entertaining a normies with conspiracy facts for hours, I’ll usually end up here.
“Hillary Clinton fucking died at a 2016 9/11 memorial, was tossed into a van, and re-emerged three hours later looking like a new person who had no recollection of what happened.
What a novel idea LolZ. If I had a dime for every “trump will be the first arrest” post, I’d have $10. That’s 100 times I’m embellishing that I’ve seen it here. Of course Trump can be the first arrest. To many of us it’s the only outcome that would make sense.
Be careful you get banned for uttering “2 weeks” even if Greg posts something and quite literally says it’s happening in two weeks. But we’re doomer shills for making a very pertinent joke about these people. Lol I wonder if they gonna ban people now
All the celebrities who have overnight dramatic changes…. Mike Pompeo dropping a Hundo virtually overnight….eventually normies and anons will start to acknowledge human cloning with rapid growth technology. But unfortunately not many seem open to accepting it.
Watch for the boot ( used to be the black eye). The medical boot is the tell tale
Correct, separation has been the only result for the refusers. I know plenty who refused, are still in, and are still performing normal duties.
If this was truly a lawful order, these people would be immediately pushed into NJP. I know of a grand total of zero to date.