Isolated_Patriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's only the ones who "know the full plan" there could still be hundreds that only know relevant parts.

Isolated_Patriot 32 points ago +32 / -0

It's absurd. I would chalk it up to shills over on TD but I just had an argument with a long term account that's been around since forever calling Qanon terrorists. Like WTF is being smoked over there?

Five guys in MAGA hats "Obviously they are Antifa trying to frame us!" one with a Q shirt "Those bastards have been working with antifa all along!!!!"

Who's brain is that broken?

Isolated_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

and no one is expected to be there

That's not what they mean by virtual. It's not literally going to be in biden's basement.

They mean there will only be cameras and no crowds.

Isolated_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now remember that the whitehouse has 30k troops and a massive, reinforced perimeter right now....

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +3 / -1

I wouldn't read too much into that, think it came out on thedonald that anything works in that coupon code box.

Isolated_Patriot 15 points ago +15 / -0

Hell no. It's like a bomb went off in my house, I ain't got time to pick up the kids toys THERE COULD BE SOMETHING ON NEW!!!!!

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk about the interview, but I I'm pretty sure white-hat and black-hat originated as an inside joke meaning wizards and warlocks.

Wizards wear a white hat, Warlocks a black one. Good hackers and bad hackers.

It's because computer nerd/hackers are often called Wizards by people who have no idea how computers work. So they called malicious hackers that created viruses and crashed systems Warlocks.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are going to go after the ones who objected. Their objections "incited violence." It's the next logical step of the coup, political prosecution of anyone who tried to stop the coup.

Isolated_Patriot 14 points ago +14 / -0

Someone said "Staring match" I think that might cover it.

Isolated_Patriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

There's more than one though, only when the President is on board is it callsign AF1. So being callsign MACHO41 means he might not have been onboard. I was hoping OP had a reason to suspect POTUS was actually on board.

Isolated_Patriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

I believe this is tradition for new terms.

New Presidents get to choose what art and furniture is brought out of storage and displayed in the whitehouse, but I am pretty sure changes are traditionally made during second terms too.

Could also just be keeping up appearances.

Isolated_Patriot 18 points ago +18 / -0

You didn't open the full picture: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErzTGcxXUAIjQfb?format=jpg&name=small

Most interesting is the header:



Isolated_Patriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is more furniture and busts and paintings etc. than actually fits in the whitehouse. New presidents and first ladies get to pick which items they want displayed or used. Much of this is stuff going back to the warehouse. But the media will of course attempt to project that a billionaire is stealing from the whitehouse because that is what the Clintons did.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have always been of the opinion that using something to hide your traffic only makes it a hundred times more likely someone would be sniffing.

Isolated_Patriot 15 points ago +15 / -0

Antifa was there to cause shit, but ended up cowering in a hotel room the whole time because of all the guns. One of my favorite parts of the day.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

How big are these subs??? Those missiles are ginormous!

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