"Piss Off, Ya Wanker!" comes to mind.
Listen to it again. She said that 99% of traffic and data travel through the "world's undersea fibreoptic cables", NOT that 99% of the world's traffic and data goes through the Red Sea fibreoptic cable. It's just a play on words to make the news story more 'dramatic' and 'scary' because they know that people don't really listen to what's being said.
who happens to be one of the funniest, smartest, most beautiful people I know
Notice that he was unable to say "who happens to be one of the funniest, smartest, most beautiful WOMEN I know".
Those who have an education in forensic statement analysis know what I'm commenting about.
There are many PAFBs in our nation. There's a Pope Air Force Base next to Ft. Bragg, NC.
FACT #1 - Juveniles are RARELY arrested, and only then in cases of capital crimes. They are apprehended and adjudicated on court PETITIONS, not warrants for arrest.
FACT #2 - ALL law enforcement investigations start AT THE BEGINNING, not the middle of the incident. Yes, pedophilia is certainly a crime that must be addressed by an arrest of the suspect. The production of child porn, even by a child is ALSO a crime which law enforcement has no choice but to properly address and that means apprehending the juvenile on a juvenile petition and putting them in front of a judge for adjudication. This is not like a traffic infraction. Law enforcement has no authority or officer discretion to give this crime by the juvenile a pass even if they wanted.
FACT #3 - The laws are enacted by politicians that YOU ELECTED, not by law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers are bound by their oaths of office; "I, [Name] do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of [State] not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Law Enforcement Officer, so help me God." If you have a problem with the laws then go bitch and whine to your politicians that YOU elected. Remember, start at the BEGINNING, not in the MIDDLE!
FACT #4 - Prosecutors win cases like this all the time against BOTH the pedophiles AND the errant JUVENILE despite what other uninformed and unknowledgeable cop-hater morons want to believe. Though the cases may be related they are not bound to one another for the purposes of prosecution as they are a different set of crimes with a different set of elements of the crime to be proven. Correlation as causation is not a consideration in this matter.
FACT #5 - The parents need to be arrested on CHILD NEGLECT charges for not properly raising their child. Like I said, start at the BEGINNING, not the middle of the incident. This is what happens when you think that a 'village' should raise your child for you.
Wrong: Absolutely NOTHING is funded by the government. It is all funded with TAX PAYER DOLLARS! It's time to take back the control of how our tax dollars are used.
What a bunch of BULLSH!T designed to make you one of those snowflake liberals who try to control the lives of others over some nonsense.
If you live in an apartment complex, see if you can convince your neighbors to do it too.
Someone comes to my door with this kind of BULLSH!T they're going to fall into a very deep sleep right there on my front porch.
Trump's crimes?
So tell us, what "crimes" has President Donald J. Trump ever been CONVICTED of?
I wonder if posts like this are made for the express purpose of manipulating the rest of us into acceptance of the lie that President Donald J. Trump has committed "crimes".
He has not.
If you fall for this glowtard crap then you are a moron. It's nothing more than the government telling you to not believe your lying eyes. Since they can't argue the video they are now trying to argue that the video is false somehow. Piss Off Glow Fags!
'Toxic Methanol'?
Methanol (also called methyl alcohol and wood spirit, amongst other names) is an ORGANIC chemical and the simplest aliphatic alcohol. It's a naturally occurring substance on this earth. This accident does nothing more than simply put back into nature what was taken from it.
Small amounts of methanol are present in normal, healthy human individuals. One study found a mean of 4.5 ppm in the exhaled breath of test subjects. The mean endogenous methanol in humans of 0.45 g/d may be metabolized from pectin found in fruit; one kilogram of apple produces up to 1.4 g of pectin (0.6 g of methanol.)
The Ohio River as a whole is ALREADY ranked as the most polluted river in the United States, based on 2009 and 2010 data.
But even 1,400 tons of methanol would be quickly dispersed in the Ohio river as its long-term mean discharge rate is 281,500 cu ft/s, the most turbulent and fastest in the nation.
Knowing the FACTS it seems that this is a big old nothing burger in the larger scheme of things. Just more fear-mongering.
'Toxic Methanol'?
Methanol (also called methyl alcohol and wood spirit, amongst other names) is an ORGANIC chemical and the simplest aliphatic alcohol. It's a naturally occurring substance on this earth. This accident does nothing more than simply put back into nature what was taken from it.
Small amounts of methanol are present in normal, healthy human individuals. One study found a mean of 4.5 ppm in the exhaled breath of test subjects. The mean endogenous methanol in humans of 0.45 g/d may be metabolized from pectin found in fruit; one kilogram of apple produces up to 1.4 g of pectin (0.6 g of methanol.)
The Ohio River as a whole is ALREADY ranked as the most polluted river in the United States, based on 2009 and 2010 data.
But even 1,400 tons of methanol would be quickly dispersed in the Ohio river as its long-term mean discharge rate is 281,500 cu ft/s, the most turbulent and fastest in the nation.
Knowing the FACTS it seems that this is a big old nothing burger in the larger scheme of things. Just more fear-mongering.
I discovered through 23andMe that I'm 0.2% Angolan/Congolese
I'm now a proud Black man. Just because I’m a light-skinned Black male doesn’t give people (mostly dark-skinned Blacks and LIBERAL White Apologists) the right to be racist and oppress me by denying my blackness over nothing more than the color of my skin. Why do you act racist like that?
You don't get to make the decision regarding my race. It was your Democrat legislators who legislated the hypo-descendency rule into the laws that make me a BLACK MAN.
I do have to note the sheer surprise I’ve experienced at the suddenly found freedoms and perks that I’ve experienced now that people have proof that I’m Black. I never realized how freeing that having Black privilege is. And being at the head of all lists and selection processes is certainly a plus. Initially they push back until I show them my DNA results and the hypo-descendency rule, but after seeing those they shrug their shoulders and comment that all they needed was the capability to put a checkmark in the “Black” box and we all move on; them happy to have an intelligent Black man on their team and me happy to be making the money I deserve because I was ENTITLED to it as a Black man. I'm so delighted that I encourage OTHERS to have their DNA tested so that they TOO can enjoy the BLACK PRIVILEGE.
Furthermore, it is scientifically recognized that the average human body has approximately 120,000 drops of blood in it. Mathematically 1 drop of blood equates to 0.0008333 percent. This means that under the one-drop rule only 0.0008333 percent of genetic material present by blood DNA content is required to be racially classified as "Black". I have 120 times more than the minimum required to be considered "Black". Now, where's my reparation check?
I find it interesting that dark-skinned Blacks and liberal White apologists are so very racist towards us light-skinned Blacks.
And do you really think that the readers are going to take YOUR opinion over that of a bona fide college professor?
"To be considered black in the United States not even half of one's ancestry must be African-black. But will one-fourth do, or one-eighth, or less? The nation's answer to the question 'Who is black?" has long been that a black is any person with any known African black ancestry. This definition reflects the long experience with slavery and later with Jim Crow segregation. In the South it became known as the "one-drop rule,'' meaning that a single drop of "black blood" makes a person a black. It is also known as the "one black ancestor rule," some courts have called it the "traceable amount rule," and anthropologists call it the "hypo-descent rule," meaning that racially mixed persons are assigned the status of the subordinate group. This definition emerged from the American South to become the nation's definition, generally accepted by whites and blacks. The one-drop rule has long been taken for granted throughout the United States by whites and blacks alike, and the federal courts have taken "judicial notice" of it as being a matter of common knowledge. This American cultural definition of blacks is taken for granted as readily by judges, affirmative action officers, and black protesters as it is by Ku Klux Klansmen". ~ F. James Davis: Professor of Sociology, Illinois State University
'Toxic Methanol'?
Methanol (also called methyl alcohol and wood spirit, amongst other names) is an ORGANIC chemical and the simplest aliphatic alcohol. It's a naturally occurring substance on this earth. This accident does nothing more than simply put back into nature what was taken from it.
Small amounts of methanol are present in normal, healthy human individuals. One study found a mean of 4.5 ppm in the exhaled breath of test subjects. The mean endogenous methanol in humans of 0.45 g/d may be metabolized from pectin found in fruit; one kilogram of apple produces up to 1.4 g of pectin (0.6 g of methanol.)
The Ohio River as a whole is ALREADY ranked as the most polluted river in the United States, based on 2009 and 2010 data.
But even 1,400 tons of methanol would be quickly dispersed in the Ohio river as its long-term mean discharge rate is 281,500 cu ft/s, the most turbulent and fastest in the nation.
Knowing the FACTS it seems that this is a big old nothing burger in the larger scheme of things. Just more fear-mongering.
I particularly loved how he deflected those few liberals in the room who tried about three separate times to derail him and his momentum with a question. He shut them down with a simple "No, thank you" and continued on as if they didn't exist.
So, what did you post that generated this?
Don't start the telling of the incident in the middle, start at the beginning!
Otherwise, you leave us no choice but to assume you're the problem and not Elon Musk.
What an odd way of saying that one or more CLASSIFIED documents were found dangerously unsecured at Biden's residence. Even just ONE unsecured classified document is cause for national alarm and concern!
Now we will see if they pass up a rope on you are wprk around the agreement.
Welcome to GreatAwakening.win Joe Biden!!!
If that's the best they got then they are surely in trouble!
I accept that it is reasonable to restrict a person from yelling "fire" in a crowded theater as a prank causing the deaths of several people for no reason.
Now tell me, how does this make me indoctrinated?
No, God didn't make the sheep too.
God created everyone equally at the start of their lives and then gave them "free will".
It is what mankind does with their "free will" that makes them sheep or intelligent free thinking fact-finding self-sufficient individuals.
If you're sheep then it's because you chose to be one.
I suspect that I'm far more grown up than you'll ever be.
You're glowing, glowie!
Well now, that was 3:49 of my life wasted on nonsense.