Bless their little hearts
Even without the jabs, the Trudeau lifestyle and the MonkeyPox clubs just aren't set up for baby-making
Conveniently, Willis developed dementia, so he won't be answering any questions regarding Demi
Meanwhile, Dave Grohl can continue pouting at home, and deliver lectures to the mirror about how his music should be used, and beg his wife to take him back.
Likely had plans to remove her own Husband and forgot to tell him
Meanwhile, Dave Grohl whines and pouts, bitches, and wants to give you and I lecture while cheating on his wife
Bless her little heart
Trump ending the meeting with.. "Let's see what happens." LOL
Start asking them all how we should spend "their" money
Ah, the Mitch McConnell method..shut down when uncomfortable topics start to come up that you don't want to answer, but a sudden burst of energy when you want to deliver a lecture.
We don't want Hobbits standing up against us!
Can't find a safe-space anywhere!
They all will fold, it's pure desperation at the point
No, Treason charges ARE on the table
The useful idiots are the first to be lined up
LOL..he thinks he is establishing a few ground rules going forward, bless his little heart
"But, I was offered a book, tho?"
Colbert has sure acted as if that were him on the video. It's so precious when they get BIG MAD and think it will be enough to make you stand down
Ask Arnold...he gets together to play grabass with Podesta
Barack Obama Oh no you ain't you silly bitch, not so fast! March back here right now. "The Brothas" are not done with your goofy ass, they will let you know when you are excused, after speaking to you in the manner you have earned, before discussing the consequences of Treason
I'd like Lady Gaga to explain to me what she thought was so funny and "ahem" cool regarding the Panda eyes...
Since this time, many have certainly acted with the nervousness that both No Name and Bush Sr were indeed executed. Already in deep as well, they are well aware that their only option is to completely win the game they are in, which they cannot do, or join the fate of No Name/ Bush Sr.
Big people need a big way out and soon. The alien op is their biggest card left. They use it, or lose it, along with everything else