Jewel516 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have hardly stopped chuckling all month except when I remember that I should be praying for these evil hearted lost souls. Then I feel guilty, I pray & before I know it, something else gets exposed. You just can’t make this stuff up!!

Jewel516 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep looking, I just saw it on Real Americas Voice last week when James OKeefe was on. Bannons Warroom, I think. Find the reruns.

Jewel516 7 points ago +7 / -0

And FakeBook won’t allow you to share this because it violates their policies. So sick!!

Jewel516 17 points ago +17 / -0

I love this post. My family & my kids had thought I’d literally gone off the deep end. Then my husband started to agree with them, however, they’ve started to acknowledge that what I’ve said is truth. We’ve become an entire nuclear family of MAGA supporters, spouses too. Makes this Grandma so happy. Trumps speech in Iowa was very good tonight. Did anyone hear him make the comment about France using watermarks on their ballots? That they were safer ballots? If you know, you know. Peace ;-)

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

We shut the TV off & went to bed. We realized that we’d stayed up for nothing. Gross.

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

You will come out better! I got involved in my church and then started attending Bible Study Fellowship (BSF.org) It’s an international weekly Bible study with men and women’s groups. It’s truly been such a blessing in my life & has helped me not only learn the Bible but has helped me heal. Jesus doesn’t want us to feel broken. He wants to give us new life so we can share the gospel with others. You are definitely on your way. Gods blessings on your life, unruly.

Jewel516 3 points ago +3 / -0

You were so brave to open up to your friend! Shame on your parents for asking what you did!! That is a stumbling block that makes it hard to move forward. I believe it’s the shock of feeling like our church leaders are ‘above sin’ and in order for them to sin we must have somehow caused it. It’s not fair to thousands of victims.

I went through a similar experience but with my father. When my mother found out I was 30. Her response was ‘well, it took 30 years for this to come out so it’ll probably take 30 more years for the ‘truth’ to come out.’ (Or something similar to that). It’s earth shattering when someone (who is supposed to love you more than life) says that to you. I’m happy to say that I had Jesus on my side. He helped heal my broken heart & I'm complete today, in my Savior, Lord Jesus’ arms. I wasn’t ever able to work through this pain with the help of my mother but I soon realized she was as sick as my father. My husband & my siblings were my support, but it was Jesus who healed my broken heart.

God bless your journey, unruly. Please seek God & know that only He can heal you from the pain you experienced. He wants us to be complete and in Him we can truly be healed. My favorite bible verse that I clung (cling) to every day was Isaiah 53:5 - He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Find your verse, memorize it & cling to it. God will show it to you. Amen, friend. You are loved.

Jewel516 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes me so sick to my stomach that I’m almost embarrassed to be from the good old USA. However, these people are NOT our citizens. We are!! It’s time to take it back!

Jewel516 1 point ago +1 / -0

Little sweetheart! Congratulations!! We can always use another Patriot in our corner ❤️❤️❤️

Jewel516 6 points ago +6 / -0

And our government killed them. It’s a complete genocide.

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amazingly accurate! Only thing missing is Jill’s ridiculous non-Christian, non-patriotic Christmas decor. I miss our favorite First Family so much!

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

He has always reminded me of someone, but it was hard to put my finger on it…Now I know…Fidel Castro. Looks just like him, doesn’t he? Who are his “parents”, does he have a brother named Justin (Trudeau)?

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

My prayer to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior is that she is in a witness protection program. If not, I pray her death was rapid, without suffering, and she is in the arms of our Heavenly Father. Janet, you will never be forgotten! The information you provided to us is the most important “truth” to date for me. You, alone, connected more dots for me than even Q did. Your death, if indeed true, will never be for naught. We will carry your torch forever! I have all of your videos archived. Thank you, dear woman, for the work you did for mankind. God bless you.

Jewel516 6 points ago +6 / -0

At least you know you offended a pansy ass, I only supported our true President Trump & was booted. I’ve tried many, many times to appeal with ZERO response. I just opened another account but I lost almost 20,000 followers. I haven’t even given it any effort for followers this time. I don’t give a shit. GAW is much more informative anyway.

Jewel516 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is a travesty. This woman was a patriot. Anyone that says anything against her is on the wrong side of MAGA. She was a warrior & a hero. I’m so very sorry for her loss & for her family. This is terrible news.

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

We knew this from Day 1! Information from autopsy has been released for years.

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

Finally, we are winning!!!

Jewel516 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please let us know if you decide to run. I’m not able to run for office but certainly available to help your campaign here in Minnesota. We need a lot of help. Royce White is a great contact, too, for help getting started.

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