KSUIE 2 points ago +2 / -0

#DDAY! Welcome to the trenches fren. See you on the other side.

KSUIE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fox News is OU, CNN is the Longhorn's. They purposefully present the completely opposite viewpoint as they are instructed to do by their ownership. Anyone that gets to far out of line is course corrected or fired. Division is purposefully created on both sides. Stop watching Fox News. Start using telegram more. Follow certified accounts to get truth. It is the only place I have found it to exist anymore.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found this data on the number of injuries reported requesting financial compensation. Thought it may be useful to others as well.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just watched the video and I am not sure how this picture could have been taken. Otoya ran on to stage form opposite side and appeared to lose his sword after he buried it into his left torso... new conspiracy perhaps? How and when was this award winning photo taken? The guy he stabbed never saw him coming.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you remove government infringement and corruption on and from business you reduce the number of corporations and become a more live local society. Libertarian policies would lead to more successful small businesses, more competition for labor, and more wealth for individuals. We want corporations to shit on their employees because we don’t want people to work for corporations. And don’t want federal government to be responsible or have authority over anything not expressly guaranteed in the constitution. Open borders I’m not down with, but since no party fully represents my beliefs I have to go Libertarian because basically I do just want to be left alone. And if a company shits on me I find a different job, corporations shit on their employees now so I don’t really see the difference you are disagreeing with on that aspect.

KSUIE 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you are on to something. I think the Haitians are part of a trump operation too. Lots of haitian kids were taken by the Clinton Foundation during the earthquake recovery. A whole lot. I think there is a whole new game taking place and we just assume it’s because Biden is completely in incompetent which is 100% true, but he isn’t running anything. This is a well structured assassination of the DNC, that’s how it feels to me. Let’s be honest no one is this bad at government that has been doing it their whole life. This is organized destruction, they aren’t winning with this crap they are making more and more people angry, if there is one thing they understand it is angry mobs only this Mob does not belong to them.

KSUIE 0 points ago +1 / -1
  1. It is not imminent, it never happened and it was not a 3 year prediction of things to come, It was not a prediction of things to come, and this message has 34 words.... coincidence?????
KSUIE 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t think they make decaf Diet Coke and if they did I’m sure it is trash.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I were glowing I would tell you to raid the capital instead of telling you to get involved as poll worker/ volunteer.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be new here

KSUIE 1 point ago +5 / -4

Alex Jones is a shill

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

The libtards still believe Oklahoma hospitals are full of ivermectin OD’s even after all news agencies recanted their statements and it was stated by the Seqouya hospital they had exactly 0 ivermectin ODs. If it were a strategy, which I am Covid survival statistics level sure it was not i.e. >99%, it is a strategy that does not work because liberals in general are ignorant assholes and only believe whatever they can latch on to that supports their confirmation bias. These kind of mistakes do not help, and it was either a mistake or as the left claims incompetence.

KSUIE 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know where the canvas photo came from. A Simple Google Maps search with satellite shows that there is most definitely a house at that location. It's not an intentional mistake it is just plain lazy and stupid, discrediting the entire process. https://imgur.com/gallery/bep8hR0

KSUIE -4 points ago +10 / -14

So then he allowed Afghanistan to fall and it is actually his fault? And he is allowing the open border? And the continued Covid propaganda? He’s not in control of anything. The election was stolen, the cabal are in charge.

KSUIE 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't use a code, give him the full value. His pillows are worth every penny support this patriot.

KSUIE 3 points ago +4 / -1

Don't use a code give him the full value. His pillows are worth every penny. Support this patriot.

KSUIE 5 points ago +6 / -1

Don't use a code, give him the full value, the pillows are fantastic and wroth every penny. I bought 2 and refused to use a discount code. Support this patriot.

KSUIE 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is all a distraction, makes me think the audit news is more substantial than I originally thought. My favorite part of this is how Cuomo must be feeling right now. All this time he thought things like piercing his nipples and shaving his ballsack would make him part of the elegies, and he was always just their patsy. He will get convicted of the nursing home murders or at least the trial will start at exactly the same time as more information about the stolen election becomes irrefutable. They have to have a sensational harassment and murder story to distract from the real story. Cuomo is fucked, he will be fed to the sharks as they pray the storm passes. The storm isn’t going to pass do what you will with Cuomo, you have lost. The truth is coming and nothing can stop it, not even fake sexual harassment charges or circus trials. Yes I think the sexual allegations against Cuomo are false. This is their standard operating procedure, there will probably be pictures of him in blackface by tomorrow afternoon.

KSUIE 9 points ago +9 / -0

Logged in to Linked-In yesterday and it wanted me to pick my pronoun. Fuck you wasnt on the list.

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