Kanime1224 5 points ago +5 / -0

so question. could anyone tell me the best place to put my money into instead of a bank?

Kanime1224 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love Foil, best version of the song. Use it for when I visit the future wifes family on Thanksgiving. Those Hats are comfy, haha

Kanime1224 23 points ago +23 / -0

They cracked the code boys. Time to change it up. 🤣😂🕵🏻‍♂️

Kanime1224 16 points ago +17 / -1

Absolutely, It's just a pattern I've noticed. The push for these kinds of bills and everything only seem to happen when it's only the house or only the senate. Never when all 3 are aligned to some extent. I hope it goes through, all things are possible with God. May His will be done.

Kanime1224 72 points ago +75 / -3

The GOP always does this, Wait till they only hold one branch then act as if they are fighting really hard for the people, why not do this when got into office and they had the senate as well. Clown show of the parasites.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like they are promoting him lol. Imagine if he goes along with it. Qesla model Q, SpaceQ.

Kanime1224 11 points ago +11 / -0

I am putting this in God's hands. My girlfriend (future wife), my extended family, and sister are all injected, same with people at my church. I am not cutting them out of my life. If this is true it will be hard but I know God will get me through it. Not going to worry for The King of Kings and Lord or Lords is in control

Kanime1224 8 points ago +9 / -1

My Pastor just preached over this Sunday, its crazy how the image that comes to mind has changed over the years. May we all learn to be truly Meek (strength under control.)

Kanime1224 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bing, owned by Microsoft. Gates founded Microsoft... supposedly. Boom Bang, Bing = Gates. It is a slightly off topic comment but I see where he got the Gates correlation

Kanime1224 11 points ago +11 / -0

When I was in high school a friend of mine killed herself. My lest words to her haunted me for the longest time. I was joking with her but my last words where "see ya later bitch", she killed herself a few days later because her boyfriend broke up with her and antidepressants caused her to spiral but the fast those where my last words made me feel horrible.

Since your son was the last to talk to this person, the greatest advice outside of prayer and open communication would be letting them know that they are not what caused this, and they are not responsible. I obviously don't know you or your sons situation, but if that ever comes up I hope this helps.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is shady for the polling place, but glad things went smooth on your end. Im keeping this nation covered in prayer, pleading with God but may His will be done, not mine.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whenever they want to try and deceive people of how things used to be and how they are now they always put "that's normal" or "and that's okay". If it was you wouldn't have to say that. I know they know what they are doing when saying that but damn is it annoying to see how easily the general public sees that and says "oh that is normal and okay, its been like that before im sure". I just needed to rant a bit, and I know you on here know that those statements are not true, it isn't normal and it isn't okay, I just pray God put a layer of protection over this nation as it is gonna be a bumpy ride. Thank you for reading my rant by the way, hold strong WWG1WGA.

Kanime1224 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just voted in Texas. Everything seems so be working okay as of now. But keeping my eyes open.

Kanime1224 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Any means necessary to save democracy" that one person said. Isn't "democracy" supposed to be the will of the majority of people through voting? Hmm save democracy by removing votes from those you don't want in office? 🤔

Kanime1224 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hmm my brain went to one place. put a G on the end of that thing and watch them reeeeeee (antifag)

Kanime1224 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nancy looks kinda like Bruce Jenner in that photo. Yikes.

Kanime1224 5 points ago +5 / -0

First thing that came to mind for me. Does this man know God? Hopelessness is a symptom of being apart from The Father and Son. And because of The Son, there is a path to The Father to gain true hope, and purpose by restoring relationship with Him. There is no pain ir suffering The Father can not handle physical or mental. May God reveal Himself to this family and if they already know Him may he reaffirm Himself in their lives and bring them back to Him.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean we can order our own but I know right. I want an official one, Made in America with American recourses, that gives money to GAW to keep the site supported by us. It probably wont happen but would be nice.

Kanime1224 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am so glad that The Lord has given me a new life in Him! As someone who struggled with the sin of homosexuality (lust in pure form really) I have turned my life to God, even if I get thoughts of memories from my old life, I take them captive and give them to God. I am no longer that person, still tempted, but not acting any longer, unless it pleases God and respects the gift Jesus paid for me I will not do it. He has protected me from all of this, in His perfect timing. Praise The Lord. May His Glory be shown through all I do in life.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seem CR be mentioned. Great program however I am currently going through another Christian program called Re:Generation. See if they have one near you as well. Legitimately am finding the root of my sin nature and working with God to strengthen me and heal me fully so I may live a full life for him. My struggles I am recovering from are homosexuality and pornography mainly, and God has already worked numbers on my heart. Re:Generation is a safe place to develop strong relationships with others but most importantly God so that we as believers can walk in freedom from sin with Christ. I wish you the best of luck my fellow believer, may The Lord bless you and keep you.

Kanime1224 17 points ago +17 / -0

In all of this I am reminded that God is larger than all of this, and no power on earth or in hell can ever overcome Him! He has been in control and will always be in control. May everything I do reflect His glory and nature.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is a "bundle" of sticks mean again? just asking for a friend.

Kanime1224 12 points ago +12 / -0

Am I hearing the Hag and Fag 2024 stickers being printed by the mile?

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