I need some help 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by Kanime1224 ago by Kanime1224

I have been spiraling lately in my personal life. Though I think God is using this to bring growth in me and those around me. I recently found a book on some of capitalisms history, however I want to learn for myself some tricks.

So here is my request, Can some of yall recommend good books that while teaching history, I can also learn how people pushed forward and made something for themselves.

I know it may be hard to find something exactly like that but I have a hard time keeping focus, but the history mixed with tips, tricks and good practices would help me majorly.

Anyway thank you all for reading this an I appreciate any help in this search


About half a year ago I confessed to my church community that I am struggling with SSA and posted here on GAW. From there I have been in a 12 step recovery program called Re:Generation. First I must start with I still have this attraction and that is okay, but I am no longer acting on my flesh (No longer seeking Homosexual relations/Porn). I have been searching for the root of my sin nature and have found some connections so far. I did not feel wanted/desired or understood by men in my life growing up, and was sexually abused by a male cousin. Long story short, I see that I used sex as a way to gain that want/desire and understanding from men. Which I felt Wanted/Desired when I was abused. This is a huge eye opening link to what may be what started this sin nature in me. While I have not seen a change in my attraction, like I mentioned I am no longer acting on this sin nature of mine. God is 100% capable of changing this in me, I will not deny His power. But as say to my church family walking with me, I need to first be okay with the idea that I may never be over this attraction, never have a relationship, and never have sexual "gratification" again. This may be the thorn in my side The Lord uses to remind me of where he has taken me, or the thorn may be removed and I can have children and a family that I want to have some day.

I just wanted to give an update for those who have seen my previous post on here. For those who are still active in SSA I am not judging you, I love you all and pray God reveals himself to you as He has done to me. Im not asking for you all to do what I am doing but to just get to know the Father, Son, and Spirit.

Thank you for reading this, any and all of you. Keep me in your prayers. God is great and may His will be done, not my own.


People at my church the pass few weeks who I know are injected have come down sick. I have interacted with them before (only a day or two before they got sick) and after (still have some symptoms most are done though) they where sick and yet I (Uninjected) have not gotten sick, nor my family who is also Uninjected. I just thought I would share, because Its interesting how people who haven't injected that poison into them are fine, but those who have are all getting sick around the same time. It just backs up the findings that its the injected who are getting sick. Thanks for reading, in the end God wins this all.


First year on here down. Many more to go I hope.

Love you all, may God bless you and keep you. Jesus is King of all, as always. Time to keep fighting the good fight for His kingdom another year. If im not dead He is not done with me. May 2022 be the year God bring his perfect justice to the world. But His will not mine be done.


Im still new to this q post world. Truly belive something is happening behind the scenes. Anyways

What was the q post about those being brought into submission being spared. But they will be saying they wont seek re election. I think that was in 2017 if i remeber correctly.

Thank you for the help guys and gals.


my sisters husband is requiring that we get tested to see only my sister and my nieces and nephew. my parents are willing to but I drew a hard line in the on that from the beginning. I know the husband is manipulative and controlling that's been obvious to me for a long time. I am asking for prayer and advice on how to get around that. I am so done with all of this. My sister needs to be around us as a family. Its hard for me to hear my sister crying, but I can not take a test. So that's what I'm going through. I just need prayer and advice.


For the first time in my life I am finally addressing my same sex attraction. I am on the path to a Godly recovery, I know its not going to be easy. This is why I am asking for prayer. Whatever you feel like praying, please do. Strength, courage, accountability, or whatever encouragement you can send my way. I love this community and I have an awesome people in the Church that are walking along side of me. Love you all, wish me luck, the path is narrow and hard to stay on but I do not want to keep falling to this sin nature I am struggling with. Thanks for reading and/or praying over me.


people should be allowed to live lives no matter what. If injected and natural immunity are treated the same, that means they can still push for passports to enact social credit. so you would have to prove you have antibodies or your injection card. I say F*ck all that, who cares everyone should be treated the same. If not looking or feeling sick, you aren't sick, doesn't matter if you have xyz or not. everyone should be allowed to live lives. its the same with "exemptions" and fakes too, exceptions just as legitimacy to the social credit passport system by saying "not for me, but everyone else who cant get an exemption for xyz reason. Also fake cards for injection allow for the system to be implemented in general, and then later they may find your fake card and then its too late, its fully implemented and there is little chance of a turnaround on that.

We need to fight for actual normality, and against this crap the government is trying to do to us.

Thank you for taking your time to read my venting. It is much appreciated.


Me and my brother were headed home from work. And we saw a truck with that amazing WWG1WGA bumper sticker. Totally made my day


Today I was talking to my friend and she said she may have to take the shot (she really doesn't want to but is scared of no treatment). When I asked her shy she said. The "doctors" said to continue treating her for a potential heart condition she must get the "Vax" or they will not continue the blood test/stress tests to see if she has a heart condition. I informed her she does have the right to deny a "treatment" I.E. the shot. she seems like she might not and go find another doctor. This is fucked and I'm sure can result in a lawsuit (idk I'm not a lawyer). But definitely a big red flag (with sickle) when the doctors are saying get it or we wont run tests to see if you have a condition, after they already did some monitoring on her heart for 24hrs. This is some scary shit, imagine that being the future for all medical practice.