KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The picture is a png - Portable Network Graphic. ?

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I rather burn a blue shit hole to the ground, but then we're playing into the left and violating Trump's call for law and order.

KillaKrayon 4 points ago +4 / -0

You don't think Trump put anything in space? I always figured Musk was involved as well. But to what you're saying regarding kinetic space weapons I don't think that's whats up there - I have no clue what they're using but I feel they weaponized something even if it's just a magnifying glass to beam the sun - That's a joke I think....

KillaKrayon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did you see the thread where there was what looked like a VeraCrypt container saved to a Mega drive. I'm looking for the archive that had that too because I wonder if that was the encrypted file. It could have just been stupid shilling but it could also be something to try this password on. Edit - this was over 6 months ago.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lin Wood has claimed to have this was well. I'm sure many others have this as a dead man switch as well with the password verified in public matching the SHA512 hash.

KillaKrayon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can not speak to the truth of it, but there was thread on thread on 4chan six months ago where someone was working on the file. He had a huge source setting on mega but I didn't download it figuring 1st it wasn't going anywhere and second if the key dropped I don't need to be in possession of this file. I've been looking through the archives trying to find the post. I'm sure with this being out someone is going to start a thread about it again.

KillaKrayon 8 points ago +8 / -0

So this means the pedes on 4chan that have the copy of the encrypted archive have whatever is in there. My god the FBI is going to be coming after everyone except the criminals for possession of child porn and snuff.

KillaKrayon 0 points ago +0 / -0

Fucking Luciferian Khazarians, I'm not surprised in the slightest anymore. I'll begin to dig.

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's becoming the show we were promised isn't it. I wish I'd been onto this so much sooner. You guys are awesome.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm new to all of this and knew that one, I'll up-vote or confirm 3/4 was the original inauguration date. I've been studying history like crazy the last few weeks putting it all together for myself. I never put a lot of faith in religion but after the study of the last two millennia I have found god because the pieces fall into place.

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Am I missing something here? I've not had time to dig into these. I'm still stringing together the history of Ashkenazis which were Khazarians converted to Judains - as their religion as ordered by the Russian Czar - that end up combining with Jesuits in the 1770's. -- All so tiresome but needed to understand the world today. So back to my original question, what do I need to be looking for??

KillaKrayon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Uh they outright stole an election right in front of our faces with real evidence. If affidavits are not believable then any evidence ever given as sworn testimony is thrown out too. Like you know holocaust victims, Bosnian Ethnic Cleansing testimony, or any other eye witness testimony. Lets not overlook the video evidence, covering windows to prevent people from seeing what was going on, then the outright hacking of the Dominion software, the Italy connection that makes more sense to me now then when I first heard about it -- happened in Italy but it was China and here's why. So 2024 is over, they're planning to remove the Electoral College and making it so 16 years old can vote. Do I need to point out they stole GA in the exact manner to put in two radical dip-shits. There is no 2022 or 2024 it is over using the old system. The power grab has happened and while we were comfortable and asleep they made us 'Domestic Terrorists' for loving our nation. So please do not spew any voting is the answer BS, the deep state establishment has been exposed. I believe there is something coming -- Missile Battery's located around cites especially DC, they think Patriot Red Necks have air power? BS something else is at play -- I can not confirm this with a Web URL and honestly I've not dug into this too much, feel free to look into it yourself but -- Owners of a local funeral home that I personally know told me the company they're franchised through told them to stock up on body bags and to make sure all refrigerated units are working properly. -- I'm rural 20 miles from the nearest city of any size. They are expecting conflict on US soil this is not Covid Related, or I was told it was outside of the Covid preparation. Something is coming -- There is no 2022 / 2024 plan it is either going to happen and Trump / Flynn / Pompao win or lose but I believe there is going to be an attempt. Sorry this was a long reply but there is no 2024 plan it's do or die we're in the endgame now -- with or without a shot being fired. End Rant

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of accounts were lost during the authentication.win started too. I've only just began this adventure coming from the TDW. I just learned about awaking and conspiracies. I refused to go on Reddit knowing their leftist lunacy to begin with, so I'm new as well -- to contribution that is.

by Jotoku
KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Deport this shit bag

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