Klompo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever happened to all those people who were vaccinated and broadcasting Bluetooth mac addresses?

Klompo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know what I got when Covid came about, but I had fever for 9 days straight. I felt like such a legend, family all telling me to go to hospital, me stubbornly refusing to even see the local doctor. On the 10th day the fever finally broke and I was on my way to recovery. Also nothing in my chest/lungs all good, and I smoked the entire time. It was notlike any flu I'd had before I can say that much.

Klompo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've thought the same thing about the orphaned children who's parents got vaxxed.

Klompo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praise Jesus I don't live with them.

Klompo 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the type I get - zig zag lines. For me, after the zig zag lines subside the migraine soon follows. These are the worst kind of migraine I can get. What I do is immedately drop a powerful painkiller and go lay down. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I don't, but it always stops the big pain after the zig zags.

Klompo 2 points ago +2 / -0

'Millions of illegals mobilize and start attacking citizens in one coordinated effort'

This one holds some weight as the immigration has not just hit America but western counties around the world. The amount of immigrants flooding into the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand is staggering. This is 100% coordinated. I think its a voting scheme/replacements, but so many of military age, mostly male ...it does make you wonder.

Klompo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hydration is the number 1 issue when it comes to migraine. The other is pain management. Migraine should be hit and hit hard by pain killers. Never 'just put up with' migraine. Its one of the biggest mistakes as research shows headache/migraine can be habitual. Smash it out of the park as soon as it arrives with strong painkillers ...codeine and so on. Dark room, take the pill and try sleep.

The other is create a drinking habit and mix it up. A sports drink, orange juice, can of soda and water. Overly urinating will back off after about a week or so as your body adjusts. It doesn't hurt, nothing extreme just upping the amount of fluids, and it doesn't have to be all water. Even Coffee and tea adds to the intake. You'll know in yourself when the migraines go away how much fluid you should stick too, everyone's different.

Klompo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well there you have it, straight from a nurse who's seen it all. She's right though, who's going to care for all these injected people?

Klompo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Putin would be well informed. He knows what Ukraine really is and he knows exactly who and what 'interests' are involved.

Klompo 2 points ago +2 / -0

They need teams of at least 2 to walk the perimeter of the golf coarse. Even those 4x4 electric off road scooters and scout the perimeter if President Trump is golfing.

Klompo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like the plan is hurting folk as they come to terms with reality as it stands today.

Klompo 5 points ago +5 / -0

As I was reading I was thinking of President Trump.

Klompo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Plant based? I hope they weren't feeding people bugs ...

Klompo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I call nonbelievers Burners. You know, Lake of Fire ...

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