Thomas has recently said that he thinks his book didn’t go far enough as well. He has some very interesting new videos and interviews (not on his YouTube channel which is vax talk free, can search for him on Rumble.)
Reposting an older post of mine that compiles a bunch of information and links. Hope it can be helpful to you.
Compiled some of my older replies for you. Hope it helps in your decision making process.
Check out the Plotkin deposition. Video is 9 hours long and can be found on YouTube and Rumble. Basically, the main lawyer who is responsible for recently getting the Pfizer docs (Aaron Siri) deposed one of the worlds foremost vaccine scientist/expert/makers. Lots of good information there. Some links regarding that exchange.
An interview with lawyer Aaron Siri where he talks about the deposition among other things. Pretty good overview to wet your whistle.
From there you can watch the actual 9 hour deposition video. Pretty sure someone in the comments of the video has timestamped it with the questions.
Watch Vaxxed 1 and 2.
I’ve heard good things about the book Dissolving Illusions.
I’m currently reading this book by a parent who’s son was vaccine injured and unfortunately passed away at a young age (20 something). The father has compiled information for 20 years and put out his book for free. Can be found here:
Search for videos by Dr Paul Thomas on Rumble. He also has some good pediatrician videos on YouTube for other kid ailments and whatnot.
He’s a Pediatrician who recently had his license suspended because he was recommending a different schedule for childhood vaccines. His local medical board asked for the evidence for his recommendations which he countered by saying the CDC has never proven the safety of their recommended schedule. He had a 3rd party come in and compare the health of his vax and unvax patients (children) and he found that the unvaxxed were significantly healthier,. Less than a week later the medical board came and took his license away. He’s back working again, but he is definitely someone who has a ton of valuable information.
This video sums up Dr. Paul Thomas’s research.
He mentions this site in some of his videos. Has good visuals and charts.
Interesting. I found some really insightful articles from 2016/2017 about Moderna’s venture into the same sphere. I’ll link a few, but here’s a quote.
“In order to protect mRNA molecules from the body’s natural defenses, drug developers must wrap them in a protective casing. For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.”
That’s from this article
But read this one first because it gives many insights into the company and came out the year prior.
Pitcher and filters from
Really good US based company.
This “study” by a pharma funded doc is model based using vaccine effective numbers that aren’t even close to reality, among other assumptions. The only reason to do that is to arrive at an outcome that will push a certain narrative and keep the sheep scared.
Every model based prediction has been flagrantly wrong and isn’t needed now since we have 2.5 years of actual real world data to study.
Compiled some of my older replies for you. Hope it helps in your decision making process.
Check out the Plotkin deposition. Video is 9 hours long and can be found on YouTube and Rumble. Basically, the main lawyer who is responsible for recently getting the Pfizer docs (Aaron Siri) deposed one of the worlds foremost vaccine scientist/expert/makers. Lots of good information there. Some links regarding that exchange.
An interview with lawyer Aaron Siri where he talks about the deposition among other things. Pretty good overview to wet your whistle.
From there you can watch the actual 9 hour deposition video. Pretty sure someone in the comments of the video has timestamped it with the questions.
Watch Vaxxed 1 and 2.
I’ve heard good things about the book Dissolving Illusions.
I’m currently reading this book by a parent who’s son was vaccine injured and unfortunately passed away at a young age (20 something). The father has compiled information for 20 years and put out his book for free. Can be found here:
Search for videos by Dr Paul Thomas on Rumble. He also has some good pediatrician videos on YouTube for other kid ailments and whatnot.
He’s a Pediatrician who recently had his license suspended because he was recommending a different schedule for childhood vaccines. His local medical board asked for the evidence for his recommendations which he countered by saying the CDC has never proven the safety of their recommended schedule. He had a 3rd party come in and compare the health of his vax and unvax patients (children) and he found that the unvaxxed were significantly healthier,. Less that a week later the medical board came and took his license away. He’s back working again, but he is definitely someone who has a ton of valuable information.
This video sums up Dr. Paul Thomas’s research.
He mentions this site in some of his videos. Has good visuals and charts.
Good info and interview By Michael Knowles. Photos are censored at the start, but give you an idea of the horrific images.
Found some more good info...
This video sums up Dr. Paul Thomas’s research.
His site where he has those slides available. I think there’s a subscription cost.
He mentions this site in that video above. Might be good. I’m going to check it out later.
After watching that video, it’s a bit of a overview rather than an in-depth thing. This one is better.
Vit k I think. That one caught me off guard, so we got it cause it didn’t sound bad ( I don’t think we’d do that now, I think there’s some crap in the vit k shot, but I hadn’t researched it much). Other than that there wasn’t anything else. Here (Canuck country) they don’t do the hep b stuff at birth, but I would have declined that if they asked.
Check out the Plotkin deposition. Video is 9 hours long and can be found on YouTube and Rumble. Basically, the main lawyer who is responsible for recently getting the Pfizer docs (Aaron Siri) deposed one of the worlds foremost vaccine experts and makers. Lots of good information there.
Watch Vaxxed the movie as well.
I’ve heard good things about the book Dissolving Illusions too.
I’m currently reading this book by a parent who’s son was vaccine injured and unfortunately passed away at a young age (20 something). The father has compiled information for 20 years and put out his book for free. Can be found here:
Search for videos by Dr Paul Thomas.
He’s a Pediatrician who recently had his license suspended because he was recommending a different schedule for childhood vaccines. His local medical board asked for the evidence for his recommendations which he countered by saying the CDC has never proven the safety of their recommended schedule. He had a 3rd party come in and compare the health of his vax and unvax patients (children) and he found that the unvaxxed were significantly healthier,. Less that a week later the medical board came and took his license away. He’s back working again, but he is definitely someone I think Has a ton of valuable information.
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