LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what the heck is Swhackd?

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it really feels like we are winning, doesn’t it.

LDSAnon -2 points ago +4 / -6

Sorry to be in the dark on this one. I followed Q closely until he went dark. I got off Twitter after getting banned the third time. Then Voat’s QRV got shut down. What is the deal with this McCabe guy? Is he like another Assange or something? Can someone get me up to speed?

by gamepwn
LDSAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, if they are going to do something, they better get cracking. We are all tired of waiting. Rip the bandage off all at once.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

What difference does it make? Q showed us the Vatican’s corruption. He showed us the Papal receiving hall that looks like a serpent’s head. He showed us pi turns of the Pope wearing vestments with the pedo “boy-lover” symbols and the red “cannibal” shoes. History shows us the link between Jesuits, the Knights Templar, and the Kazars who form the heart of the Cabal.

What difference does it make if Traitor/Pedo Joe takes the Eucharist from any bishop or priest within that corrupt, “mother of harlots?”

LDSAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mosiah Hancock, an early Mormon pioneer, recorded in his journal a remarkable prophecy from Joseph Smith. The prophecy correctly described the trials and persecutions that,would,come upon the Mormons, how they would travel to the Great Basin, and other details that were fulfilled after his assassination. There is a part of that prophecy that is yet to unfold. Keep in mind that, at the time, in the 1840s, the Republican Party did not yet exist. I know there are many people here who have been taught anti-Mormon lies and distortions. I share this in the hope that, as things in America deteriorate, you might remember this, The Latter-day Saints will play an important role in the future. The forces of darkness will bring civil war upon the nation, but it will pull through if we labor together to save it.

“There will be two great political parties in this country. One will be called the Republican, and the other the Democrat party. These two parties will go to war and out of these two parties will spring another party which will be the Independent American Party. The United States will spend her strength and means warring in foreign lands until other nations will say, “Let’s divide up the lands of the United States”, then the people of the U. S. will unite and swear by the blood of their fore-fathers, that the land shall not be divided. Then the country will go to war, and they will fight until one half of the U. S. army will give up, and the rest will continue to struggle. They will keep on until they are very ragged and discouraged, and almost ready to give up–when the boys from the mountains will rush forth in time to save the American Army from defeat and ruin. And they will say, ‘Brethren, we are glad you have come; give us men, henceforth, who can talk with God’. Then you will have friends, but you will save the country when it’s liberty hangs by a hair, as it were.”

by BQnita
LDSAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let’s imagine a situation that could be somewhat common and use it as an analogy.

A well-behaved child sits at a desk in kindergarten, coloring. As he has been properly raised, he good-manneredly colors and stays inside the lines. Suddenly a bully next to him snatches the coloring book away from him. The bully tears up the book and ruins it.

The good child appeals to the teacher to restore order and to administer justice. The meek child is distraught to learn that the teacher is the child’s parent. He has been raised in a dysfunctional, inner-city home where the conventions of civil living are foreign. The law of the jungle prevail there. The bully and his siblings live an almost feral existence with no moral code being taught. All that is valued is power and the willingness to use force to get his way.

What remedy does the good child have? None. Unless he fights back, he will remain a victim. Does your moral high ground allow you to be a perpetual victim?

The Japanese martial arts are based in the principle of Budo. The principle includes the concept that peace and balance should be maintained. When peace is disturbed, sometimes decisive violence is the quickest, most efficient way to restore balance.

As long as we try to color inside the lines, and we do not impose a cost on aggression toward us, the left will never relent. When we finally stand up for ourselves, then Q’s plan has a chance.

What is the “precipice” that Q mentioned? It is the moment we rise to fight back.

by BQnita
LDSAnon 16 points ago +18 / -2

For patriots to affect the left, we are going to have to use their own tactics. We are going to need to dox them and show up at their homes. In colonial times, our forefathers resorted to this. They burned effigies, protested loudly, and they presented a threat of violence. I know nobody wants this to become violent, but the left only fears violence. Until we make them fear, no change will happen. If they know we will never become violent, all they have to do to win is be violent occasionally. That has been their tactic so far.

LDSAnon 32 points ago +32 / -0

Q. How do you get yourself killed by the Deep State tonight?

A. Announce on Twitter that you are going to publish all the information you have tomorrow.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone really think the audit results will see the light of day? Rest assured, if freakin’ aliens landed with proof that the election was stolen and that they could show with complete certainty that Trump won, the MSM would:

A. Not cover it.

B. Cover it and say the aliens were racists.

C. Cover it and call the aliens Nazis.

D. Cover it and say they were part of the Q cult.

If a court doesn’t order the findings sealed, then I guarantee that someone ends up dead, having committed suicide with two bullets in his head while hanging himself from a doorknob with a red scarf.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

My point is that, I asked open-ended questions. The question that developed in your mind was, “Are we f-cked?” If that’s what those questions brought to light, that tells you a lot about where you are with all of this.

I’m not being confrontational. I’m just asking questions. It really makes no difference to anyone what I think.

Do I have an agenda? I studied all the Q drops and participated in research on 8chan, Voat, and 8Kun. I have a background in military intelligence. I don’t think Q was fake, but something about the plan didn’t materialize. I don’t know why.

I hoped that Q and Trump would overthrow the Cabal, which would allow for greater evangelization to countries where the gospel is oppressed by Cabal governments. It looks like that’s not in the cards. Therefore my motives are to incite people to think about their spiritual standing with God and to remind people of the need for repentance. God will save those who repent and try to keep his commandments. There is more power in faith than in governments and armies. The Lord is over all and nothing will change his plan. For those who live according to his plan, death, famine, plagues, wars, political strife is all to be overcome by faith in Christ. If we live by his Spirit, it will whisper to us where to go and what to do.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Open-ended questions. Left you feeling like reading Q drops?

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does that question mean? What qualifies as “f-caked.”

Does it mean the loss of your eternal salvation?


Does the United States have to exist as a sovereign nation for you to work out your salvation with fear and trembling (as the apostle Paul called it)?


Will your life change and will life become more difficult?


It depends on what qualifies as “f-caked.”

As far as I am concerned, I want my grandchildren to grow up in a free America. I also realize that it may be time for God’s earthly kingdom to stand up and take its rightful place in the world. That would be even more desirable. If you follow Christ, none of the Q stuff matters.

LDSAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Harder’s show was talking about the CFR, Clinton traveling to Epstein Island, CIA drug-running through Mena Airport, and other Cabal activity back in the mid-1990s. He also reported on the Branch Dravidian massacre a lot. After the OKC bombing, they wanted to take him out. His broadcast came from a historic hotel building he owned down in Florida. From that location, his show uplink could only hit one satellite. Clinton’s FCC re-allocated the satellite and he lost access to it. The Internet was just coming in at the time. Most people were still on dial-up so streaming audio wasn’t possible.

G. Gordon Liddy used to hammer the corrupt FBI’s hostage rescue team and the ATF for Ruby Ridge. Ken Harbin,”The Black Avenger” was a staunch black conservative.

Many of us have been awake and trying to red-pill people for decades. I first learned about the Cabal when I read Gary Allen’s “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” in the early 1980s. Later on, I wrote a book about it myself, which has been out-of-print for almost two decades.

If I seem impatient with Q and the plan and all the folks who have just recently awakened to the danger, it’s because I have been at this for a very long time.

LDSAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me answer in the style of Q.

Was there a plan?

Were there proofs?

Why did Q tell us to trust Sessions, Huber, Wray, and Durham?

What did any of them accomplish?

Why did Sessions recuse himself?

Where is Huber’s report?

Is Wray a Patriot?

What of Durham?

Why did the military seize Dominion servers in Frankfurt on election night, but but allow the election to be stolen anyway?

Why did Trump’s Supreme Court justices refuse to hear any evidence?

Did “The Plan” fail?

Do the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” say that cities are wired to be blown up if the Cabal loses control?

Did they nearly lose control?

Did they threaten Trump with nuking a US city?

Why did Trump leave office without a fight?

Why does the military allow civilians to continue to die?

Will a few bitter-end anons still be doing decodes and looking for deltas in 5 years? 10 years?

When do SGT Report, Neon Revolt, X22, and Praying Medic throw in the towel? When there are no more vitamin supplements or VPNs ads to sell or when traffic slows to a trickle?

Logical thinking.

Expand your thinking.

Is God’s plan the only hope left?

LDSAnon 0 points ago +1 / -1

Go read the story of Joseph in the Bible, the one whose brothers hated and sold him into slavery in Egypt. Why did they hate their brother? It was because of a vision he had in an inspired dream. In the end of the story, you will see that his brothers ended up doing the unthinkable. They had to humble themselves and go to Egypt to beg for food. Joseph’s identity was hidden from them. He wore a veil and spoke Egyptian. They didn’t recognize him. Yet he saved his family from starving. When they learned who he was, Joseph’s brothers repented. This story is also a prophecy about what is about to occur. Christians will one day know their Latter-day Saint brothers and repent of the evil they said about us. It may take us saving them from famine, but one day, it will happen.


LDSAnon -2 points ago +3 / -5

As much as I loved Rush’s program, he was controlled opposition. Before the OKC bombing, pundits were asking if Bill Clinton was a lame duck. Even Clinton had to go on TV and argue that he was still relevant. After the bombing, the narrative changed to attack “hate radio.” Chuck Harder’s show was deplatformed because his location in Florida only gave him one uplink. The FCC “reallocated” that satellite. Others, like G. Gordon Liddy, Ken Hamlin, faded away. Hannity hangs in their for now. Just let him start talking about George Soros and the Khazars and he’ll have to go set up his own network like Glenn Beck had to do.

Rush saw that his popularity made him a target. For the next couple of years, instead of talking about the Clinton corruption, his show became all about the Big Tobacco lawsuits. (How ironic that tobacco use killed the man!)

Rush would not touch a “conspiracy theory” with a ten foot pole. When callers would call in and bring up those theories, he always discounted them. Only in the last months of his life did he begin to address them, when he knew his time was almost up. Rush did what he could, but he always knew which side his bread was buttered on.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put in a couple of window units. They can’t control them. Problem solved.

LDSAnon 0 points ago +1 / -1

I was in military intelligence. I have a pretty good idea of our military capabilities. I also know human nature. The individual soldiers will have to decide whether or not they will fire upon their fellow Americans. Some won’t do it. Others will blindly follow orders of officers. A great many officers are only concerned with advancing in their career. My experience tells me about less than half the enlisted force consists of patriots.

When you’d ask somebody why they joined the service, very few said “to serve my country” or “patriotism.” One would say, “I got my girlfriend pregnant and I needed to get a job.” Another wanted to get away from the farm or an oppressive family. Others wanted to travel, have an adventure, get job skills, or earn money for education. Blacks and Hispanics rarely expressed any patriotic impulses. In their case, it was often a desperate desire to get out of the inner city, poverty, or to get away from gang culture. For many, the military is a chance to find the door into the middle class.

In combat operations in the US, the military itself will fragment. Imagine the situation: the arrests of the Deep State begin and AntiFa/BLM starts race riots. Black and Hispanic troops will become unreliable. Desertions will occur. Desertion was a huge factor in the American Revolution and the Civil War. That’s because the troops have the option to quit and go home. That’s not possible if you are in Iraq or Afghanistan, but here in the States, it is. Now imagine that the general in charge of your command takes a side against the government/Deep State, but you perceive it as treasonous (as many woke troops will). What if you are a patriot, but your commanders are not, and they stay loyal to the Deep State? Do you follow their orders or not? If not, you could be executed.

We are entering an extremely dangerous situation. The “Plan” will not withstand contact with the enemy. Only God’s plan will survive it. The United States will dissolve into chaos and anarchy, The bright side is that God’s Zion will arise from the chaos and the repentant will flee to it. That is our sustaining hope.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +4 / -3

Constitutionally, POTUS term ends at noon on January 20th. Trump is no longer President. He was cheated out of his legitimate victory, but he is not the Chief Executive. Neither does he claim to be. He rightly says he did not concede, neither did he admit defeat. Nevertheless, his term ended and he was not sworn in.

The courts refused to hear the evidence., The courts will also not act based on any fraud proven in the Arizona forensic audit. The only way the Republic gets fixed is a military coup, like Myanmar, and new elections. If any part of the “Plan” is still in play, it is simply for optics, to try to discourage civilians from interfering if the military takes action.

I’m not convinced that the military will stay together on such actions. I expect that it will fragment and that the US will break apart into regional powers. Civil wars will erupt and the blue states will call 8n UN, Russian, and Chinese troops to bring them aid. Whatever plans Q had are not going to restore the Republic. It is gone.

LDSAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m really surprised that she either hasn’t been released yet or that she’s not dead yet.

LDSAnon 3 points ago +7 / -4

WifeAnon calls these “carrots.” When you feel like giving up, they dangle another, fresh carrot out in front of you so you keep on going. All that ever happens is that we keep on hoping another day. Becoming more skeptical as time goes on. It’s a choice of living your life and being pleasantly surprised if it ever happens or being perpetually disappointed.

LDSAnon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was on Reddit Great Awakening at the beginning, then the powers-that-be shut it down. Q said to go to Voat. There was already a Great Awakening group there, but Q told the folks to create a new one. Then the PTB forced Voat to shut down. When this forum starts to make a ripple, it will vanish, too. Even 8Kun is a sorry remnant of what it once was. Very little real research happening, just people trying to string together deltas from old Q drops.

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