LilMarcoRubio17 2 points ago +2 / -0

People seem more concerned with what’s going on in Canada than literal lizard humanoids eating and raping our children here at home. I pray this board and others refocus their attention to this slightly more pressing issue

LilMarcoRubio17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finally something with a positive message for our youth. Tired of the crap on the radio glorify drugs and violence

LilMarcoRubio17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel like he’s been waiting to unleash all the evidence until Truth goes live. The first post will be DAMING to the left. It will set the military in motion and we will start to see mass global arrests. Trump will take over all major media cooperations and Truth will be the only available broadcasted news source. He is truly playing 5D chess and he’s about to call checkmate. We’re in the end game Pedes time to grab that popcorn

LilMarcoRubio17 7 points ago +7 / -0

I feel that the Q team has direct communications with angels. I think that is how they’ve been so accurate with the predictions. I feel like the angels are gearing us up for the most epic battle the world has ever seen. The battle of Heaven vs. Hell

LilMarcoRubio17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yikes sounds like you’ve taken all the blue pills and need to be woken up. I will pray for you 🙏🏻

LilMarcoRubio17 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Maybe to you. As Americans we were divinely choosen by God to lead the rest of the world. We are at war and at some point youre going to have to pick between larping as a Canadian truck driver or standing up and being a patriot

LilMarcoRubio17 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am unapologetically America first and proud to be an American. I wouldn’t wish being Canadian on my worst enemy. Some of you need to sac up and get your priorities straight. If you and your significant other day dream about being part of a socialist workforce I can gladly show you the door

LilMarcoRubio17 1 point ago +2 / -1

I still have mixed feelings supporting a socialist country like Canada. The Lord chose our country to lead for a reason and simping for Canadians seems like I’m turning my back to God and the plan he wants us to see through

LilMarcoRubio17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t be fooled. They will drive that convoy right across our border. This is just a tactic used by the DS to flood our country with illegals

LilMarcoRubio17 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a feeling Trump is not going to ignore what’s going on in Canada and will soon annex the country and save out northern brothers from tyranny. I don’t feel like the movie truly ends until Trump unites all Christian nations into one and destroys the deep state and all Muslim/socialist/non-believing countries.

LilMarcoRubio17 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is technically treason right? Impersonating a government official on FB? They should not only be removing the page they should be locking up this person up indefinitely!

by BQnita
LilMarcoRubio17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe Hollywood probably tried to relocate to Kazakhstan when shit started to hit the fan. Now I’ll grab my popcorn and start watching these pedos get deported to gitmo 🍿😎

LilMarcoRubio17 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can either believe that they are simply making smart financial moves in a sellers market or that the global pedophile ring is collapsing and all of Hollywood is being forced to liquidate all their assets and go into hiding to avoid capture and public execution. If you follow the principle of parsimony you have to believe the latter is the correct answer

LilMarcoRubio17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes their are rumors of the whole Xiden family eating babies recorded through a funny filter on apple photo booth. These people are sick

LilMarcoRubio17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Before the jab I almost never heard of anyone having a heart attack. Sometimes I wonder if the white hats created the jab to eliminate the physical and mental weaklings in society. Only the strongest remain at the end of the movie

LilMarcoRubio17 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Wouldn’t be surprised if one these girls turn out to be Ashli Babbitt

LilMarcoRubio17 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think this is part of the sting operation by the white hats. They needed to prove sone members of the SCOTUS was working against the will of Trump. Once he returns he will publicly execute everyone who is not in line with the movement

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