Lonegunman65 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I fell for that bullshit during the Y2K craze! Never again. Sure, I have bottled water, extra toilet paper, some canned goods, but to run out in a panic and start buying up survivalist gear? Nope!

Lonegunman65 1 point ago +1 / -0

Election theft isn’t unique in CA but taxes, fees, and the cost of living is out of control because of the election theft and the policies implemented (free tuition for illegal immigrants, etc). Take Pennsylvania for example. There’s election theft during the governors race but Democrats and Republicans share control of the legislature so garbage legislation doesn’t just get a rubber stamp like here in CA.

Lonegunman65 2 points ago +2 / -0

Listen, Newscum lost the recall election yet he’s still in office! The election cheating in CA is off the charts! It doesn’t matter who you “vote” for, they will install whoever they want and pass any proposition they want! When I can register my vehicles in another state for $116 and get those same vehicles a smog certificate for $17 whereas it would cost me $425 plus $100 for a smog certificate here in CA, it’s a no brainer. And by the way, I still live in CA, I’m just choosing to divest as much of my finances as I can out of CA.

Lonegunman65 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does that even mean? Is Trump going to pack up his NY properties and assets and move in the middle of the night? He’s the Republican Presidential nominee for crying out loud!

Lonegunman65 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, moved to a red state and no, I didn’t have to pay an “exit” tax. My guess is that the first people that have to pay this “exit” tax will challenge it in court and California will lose. You can penalize someone for exercising their right to freely move from one state to another.

Lonegunman65 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am so glad that we sold our house in CA back in 2021 and purchased in another state. I have also registered my vehicles in that other state and I will be getting my drivers license in that state this year. Unfortunately I still work in CA for the time being but I will be divesting all our assets and finances out of CA this year. May the state under Newscum’s leadership rot in hell!

Lonegunman65 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course Prop 1 is going to pass. Newscum endorsed it and the cheating mechanism will ensure that it passes. I predicted this long before the election. And it’s complete bullshit that they are still “counting ballots”! At a time when there were no computer tabulators, ballots were counted on the night of an election but now it takes days or weeks to count ballots?

Lonegunman65 15 points ago +15 / -0

He subsequently deleted the tweet but is was creepy! Apparently he’s been texting about Barron Trump for a couple of years even commenting on how handsome Barron was and how he should be a model in one tweet. The guy is a straight up stalker/pedophile!

Lonegunman65 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see she blocked her account view to only accounts she follows or mentions!🤣🤣🤣 That right there tells you how “popular” she really is. She must get a shit ton of hate tweets every time she mentions something.

Lonegunman65 3 points ago +3 / -0

This link is not correct. There aren’t 7 towns/cities named Nineveh that the eclipse will go through. There’s one possibly (Nineveh, Indiana) but the eclipse there is only about 10-15% totality. This link has all the towns/cities that the eclipse will be visible from:


Lonegunman65 1 point ago +1 / -0

WeWell, I guess when Trump said he’d “like to lose everything to see who his true friends and enemies are” may in fact come true.

Lonegunman65 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, has Trump had enough? It was always said that the military would leave the timing up to Trump. Is it about time for Trump to lift the veil publicly and bring all these corrupt bastards to justice before they start seizing his assets?

Lonegunman65 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well we knew the Executive and Legislative branches of government were broken and corrupt and now, due to the NY Trump verdict and this ruling, we now know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Judicial Branch is corrupt and broken beyond the shadow of a doubt! When does the military step in publicly?

Lonegunman65 5 points ago +5 / -0

The selective prosecution argument seems to be the strongest case. Equal protection under the law. If they’re not going to charge Beijing Bidan nor did they charge Hitlery Clinton, then they shouldn’t be charging Trump. And that’s separate from the Executive privilege argument.

Lonegunman65 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well it’s quite obvious why they were flown here. The plain answer is so they can cheat again in the election! Also, according to Dave on the X-22 report, these illegals are the foot soldiers for the deep state so when the SHTF, they can be mobilized to cause chaos just like antifa and BLM did during the spring/summer of 2020.

Lonegunman65 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know , huh? But just take a look at some of the comments on X. It’s hard to believe we breathe the same air as some of those morons!

Lonegunman65 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m talking about the “bigger than 9/11” event that Elon is alluding to. Yeah, there have been citizens killed as a result of the mass illegal invasion but that’s not enough to wake up the morons that still think Bidan is doing a good job.

Lonegunman65 20 points ago +20 / -0

😲I believe him!!! If this is true and American citizens are harmed during any “incident” that may occur, everybody in the Beijing Bidan administration needs to be publicly hung for treason!

Lonegunman65 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like rats fleeing a sinking ship!

Lonegunman65 6 points ago +6 / -0

I saw the movie (both part 1 & 2). I also saw the original David Lynch version back in the early 1980’s and the miniseries staring William Hurt. I have also read all Frank Herbert’s books in the series. This latest movie was infested with Hollyweird PC crap but I didn’t necessarily see any comms.

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