Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

It means shut up and watch the drama, popcorn is popping. They ain't just saying this for the funzies, they're doing it to draw out a reaction.

You wanna know who else is also probably asking your same questions and trying to squirm around it? The guilty people involved.

Either way you look at it, whoever is guilty in there, arrest or not, they're finished. It's not like we will just be like "Thanks, Obama...:" and move on.

Things don't always play out like you think they will.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but maybe this instructs the sec of def to do something, not that the sec of def is doing the instructing.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

James reminds me of Michael from Arrested development in his pauses and mannerisms. Does anyone else see that? Or is it just me.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know there are power outages


Oh shit, isn't there a Q post about rerouting planes or something? I remember reading it the other day and now my brain can't pull it from memory.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or maybe verification that he did his job before crappy media reports otherwise. This is labeling achievements, things that everyone Anti-Trump (and some pro trump) don't even know about. People see Trump as a simpleton who jumped from scandal to scandal filled with ego and ignorance. We know that is wrong, and he is outlining all the things that hardly anyone knew. Hell, I'm learning some things I wasn't aware of before at least in detail.

Ask a anti-trump person "well what do you dislike about trump" and they'll rant and rave about this and that and all the things the media puts on repeat. Then ask them what policies or actions did they dislike? They can name only the issue of the week whatever problem the media perpetuates, that's it. They don't know who Donald Trump is and what he has done.

Being president is more than just being "popular" and I noticed this most strongly when Obama was president, they treated him like a celebrity, who looked good doing photo ops, and the shit he did was just wrong. Nobel peace prize for droning the shit out of everyone. Being president isn't a contest of popularity based on the same level as a celebrity, it's not a joke, it's not fame, it's a job. This is the job that his administration did, and Pompeo wants to outline this because otherwise it's going to get memory-holed into oblivion and Trump will forever not have any good attachments to his first term if people were never aware because no one told them.

Lord_Moo 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know if I really care for that kind of rule. Rather, there is a better way. An obnoxiously large flair on their username claiming "I'M NEW HERE" That way we can see the difference between a vet, a newbie, and a shill, it gives us more information on the tactics they may try and use for the next little bit.

It would seem disingenuous to new users to take away a platform to ask questions and post observations, this is the time where we are grabbing larger new audiences, hell I'm new to great awakening, but no TD. Then I started coming here and I've asked some questions here and there and commented and it's been overall positive.

I just think seeing someone as new might give perspective about the position they are taking whether it is a serious comment or a shitpost shill.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Acting? It's a part of a tactic called "the element of surprise" I mean, if you have an ace up your sleeve are you gonna be all "yea well I got this guys these guys are screwed" so they can make it even worse before you play it?

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe I just don't know how to apply a keystone, I'm not a code person so I am unfamiliar. Like I get the concept but I don't know the application.

Lord_Moo 25 points ago +25 / -0

What is Harvard University Muslim Alumni and why is it relevant now? Sorry I was big into Q in the early days, then life happened and I'm trying to catch back up over the last 3 months so how does this change things?

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh shit, it was that? I was there the day after that. It wasn't all tooooo bad. Nothing I hadn't seen elsewhere before.

I drop my kids off in SLC every two weeks and I also see my brother up there. The day after I saw like a ton of down tree limbs spread everywhere. Few trees down that did some damage, but basically it was just a bad storm. I've lived on the East coast and that sorta stuff happens at least once-twice a year.

It was odd for the area, definitely notable, but it was catastrophic. Seems as though the reasonings for these emergencies are likely anything they can say is just above abnormal.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought someone else would cross reference this too since it seems to be related to this tangent. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/ The latest things Trump has been doing is declaring disasters... of storms in the states listed.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

For the UT one, "straight-line winds from September 7 to September 8, 2020."

I didn't ever hear about anything like this. I think it did get windy around then? Definitely not something so out of the ordinary. Nor do most UT people care about that, it's the most bizarre thing to make a big deal out of. No one talks about "Damn the winds nearly got me this year" I mean that's my opinion. Definitely arbitrary reasoning for UT because I live here and literally no one really even had a second thought about it.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Might I also point out that the line says "Do not let** personal** (emotional) desires... take over.

If you go to his other account, first word in his description is just "personal account" Now yea, that's a normal phrase and everything is used properly just fine. But I find it odd that the first words is also personal.

There are definitely a lot more ways he could have addressed his personal account description, OBVIOUSLY it's his personal account. Maybe just a crumb of a crumb of detail but barley noteworthy so I'll leave it here.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check the Q posts 4041 4520 4842 and then 4900. The first 3 relate to covid. The other is a link to the Weiner laptop, and says do you see a pattern.

I think it may reference Pelosi's laptop and she is gonna be busted for the coordination for pushing the Covid agenda from the evidence pulled from her laptop.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think if you were to ask yourself the benefit for doing something like this is that there is a lot of strange activity and the deep state can't notice every small detail like the millions of people who are wondering what the hell is going on in the country. The OP noticed it. It could be a sign for someone else who was supposed to noticed it. It could be something to make the deep state ask WTF does this mean and freak them out even more.

You could say it is working when we see Pelosi shitting her pants. I don't think we have to figure out what it means to know what it was intended to do.

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