MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't let cognitive bias affect discernment. We're all wanting more MOABs and proofs.

White and black hats are playing psych warfare. When people like jonheretohelp aren't banned from twitter it gives me pause.

MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trees need CO2 to survive.

Democrat.exe has stopped working

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in the Bay Area and don’t wear a mask. Felt like a normal day today. Most everyone masked up and I’m not.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to believe. He just followed my ‘digital camo’ account last week with 31 followers! My avatar is a photo of John Trump.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is some Reno 911 level shit.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Come to think of it, I'm going to go ahead and seek funding for this.

At first, sure, they'll see cognitive improvement, but after about a year it will just play Trump memes and the national anthem on a loop inside a person's head. They'll need involuntary MAGA "security patches" to make it stop.

Thanks for the business model Bill!

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

One theory is that this is ushering in a Brave New World scenario. Think about what the transhumanists and technocrats want, and how will they get it.

They want a chip implanted in us to more easily track, monitor, and control us, 24x7.

This chip could be sold, and may actually function, as a cognitive upgrade, only to the vaccinated. Can you imagine how popular they could make that upgrade through their celebrity marketing? As they've proven with the vax, the risks would be completely ignored, censored, etc. It could connect to your Apple watch or iphone and could capture and monitor "critical health data"

If chronic brain fog (or worse) befalls humanity, this cognitive upgrade will not only be desired, but become a necessity to survive, e.g. human labor competing against kiosks and other automation tech.

I don't think this is far fetched at all.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

RR was original context. Also relevant in the news...nice find anon. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/1762818.html#1762912

MAGASTORM17 5 points ago +6 / -1

This might need to be its own post and sorry for hijacking the thread, but I have been “watching the water” and I will speak specifically to Northern CA including the Bay Area/Silicon Valley, Sacramento, etc.

We are at DEFCON 1. This is NOT a drill. If anything the media is hiding what’s coming.

First, multiple reservoirs were ordered drained by FERC, the federal energy commission, ostensibly for earthquake retrofits, in spring of last year.

Second, there is a drought, but I can tell you with near absolute certainty it is being manufactured through geoengineering. There is weather warfare taking place in our skies. It is a clearly observable phenomenon that I have documented with hundreds of photos and videos. On some days planes are playing tic tac toe. It’s bad. I am convinced that whatever it is they’re spraying, even if they claim its purpose is “solar radiation management”, is killing trees and vegetation.

Third, the Fed allocates/supplies a certain amount of water deliveries to the state. Those have been cut drastically this year. This is going to hit farmers hardest, but water rationing was enacted last week in many counties.

Fourth, “wildfire” season is upon us. Partly through geoengineering, as mentioned above trees are dying in massive numbers. These aren’t drought deaths. These are disease and chemically induced deaths. Entire groves are dying even in riparian areas where root systems are completely submerged in rivers/streams.

My only conclusion is CA through the assistance of guess who - Bill and Melinda Gates Found - is going scorched earth on the state this year. I would anticipate massive fires, which will be used as a water restriction weapon against citizens. What’s their motive? Agenda 2030? Cheap farmland grab? All of the above?

Before anyone says that CA deserves it, remember we have been likely dealing with fraudulent elections for years. Reagan was our governor and there are many based Patriots and a ton of military here. American flags are flying on overpasses and farmers overwhelmingly support Trump. I firmly believe CA went for Trump in 2020.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very interesting. Trump repeatedly has used/uses the term plague.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

It somehow “escaped” to every country on the planet.

Escaped my ass.

MAGASTORM17 19 points ago +19 / -0

You mean that plane with no engines or passengers or any other wreckage other than a few scraps of bent aluminum lying around the pentagon lawn?

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cue up the fires, which will provide an excuse for more masking. White unmarked mil and civ jets have been spraying the mountains and hills almost nonstop for weeks now. From what I can tell it’s mostly Galaxy Globemaster III’s and KC135s

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are trials ongoing for HCQ which has shown positive results with pancreatic cancer.

MAGASTORM17 30 points ago +30 / -0

CA is discussing re-zoning and converting malls that shut down due to COVID into high density housing.


MAGASTORM17 12 points ago +12 / -0

We know from history and from people like Yuri Bezmenov that the useful idiots and their protected groups are the first to go once their purpose has been fulfilled (pushing social justice). Flags and 'showing pride' just makes them easier to ID.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m with you most days, but…remember “have faith in humanity.”

We are in the midst of a soft landing for normies. As lies like the China virus origin are revealed more will awaken. By the time we get to the children they will be ready to accept the media and their Deep State minders ARE the enemy of the people.

Think about show cancellations. Many celebrities will be called out and cancelled over lesser crimes, like what’s happened with Teigen and Ellen. By the time disclosure of crimes against children comes they will have largely faded from public consciousness. The sheep will just remember ‘oh yeah, we always knew he/she was a scumbag’. If it’s not done this way too many will completely lose their minds.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +3 / -1

I want to point out an important distinction that there are normal lodges and clandestine lodges. They're both occult-oriented and antithetical to Christianity of course.

But most everyday people join a local lodge thinking it's just a social club like Toastmasters or Kiwanis, not knowing the secrets of the higher degrees and clandestine lodges reserved for adepts or the illuminated.

MAGASTORM17 8 points ago +8 / -0

So here's how it's playing out in CA, courtesy of Dr. Lockdown Sara Cody in Santa Clara County (silicon valley, etc):

Employers will be required to identify in the next 2 weeks (from tomorrow) which employees have and have not taken the vaccine.

Any employee who a. refuses to disclose their 'status' or b. haven't been vaccinated will be required to be segregated from those who have.

When a COVID case arises, public officials MUST be notified.

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