MAGA_Patriot_1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I certainly entertain all thoughts on this, and it would be great if WH controls.

Another thought I had is that if you follow the money far enough the same people that control Fox News also control Dominion.

The same people who control Newsmax also control Smartmatic.

At the end of all of this, one sues the other, and the other pays to settle, but the money all stays in the same pool.

Maybe when someone receives a settlement it is considered "tax-free" and it's just another way to launder money from one entity to another.

In this scenario, election fraud can occur, and some media will say no proof can be found. For those who say fraud did occur, they will be sued. They will settle which makes them look guilty. But in the end, they are just paying themselves settlement fees. They are just stirring the giant slush funds around in their bucket.

And then this allows all the Sheeple to say, "See, no fraud!"

Purely speculative brainstorming.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 11 points ago +11 / -0

Someone said their audience's understanding level is 3rd grade.

So they said, oh, thanks, and started interviewing 3rd graders.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

The WI Supreme Court went full Commie a couple of years ago. IMO, they cheated their asses off to get two commies in there.

This Commie Court will no doubt sink this lawsuit. Had this lawsuit been brought earlier, it would have been sunk before the election and allowed for massive illegal voting activity.

By bringing this case to a conservative area circuit court (Waukesha County), they may rule in favor of the plaintiff. The appellate court may as well. But I can assure you the Commie Court will throw it all out.

The previous WI Supreme Court ruled ballot drop boxes as illegal. The first thing the commies did was overturn the WI Supreme Court decision and make ballot drop boxes legal again.

Courts, especially Supreme Courts, rarely, if ever, overturn previous Supreme Court decisions on the same issue. It stinks of corruption and the politicization of the courts.

Anyways, if the circuit court and appellate court can keep illegals off the ballot before and during the Nov 5th vote, maybe they can help save the republic.

The commies are obviously trying to destroy it.

All my personal opinion. No sauce.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "plan" in plandemic called for illegal drop boxes to be used to flood the vote with millions of extra ballots in battleground states. The $400 Million in Zuckerbucks were used for this purpose. It was all planned in advance. The boxes were more than just random "ideas" that turned out to be bad.

The WI Supreme Court Outlawed drop boxes.

The left cheated and stole the midterm elections to install commies on the state supreme court.

First order of business for the commie court? Vacate the previous Supreme Court's decision and declare drop boxes legal again.

This stuff is in the wide open. They aren't trying to hide a thing.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe it was to bring attention to the matter. Gotta use gloves so as not to "tamper" with the box, and wear a hat to conform to OSHA standards. πŸ˜‰

Wausau Mayor Doug Diny made a bold move on Sunday, taking matters into his own hands and physically removing an absentee ballot drop box from outside City Hall.

Diny donned work gloves and a hard hat as he carted away the unsecured drop box on a dolly, ensuring its safety until the city council could make an official decision, AP reported.

While liberal critics screamed β€œvoter suppression,” Diny stood firm, insisting that his actions were intended to protect the voting process from potential abuse.

β€œThis is no different than the maintenance guy moving it out there,” Diny said, dismissing the overblown accusations of voter interference.

β€œI’m a member of staff. There’s nothing nefarious going on here. I’m hoping for a good result.”

β€œMy position is that this city does not need one,” he said.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 20 points ago +20 / -0

All these foreign interference allegations...

Reminds me of ...


MAGA_Patriot_1776 10 points ago +10 / -0

And said key will be returned fully lubed for any future locks.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks u/bigsix

For those not aware, Waukesha County has historicaly been a conservative bastion which counters Milwaukee and Dane counties.

This case has a chance at the circuit level, IMO. Probably has a chance at the Appellate level, and will be tossed by the commie Wisconsin Supreme court. But that may be after the election. So this may be good timing. We shall see.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

And this too...

If this trend holds, the Trump-Vance ticket is positioned to win the national popular vote and make significant gains in the Electoral College, potentially flipping states like Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Virginia.

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