Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +3 / -1

I believe it is that. I understand that I may be disappointed tomorrow, but I still believe it is that.

The pieces are there, National Guard activated in major cities across the US, Election narrative fail, Ukraine narrative fail, COVID narrative fail, George Floyd narrative fail -- and the preparation for DECLAS is in the quiet peripheral exposure of the Israelite control machinery in Hollywood and now FTX/DNC.

This is a much more optically coherent stage than we have had yet.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 7 points ago +7 / -0

From Left to Right

  1. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe

  2. Army General Mark Milley, U.S. Army Chief of Staff

  3. Marine Corps General Robert Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps

  4. U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Paul Zukunft, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard

  5. Navy Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, Commander, U.S. Southern Command

  6. Army General Raymond A Thomas, Commander, US Special Operations Command

  7. Marine Corps General Thomas D. Waldhauser, Commander, U.S. Africa Command

  8. Air Force General Paul Selva, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

  9. Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

  10. Defense Secretary James Mattis

  11. President Donald Trump

  12. Vice President Mike Pence

  13. Navy Admiral Michael Rodgers, Director of the National Security Agency

  14. Navy Admiral John Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations

  15. Army General Joseph Votel, Commander, U.S. Central Command

  16. Air Force General David Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff

  17. Air Force General John E Hyten, Commander, US Strategic Command

  18. Air Force General Joseph L. Lengyel, Chief of the National Guard Bureau

  19. Air Force General Lori Robinson, Commander, Northern Command and NORAD

  20. Patrick M. Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense

  21. Navy Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command

  22. Air Force General Darren W McDew, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command

  23. U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral Karl Schultz, Commander, Atlantic Area

My opinion, Not reading too much into it. This assembly does not include Space Force, as it had not been stood up at the time photograph was taken. Our take on Space Force was that it was a clean and fully vetted branch of the military. Which means 1 the other branches were not clean and 2 countermeasures were taken. Important points that should counter the military is compromised dooming to an extent. The problem was identified and countermeasures were taken.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pompeo's tweets are arguably sardonic.

Tell them their Ukraine agenda is fucked without saying their Ukraine agenda is fucked.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 8 points ago +8 / -0

Semitic as a linguistics term is the only way the word has meaning today. As an ethnic term it's a horseshit term used to advance Jewish fragility. By today's definition the Palestinians, who are descendants of semitic speaking people, are "anti-Semitic".



Here's an interesting group of semitic people. The last above ground gnostics who claim John the Baptist as one of their own, and John the Baptist was a relative of Jesus. Same tribe. Neither were Israelites.


Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus al Nazir? (The Nazarene)


But then Jew converts had a few competing brands that would eventually be reduced in number and centralized by the brand with the best marketing, financial, military, intelligence and lawfare. Non absorbable brands (Goy/Gnostics) were burnt at the stake. (Sound like a familiar story?)

Playbook is there. The artifacts of narrative manipulation of history, the usurpation of other's ideas and life's work to steer, control and ultimately centralize power under their leadership. Divide and conquer. Consolidation of academia, medicine, law, finance, intelligence, theater, arts, media. The people that carry false flags. Language confusion.


Sorry for the disorganized post. It's late.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 11 points ago +11 / -0

I once forgot how old I was. I just didn't count a year at some point. I aged 2 years that year

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you sauce that?

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +2 / -1

This Q is a different voice. (lexicon/mind)


Original Q: The only time in 4000+ posts "Endless" is used was within a quote by someone else (George Orwell, 1984).

New Q: "Endless" used 9 times in 2 posts.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the conservative side, they do, for local elections sake, they go as families, 2-3 generations deep.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 8 points ago +10 / -2

Maybe they didn't give us the real bible.

We have one God that knows every heart and knows the exact count of every hair on the head of every human and we have "I gotta test you Abe, just to be sure" God.

I'll take the downvotes.

I know the voice of my shepherd. https://biblehub.com/kjv/john/10.htm

Make_CA_GreatAgain 28 points ago +28 / -0

I suspect Democrats that actually vote are around 10%. You cannot convince me that millennial liberals actually vote. They cast their OPINIONS on Instagram for everyone to see but their VOTES, done anonymously, won't get them any ❤️s or 👍s -- and voting is boring and they don't get paid to do it, and it's optional. They don't even bother.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 13 points ago +13 / -0

From a veteran, the anons are impressive. All volunteers, unpaid, all for love of country. A civilian population that endeavors to be worthy sons and daughters of their nation.

Thank you for your service.

More accurately thank you for giving a fuck enough to serve our nation. It is a choice, and you could have chosen not to.

You likely won't get any memorials or awards or accolades, but when all is said and done no monument is greater than the lives and work and loss and victory they represent. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, I always thought of as applying to any and every patriot who did their good work because it needed to be done, and not for recognition. We honor the Unknown Soldier because he is simultaneously none of us and all of us at the same time. He was an Anon and a soldier.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Fuck, we don't even have this many registered voters, how do we make these go away?"

Make_CA_GreatAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

When you allow yourself to be ignorant, the official sources that "inform" you effectively tell you what to think by making everything an A or B multiple choice scenario.

Always the normies must choose A or B.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Derp State benefits from us seeing Desantis as a turncoat. They can condone him and sow division, and they can condemn him and sow division. This narrative is too good for them not to engage and expend ammunition on.

If Desantis is self-serving then turning coat is illogical. It's career suicide. At best it is a Kamikaze move to derail MAGA and exit the stage. Desantis, if Derp State, would be too valuable an asset, in perfect position, for them to expend for so little gained compared to what they could do with him 6 years from now (a legitimate strong presidential candidate with popular support and genuine good will from the people.)

Logically, turning coat here makes no sense for the DS or for Desantis or for MAGA. It doesn't add up.

The beneficiary here, if it's a ruse however, is exclusively MAGA. Ron might be taking one for the team as he exits the stage, if his pedigree has too much Derp State in it then it may have been a condition of the clean up that he will exit the stage at some point.

This is the pre-season finale plot twist part of the show. Midterms and Turncoats.

Next season should be good. Tune in on the 15th to see the exciting Season Finale of Survivor : Derp State Shuffle

Make_CA_GreatAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a really dumb narrative. This reminds me of the Jan 6 narrative. Actual Events do not sync up with the script. They scripted this thing like the midterms did not go in our favor.

The sock puppets don't adjust to events, they stick to their script no matter how tone deaf it is.

Actual Events, we're winning.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +5 / -2

Out of the woodwork a wild-eyed Linn Wood appears in divisive times once more to establish a side in a narrative of division that makes no sense.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Audit all fifty. America has got the shits, we need to see what the fuck is going on in that kitchen.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the move. We got a new stage, Desantis will probably lean into the narrative a bit so these tools will turn coat thinking this is their big moment to turn the battle.

Enjoy the spotlight RINOs.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not too worried about it. It's a tone deaf narrative and you can see the thing is a boomerang the moment they threw it.

They're going to out a bunch of controlled opposition info peddlers and RINOs. The endorsed candidates will be particularly interesting to see how they react to this narrative.

Trump's not really threatened by this narrative at all. The normies that end up chasing this one are kinda weak minded. TheSorting continues. Needs to be said, the quantity of people around me is much much less, but the quality is way up from what it was 6/4/2 years ago. I imagine Trump says the same exact thing for his own circle.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

They smelled out a wedge, now they're going to drive it in. Is Ron going to play into it?

Make_CA_GreatAgain 14 points ago +14 / -0


Also, remember to do normie shit and keep building your lives and building your bases and troops offline. Fuck the doom shills. If it all collapses you have resources in other patriots. WWG1WGA. Don't neglect your normie shit, this doesn't end with us hiding in bunkers eating beef jerky and canned beans hoarding silver and toilet paper.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same. Empowering the smallest unit of organization to the highest competency of self-governing possible is the most effective and resilient format any nation could work towards.

  • Individual
  • Family
  • Clan
  • Community/Tribe (Confederation of Clans)
  • County/Band (Confederation of Communities/Tribes)
  • State (Confederation of Counties/Bands)
  • Union (Confederation of States)

If every unit is strengthened at it's lowest levels first the larger organizations are stronger by way of being made of stronger materials. It is optimal.

Democracy is something of a compliment to a republic structural ideal, not the foundational principle. It is not effective if the republic structural ideal is not effective, but vice versa democracy can be shit and a republic structural ideal will still be effective and resilient with maximum redundancy hardwired into the system at every level of the social/economic/governing order.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, Fight With Kash. Kash's work is solid, even if the work is difficult to understand, at least you know it is being done in earnest. Which is the issue with a lot of other characters in the mix. Anon vetting is serious shit. Desantis, MTG, Flynn, Elon, even occasionally Trump. No one is above being reassessed.

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